Experts Tell Us the Best Books on Swing Trading Strategy

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2 years ago
This article showcases our top picks for the Books on Swing Trading Strategy. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

How to Swing Trade By Brian Pezim

This product was recommended by Theola Tinney from Vinpit

When I first started swing trading, I used to read this book and make it as a reference. As a beginner trader, you will be taught where, how and what to expect from swing trading which is very helpful. You can later develop your own strategy for swing trading. The author also includes his rules and strategies that he has used to make profitable trades.

In Depth Guide to Price Action Trading By PA Traders

This product was recommended by Theola Tinney from Vinpit

I believe the ultimate swing trading strategy lies in the price action. At least that was what worked for me for the past 5 years. I recommend this book because it shows in depth analysis of price action movements and techniques. Apart from the core topic of price action, you can find swing trading strategies that can be used by using additional tools such as fibonacci levels. This book will make you understand the risk-reward ratio for any markets, for example stocks and Forex. Once finished this book, I can confirm that you are able to make your own successful trade.

Swing Trading Strategies: Why 95% Of Traders Lose Money and How to Become 5% Who Succeed By Truman Chapman

This product was recommended by John Li from Fig Loans

Chapman helps mitigate some of the risks in the “high-risk, high-reward” model common in many swing trading strategies. *Though he does take you through the market basics, beginners may need the help of Google close by if they’re unfamiliar with the investment terms peppered through this book. Still, the author’s battle-tested strategies are well worth the read.

Street Smarts: High Probability Short-Term Trading Strategies By Linda Bradford Raschke

This product was recommended by James Diel from Textel

This book has served as the ultimate comprehensive manual for swing trading for the last 25 years, a timeless classic that anyone interested in the subject should read. The authors include 20 of their best strategies for swing trading including the effective ‘buy new lows/sell new highs’ approach. You’ll learn how to recognize the market’s patterns and use them to your advantage.

The Ultimate Guide to Swing Trading By Steve Burns

This product was recommended by Scott Lieberman from Touchdown Money

Burn’s approach to swing trading is accessible even by the beginner trader, thanks to his no-nonsense and jargon-free writing style that explains the process beautifully. Since most swing traders aren’t keen to sit in front of a screen watching numbers all day, this book shows you how to turn a simple commitment to swing trading into a stockpile of money and successful investments.

Swing Trading Strategies: 3 Simple and Profitable Strategies for Beginners By Charles Reis

This product was recommended by Ally Mashaura from Adventures Pursuit

This book is a straightforward guide for those who are new to investing or trading. With only 66 pages, it is the shortest book on the list. It is close, however, to the stage and makes good use of the available space. Swing trading is described in over half of the pages, which will be useful. The reader is introduced to three alternative trading tactics in the second half of this book. These strategies are well-covered and a great place for a beginner to start swing trading. This book, one of the best swing trading books, packs a lot of knowledge into only a few pages, but the finer nuances have definitely been overlooked. Instead, the author opts for broad generalizations. Some novices may want to study more case studies after reading this book, but it serves as an excellent foundation.

How to Make Money in Stocks By William J. O’Neil

This product was recommended by Shawn Plummer from The Annuity Expert

For stellar advice on swing trading, I recommend William J. O’Neil’s How to Make Money in Stocks. This is a hefty guide based on a number of historical studies dating back to the 19th century. You learn the fundamentals before he introduces you to swing trading as it took off in the modern day. Essential context for understanding the systems underlying swing trading without being overly technical or academic.

The 97% Swing Trade By Tim Morris

This product was recommended by Allan Stolc from

The 97% Swing Trade is a book that comes after the name of the strategy coined by Tim Morris. The author used his financial expertise for over ten years to outline a straightforward swing trading system. It does not employ any special program, has no complex algorithms, and is reasonably affordable for novice and experienced traders. This book’s central point revolves around devising a practical approach that results in a 17.50% annual return, 10-day average trade duration, and a success rate of 97.71%.

TRADING: 2 Books in 1- Swing Trading for Beginners & Swing Trading Strategies By Matthew J. Swing

This product was recommended by Kimberly Silva from FindPeopleFirst

The author discusses the different ways of trading and their associated tools to analyze the efficiency of the trading. The fundamentals of trading concepts are listed in this book. It serves as the best guide for beginners to try trading for the first time. There are two volumes and both the books focus on the simple methods to perform trading and the unique modes that yield better outcomes.

Swing Trading For Dummies By CFA Omar Bassal

This product was recommended by Stella Cooper from PaydayLoansUK

Swing trading for dummies will show you how to increase profit, navigate the market, and manage risk. In this lucrative trading strategy book, you will learn trading in international markets, chart patterns, technical indicators, financial system basics, algorithm trading, new accounting rules, and how to run into moving asset prices. Understand money management, journal keeping, fundamental analysis, and strategy planning. This book will help you grow your asset with swing trading in any market. Develop and implement your trading plan and calculate your performance.

Mastering the Trade by John Carter

This product was recommended by Anthony Martin from Choice Mutual

What Mastering the Trade does that almost none of the other swing trading books do is address the psychology of the trader. By really putting you in the shoes of a trader you see how personal and psychological factors, things like sunk-cost fallacies, addiction, divorce, can all be just as influential on your trading decisions as any chart or statistic.

