Experts Tell Us the Best Books on Strategy Development

Photo by Yan Krukov
2 years ago
This article showcases our top picks for the Books on Strategy Development. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Built to Last by Jim Collins

This product was recommended by David Reed from LLC Stars

Built to Last examines the characteristics and behaviors of innovative and long-lasting companies. It covers topics such as setting goals, building a cult-like culture, and managing change and lays out a framework for creating enduring enterprises. The authors compare companies like Procter & Gamble, Walt Disney, and Marriott with lesser competitors and outline the keys to industry leaders’ success and longevity. This is a great business book that explains why some businesses grow and succeed, and is a great choice for someone new in business, with really great and helpful information.

Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore

This product was recommended by Anna from Ucanproduction

Many innovative businesses build initial momentum with enthusiastic early adopters but are unable to win over the broader, more lucrative mainstream market. As a result, they severely limit future business growth and fail to capture the full profit potential of what they’ve built. Crossing The Chasm explains how to market disruptive products to a mainstream audience. The insights apply to any product or service that requires customers to change their habits or behaviors to use it. So, if your solution breaks with industry norms or challenges the status quo, this is a must-read book for you.

Swipe to Unlock by Neel Mehta

This product was recommended by Debbie Meeuws from Nature’s Arc

This is an easy to digest business book. If you are someone who has not taken business classes or someone who needs a refresher course on what you learned from college, this is the perfect companion. It applies real world scenarios and explains the theory using simple knowledge.

Good Strategy Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt

This product was recommended by Patricia Stone from Kuhlmann Electro-Heat A/S

Excellent strategy book that exposes the folly of pseudo-strategy and erroneous thinking is presented in this book, which is both appealing and engrossing. Among the funniest parts of the template is that it provides you with a list of mission, vision, and goals that you can fill in with any company or industry name. As this template illustrates, using the wrong method is all too often. The term strategy has come to represent a vaguely motivated, useless collection of pie in the sky desires sprinkled with politically correctness cliches in many companies.

Playing to Win by A.G. Lafley

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

Procter and Gamble is the subject of the majority of the book. Working managers and students studying business administration will benefit from this book, especially those in the FMCG industry, as most examples are from P&G. A bird’s eye view of how the strategy works and why having one that helps you come first or win in the marketplace is shown.

Business Strategy by The Economist

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

This book is for those new to strategy and who want to learn the basics. This is the greatest strategy book to start with if you are a beginner in the company. It covers practically all facets of business and explains the principles.

Strategy That Works by Paul Leinwand

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

One of the most important corporate strategy books ever written. Business leaders who do not grasp the fundamental principles presented in this book are unlikely to succeed. Excellent examinations of how prominent companies apply these principles.The book underlines the need to focus on an identity that cuts through the noise and can lead to progress rather than the other way around.

The Strategic Career by Bill Barnett

This product was recommended by Tim Absalikov from Lasting Trend

The book is a kind of guide for those who want to become successful. The author teaches the readers to implement business principles in order to construct a long-term career plan. No psychological contemplations, just a clear scheme of how to reach the goal. You will learn to develop and reach the targets, and use your opportunities and skills to the fullest.

Transformative Entrepreneurs by J. Harris

This product was recommended by Stephen Keighery from Home Buyer Louisiana

This chronicles the founding of great companies founded by the entrepreneurs in the title. Because it gives concrete examples, learning from it is really easy. It also details the execution of each vision by these entrepreneurs, Comprehensive and historically-accurate, this is a must read for every starting entrepreneurs.

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

This product was recommended by Jason White from All About Gardening

Simon Sinek’s book, Start with Why, dissects the simple yet often overlooked strategy of starting with your why before anything else. The full title encapsulates it best — Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. The book breaks down this concept in a way that can help its reader focus on their Why in order to influence their What, instead of vice versa. The book is a great resource for leaders and business owners. It is a short but impactful read that leaves you reassessing the way you are doing your strategy.

HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategy by Harvard Business Review

This product was recommended by Stephen Light from Nolah Mattress

While it might not have the catchiest title, Harvard Business Review has truly created a gem of a book by compiling its ten strongest essays on business strategy. Each essay is written by a different business authority, including many with their own novels regarding strategy development. Rather than a single perspective, this book provides a truly comprehensive look at strategy from multiple perspectives. It covers the most important aspects of business strategy and helps leaders identify their business’s strategic framework.

Your Next Five Moves by Patrick Bet David

This product was recommended by Chris Mitchell from Intelus Agency

It’s a great book on strategy because it’s based on the game of chess, which is relatable for most people. It has lots of great advice on building a company’s missing, and lots of team building tips.

Measure What Matters by John Doerr

This product was recommended by Chris Mitchell from Intelus Agency

It’s one of my favorites because as the Founder of a data-driven LinkedIn marketing agency, I appreciate the emphasis on using smart goals and OKRs (objectives and key results) to accelerate growth.

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