Supermarket Sweep: Retail technology is an all-encompassing solution

4 years ago

Will Broome, CEO of retail fintech app Ubamarket, comments on how the integration of technology is essential to combat the challenges of Covid-19.

With England in its third national lockdown, many retailers and grocers have struggled to adapt to the ever-changing climate the virus is causing across the country. Drastic fluctuations in consumer behaviour and demand have showcased exactly how important uniformity and standardised practices have become during these times of crisis. One method that has been adopted by most major retailers is implementing technology within their stores; be this through apps and the increase in self-checkouts to limit human contact. 

As a result, it cannot be denied that retail technology is providing an all-encompassing solution for retailers and grocers as they adapt to cater to the needs of their customers. One example of this technology is pioneering retail fintech app Ubamarket. The Ubamarket app features a range of AI-backed features, which dramatically enhances the shopping experience and ushers in a new age of physical retail. Once shoppers have built their shopping lists ahead of their journey, the app dramatically reduces the amount of time spent in-store by guiding customers around the store to scan their products using an aisle sat-nav, before allowing them to pay in-app and bypass the tills- all through their own device.  It is currently the only tech of its kind to increase purchases and secure more footfall for high street retailers. 

Ubamarket has already rolled out across Central England Co-Op, SPAR, EUROSPAR, Budgens and Londis stores across the UK and Ireland.

CEO of Ubamarket, Will Broome, discusses the need for technology in a post-Covid world, and how it is essential in adapting to the problems caused by the virus:

“As England enters its third national lockdown, one of the most affected and integral institutions in society will be the retail and grocery sector. During this time of crisis, it is essential that Britain’s retailers look to adapt to the new conditions to ensure they adapt to the challenges Covid throws their way by standardising their practices across the board. Retail technology offers an all-encompassing solution; in Ubamarket’s case in the form of a simple app; which can put consumers in control, doing away with the need for time-consuming queues, unhygienic checkouts, and confusion about where products are and whether they are in stock. By building lists off-site and checking stock before entering the store, retail technology can help reduce necessary queues before consumers travel to the outlet. 

Ubamarket’s mobile technology helps retailers to offer customers an incredible experience when they come to shop at their stores. Not only does our technology revitalise and revolutionise the process of shopping in-store for customers, but it also provides retailers with a much-needed method to get back on track and ensure they can thrive in the midst of a tough climate for the industry. It remains to be seen how the sector will fare beyond Coronavirus, but retail technology is sure to play a significant role.”

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