2 years ago
This article showcases our top picks for the Leadership Books For Women. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

This product was recommended by Kidyba Iryna from Simple

The business world dictates certain unspoken rules for women. You should not overly demonstrate your intelligence and strong-willed qualities. You should not show your ambition and desire to move up the career ladder. In addition, women are held back by their own, internal barriers. There are hundreds of really good reasons why women give up their careers. They do not allow themselves to move forward because of a lack of self-confidence, unwillingness to pay too much attention to themselves, because of the constant dilemma of what is more important career or family, and of the pathological lack of time. As a result, today only 4% of executives of the world’s leading companies are women. Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook and one of the most influential figures in business, describes the obstacles she encountered on her professional path. The book is a manifesto and a source of inspiration for those who believe that a woman can and has the right to seek fulfillment in her career and business and that family relationships should be based on an equal partnership. The book is full of practical advice on how to find the right balance between family and career and how to overcome the fears that keep women from moving forward.

Redefining Success by LaQuita Monley

This product was recommended by Francheska Felder from SwagHer Magazine

Redefining Success is a short read with a big impact. The author Dr. La’Quita Monley poses the questions of who you are and what success is while sharing her experiences as she learned to master leadership. Monley also ties in Biblical principles to her message.

Do Less by Kate Northrup

This product was recommended by Melanie Edwards from OLIPOP

While the world is always telling women to do more, Kate Northup suggests the opposite in her book, “Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Ambitious Women.” She argues that if you want to create a life of presence, meaning, and joy, you must do less. Many women feel like they’re failing when they try to do it all. If you wish to be a better leader at work and at home, take Northup’s advice and cut out unnecessary busyness in favor of just being.

Dare to Lead by Brene Brown

This product was recommended by Ashley Fernandez from Ashley Marie Coaching

This book calls out those to lead bravely and foster courageous work cultures. The book discusses daring leadership and says “Daring leaders admit what they don’t know, and practice kindness and empathy.” When leaders can embody this behavior it will trickle down the chain and can have an incredible effect if shifting the workplace culture.

Give and Take by Adam Grant

This product was recommended by Ashley Fernandez from Ashley Marie Coaching

This book is essential to understanding how our success is impacted by our interactions with others. Every interaction you have with someone, you choose what sort of person you will be. Grant discusses 3 main types of people and how this plays out in the career landscape. ‘Takers’ looking out for yourself and letting others fend for themselves ‘Givers’ -do what’s best for others ‘Matchers’- who shift according to the situation and how others treat you.

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

This product was recommended by Rohan Kadam from Biking Know How

Sophia Amoruso is an absolute legend. I like the fact that she organically started a company without even realizing it. Those small things like having attention to detail to deliver the highest level of service you provide to your customers, to ensure it’s clear they are valued and appreciated. She cared less about what others thought about her and she lived life on her terms. Her journey of starting a successful business from scratch is very inspiring. Sophia simply ROCKS!

Knowing Your Value by Mika Brzezinski

This product was recommended by Elizabeth Lombardo from Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D.

Although it’s a mainstream thing now to talk about gender pay disparity and career inequality, such wasn’t the case 10 years ago. In fact, most people either didn’t know those things existed or didn’t put much thought to it. Mika Brzezinski was a trailblazer of sorts when it comes to that topic. Her book starts out with an exposition of the problem: why do women always get paid less and get passed over for promotions? She then proceeded to provide actionable tips that career women can take to own their power and use it to get what they deserve.

The Athena Doctrine by John Gerzema

This product was recommended by Lorie Carson from Real People Finder

This book is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about how to be a great leader. The book goes into detail about how the world has changed and the role of women. It explains why, in the 21st century, it is important for women to have a seat at the table. The book explains the importance of women rising up to lead businesses, politics, and humanitarian causes. It also highlights that women can be more effective leaders than men. The book suggests several ways how this change can be brought about. It is a must-read for all women in leadership positions. It also provides a detailed analysis of why there is still gender inequality and what steps will be required to bridge the gap between men and women in workplaces.

