How Cybersecurity Companies Protect You From Attacks

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3 years ago

How Are Cybersecurity Companies Protecting You From The Newest Attacks?

Criminals are finding new ways every day to steal your identity and money. While cybersecurity was not such a big thing in the past, it has now become vital to stay safe in the online world, especially when online gaming and online shopping. You need to do more than just select an online game to have a safe and enjoyable gaming experience.

Luckily, cybersecurity companies are constantly working on improving their systems to protect you. Microsoft is a prime example; they have built the standard Windows virus protection software in such a way that it can keep your computer safe from most viruses. Even if Windows is not installed fully, this software can be accessed, making it difficult to infect your computer with a system-killing virus. The vulnerability today is often due to human error. Hackers and scammers want our data and money, but unfortunately for them, we have a few ways to keep them out.

It isn’t as difficult as you might think. And you won’t have to spend a lot of money in order to stay safe online. Implementing safe online practices will ensure that your data remains where you want it to be and is safely in your control.

Keep your PC up-to-date

Have you ever wondered why software companies are so intent on ensuring you install the latest updates? While it may be annoying, it is for your own safety. Software companies have cybersecurity divisions that are constantly looking for weaknesses and threats and improving their system accordingly. This does lead to more updates but also less successful attacks.

Keep your browser, antivirus, operating system, and other important programs as up-to-date as possible.

Use a Good Web Browser

When using a safe and secure web browser like Chrome, Edge, Safari, Opera, or similar, you are generally protected. All you have to do is make sure you see the lock icon in the navigation bar before you click on the link. You can rest assured that your data is safe and secure as long as the icon is visible. Browsers are constantly checking websites and doing all they can to keep you safe.

Avoid purchasing from websites that you have not heard of. If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Scammers use fake websites and incredible deals to lead you into giving them sensitive information like your credit card details. It is best to stick to reputable sites with secure payment gateways for all online shopping and online gaming.

Password Requirements

The easiest way criminals manage to get into your account is through getting or working out your password. Brute force attacks are where a cybercriminal tries every password in the book until they get blocked or find your password.

To combat this, many websites, especially secure websites, require difficult, long, or complicated passwords to help prevent these types of attacks.

Here are a few tips from Avast Antivirus about setting passwords:

· It should be long, more than 15 characters at the very least. Length is one of the most important factors in your password.

· Mix up the characters. Mixing letters (upper-case, lower-case, numbers, and symbols) makes your password more powerful and more difficult to crack with brute force attacks.

· Avoid substitutions that are not common. Password crackers can be a hip alternative to the more common substitutions. Brute force attacks can crack any password, no matter what it is. Random character placement is now more efficient than common leetspeak* substitutes. *Leetspeak is an informal language and code that can be found on the Internet. Standard letters are often replaced with numerals or other special characters. These are the most difficult to guess.

· Don’t use memorable keyboard paths. As with the previous advice not to use sequential numbers and letters, don’t use sequential keyboard paths (like qwerty).


The most harmful tactic in the cyber world is phishing. This is when cybercriminals attempt to intimidate or pressure you by using social engineering to get you to do what they want. Phishing emails may claim that your credit card account is in trouble. The email will ask you to click on a link that takes you to a fake website designed to look like your credit card company but, in actual fact, is a fake website designed to steal your information. The scammers wait for you to enter your password and then use it to break into your real bank account. They have your password once you enter it.

Phishing scams may also attempt to ensnare your phone through calls. You should be cautious about any robocalls that claim to be regarding your credit card account. The recorded greeting does not specify the credit card it is calling about. This is a test to determine if you hang up immediately or if they have you “hooked”. If you keep the line open, you will be connected with a real person who will try to get as much sensitive information out of you as they can, including your passwords.

Many banks and credit card companies warn their clients about the latest phishing scams. Stay up to date and understand what the criminals are trying to do. If you are ever uncertain, follow up with the provider using a legit and secure contact avenue that you have used before, such as a telephone number.

While the online world may sound scary, you can rest assured knowing that cybersecurity companies are working tirelessly to keep you safe. Stay informed and up to date, and you can stay safe while online.

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