Dividend Investing and Swing Trading By Joey Thompson

This product was recommended by Cindy Corpis from SearchPeopleFree

A Complete Guide on Investing, Options, Day Trading, Forex Trading, Future Trading, Dividend Growth Investing and Passive Income for Early Retirement”. A reinvestment approach that automatically reinvests the money received by your dividend assets is disclosed in Dividend Growth Investing. Dividend stocks with high yields and how to choose the ideal one just for you. How to apply time-tested investment approaches to avoid the pitfalls and risks associated with dividend growth investing. Steps to help you create a premature retirement account and a long-term revenue stream. How to Get the Most Out of Dividend Investment Tax Breaks. The six unbreakable dividend investment principles, plus much more!

Trading for a Living by Dr. Alexander Elder

This product was recommended by Brian Dechesare from Breaking Into Wall Street

This popular modern classic by Elder covers a broad range details and lessons integral to successful trading. It is full of practical advice and tips to help you create a broad and mature perspective on many aspects of trading, including psychology, money management and market comprehension.

Swing Trading as a Part-Time Job By Brett Brown

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

This little-known gem is essential reading for anyone interested in swing trading. Unlike many swing trading publications, the author provides the information in an approachable and enjoyable manner. The author writes from personal experience, which can be a refreshing change from the typical study paper provided by most trading books. Swing Trading as a Part-Time Job provides an excellent foundation for starting swing trading. The writer keeps the writing simple and, more importantly, free of fluff. It sheds light on the facts, which may be annoying for those hoping for an all-in-one financial package, but it is thorough and valuable as a broad framework.

An Innovative Guide to Trading with Lower Risk By Warwick Khan

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

It’s an Innovative Guide to Trading with Lower Risk gives a basic overview of swing trading. From specialized and graph investigation to hazard management, this Warwick Khan book does a fantastic job covering the basics. This is an excellent resource for a new dealer or someone interested in learning more about swing trading.

Swing trade strategies: The complete beginners guide By Simon Jordan

This product was recommended by Stella Scott from EasyPaydayLoan

This book provides an ultimate list of swing trading strategies to enable you to trade profitably on the stock market. It provides a comprehensive beginner’s guide and elaborates on options trading, day trading, and short-term investing strategies. The author explores the stock market and seeks to help you navigate the stormy trading waters successfully. He explains how to manage the swings mentally and become a better investor and the best tools and platforms to trade on.

Profitable day and swing trading By Harry Boxer

This product was recommended by Stella Scott from EasyPaydayLoan

The author, Harry Boxer, is a highly regarded trader who seeks to share proven trading techniques through his book. This book explains how to recognize trading chart patterns, identify trades, and make entries and exits. Harry uses it to elaborate on how to maximize profit while limiting losses. He introduces his concept of price-volume surges as a key to recognizing the most lucrative trades. This text is an indispensable resource for swing trading.

Trading Strategies: Day Trading + Swing Trading By Mark Swing

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

This book will provide you with a step-by-step guide filled with tried-and-true tactics for drastically increasing your chances of success. You will learn how to invest in the stock market and, more importantly, how to discover and value the greatest stocks in the market. To get very high returns, you’ll learn how to recognize the information you need and analyze charts.

Swing Trading For a Living By Gimm Livmor

This product was recommended by Jason Cordes from CocoLoan

This three-in-one book contains all you need to know to become a skilled trader of any financial instrument. It is ideal for any newbie ready to take control of their finances and begin making a substantial income through proper trading. This book is exactly what you need if you want to become an excellent trader and make a lot of money trading Forex and options.

FOREX TRADING: The Basics Explained in Simple Terms By Jim Brown

This product was recommended by Thalita Ferraz from Her Bones

When I first wanted to get a better understanding of Forex Trading, this was the book that I was recommended by a couple of people. I think it helps that the author is self taught, so he knows how to explain things in an accessible and understandable way, instead of packing it with jargon. It’s been totally instrumental in what I know about trading and swing trading, so I want to recommend it to others.

The Master Swing Trader: Tools and Techniques to Profit from Outstanding Short-Term Trading Opportunities By Alan Farley

This product was recommended by Maria A. McDowell from EasySearchPeople

This book is not just an extension of the popular Alan Farley newsletter ‘ The Daily Swing Trade,’ it is one of the best swing trade books I have laid my hands on. In this book, Alan simplified how to identify and profit from short-term trading opportunities. He also went in-depth on chart analysis, such as identifying support and resistance, price action patterns, and Fibonacci retracements. Also contained in this book is Farley’s seven swing trade setup, which he considers the most reliable and how to set each trade, risk and reward ratios, and trade execution and management. This is by far the best swing trading strategy book I have read.

Come Into My Trading Room By Dr. Alexander Elder

This product was recommended by Emilia Flores from UK Bad Credit Loans

The book by Alexander Elder is arguably the bible of Swing Trading, first published in 2002. Dr. Alexander is a psychiatrist and a technical analysis expert. As a result of his background in psychiatry, the author trains the reader to be psychologically strong through the crest and troughs of investing. The book provides baby steps to create a well-diversified portfolio for stocks and derivatives. One thing the reader will love is that the book starts with providing fundamental trading techniques and then provides practical tips to succeed in the actual market. The focus is on 3Ms i.e., mind, method, and money, and traders at levels can find it insightful.

Swing Trading: The Definitive and Step by Step Guide To Swing Trading By Andrew Johnson

This product was recommended by Sudhir Khatwani from The Money Mongers

This book is a gem for anyone who wants to learn the ins and outs of trading, and swing trading in particular. The author’s expertise as a stock marketer gives him a unique viewpoint on trading, and how one can make profits from swing tradition. The book’s detailed step-by-step approach to swing secrets has provided a particularly effective swing trading strategy for me. The secrets, albeit common, have also come in handy during some of my biggest trades.

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Experts Tell Us the Best Books on Trading Strategy

This article showcases our top picks for the Books on Trading Strategy.