The Likeability Trap by Alicia Menendez

This product was recommended by Chad Brinkle from High Country Offroad

I would recommend this book because it is an excellent guide for women to achieve success in their careers. It explains how women need to be authentic for themselves and for others and how some women are mistaken about the perception of being liked. It provides the reader with tips on how to handle different situations with tact and grace. It helps the reader become more comfortable with leadership roles, and also provides advice on how to deal with stressful situations in a positive manner. The author is honest about her own experiences, which makes the book relatable to many. This book is an all-in-one work of art, helping you discover new ways to become a better leader and person.

Million Dollar Women by Julia Pimsleur

This product was recommended by Tim Absalikov from Lasting Trend

Written by a mindset expert and business coach, the book presents valuable pieces of advice on how to build a profitable business. The author illustrates her book with true success stories of herself and seven other well-to-do business ladies. The readers will learn how to raise capital from scratch. If you are really determined to build your multimillion-dollar company, the book will be of great use to you!

Bossypants by Tina Fey

This product was recommended by Caitlyn Parish from Cicinia

This book entices me because of the author’s humor and ability to tell a good story –but what captures me most is her perceptions of women and her honesty. She shares how her goals as a successful woman in the industry could balance their career and family life. This book shows her management style versus those of men that surround her.

Thrive by Arianna Huffington

This product was recommended by Caitlyn Parish from Cicinia

The author discusses the usual experiences a business leader is going through –working too much, burnout, stress, and sleepless nights. It focuses on prioritizing your well-being as you are on top of the corporate ladder. The book also redefines the meaning of success which involves taking care of your personal health.

How to Own the Room by Viv Groskop

This product was recommended by Anastasia Allmon from FRP Legal

One of the most difficult things for me to learn as an employee was how to talk and make people listen to me, despite a lifetime of shrinking myself and trying to take up as little space as possible. However, after reading books like How to Own the Room, I could feel something in my mind shift and I genuinely felt changed inside. These are really powerful books for anyone who knows that they can lead, but worry about public speaking or drawing attention to herself.

Becoming by Michelle Obama

This product was recommended by Steve Elliott from Restoration1

During her time as the First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama, a notable female leader, made waves. Her narrative as the first African American to serve in that role inspires everyone, from those in the White House to the individuals she has assisted in countries throughout the globe. Her memoir, Becoming, is loaded with thoughts on the circumstances that transformed her into a proponent of healthy living, a devoted mother to her two children, and an unwavering supporter of her husband. Many female readers will be able to identify with her struggles to meet various demands and expectations.

How Remarkable Women Lead by Joanna Barsh

This product was recommended by Chelsea Cohen from SoStocked

The book is all about exploring the drive and stories of successful women leaders in various industries. The book follows five women leaders and their stories, challenges, and successes. I love to learn from real-life examples, which is why this book was so great and helpful in helping me to establish myself as a successful women leader in business.

How Women Rise by Sally Helgesen

This product was recommended by Kirsten McKinley from Weddings & Brides

This book focuses on breaking the top 12 habits that are holding women back, and it’s all about helping you progress quicker, as well as helping you find your leadership skills, and applying them successfully. It’s full of wonderful writing and useful information, and I find it to be a very motivating read!

In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney

This product was recommended by Jacquelyn Kennedy from PetDT

As a woman, it felt quite daunting for me to take charge of my own business and have all of the responsibility that came with it. That’s why I was incredibly blessed to have found Grace Bonney’s ‘In The Company Of Women: Inspiration And Advice From Over 100 Makers, Artists, And Entrepreneurs’. The book features stories of hardship and overcoming adversity to achieve success. What I love most about it is how remarkably diverse these stores and pieces of advice are. You’ll find sections based on incredible women in a wide variety of industries. My greatest takeaway point from this book was that most of the boundaries to success are ones that we’ve created in our own heads. The hundreds of women in this book are proof that hard work and determination can pay off in any field, regardless of how male-dominated it might be.

Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office by Lois P. Frankel PhD PhD

This product was recommended by Becca Klein from BeccaKlein

This book is a great leadership book for women because it provides insight into the ways that female leaders can be successful. The book covers topics such as how to assert oneself in the workplace, how to be taken seriously as a leader, and how to navigate the challenges that women face in leadership positions. Additionally, the author provides concrete strategies and tips that women can use to improve their leadership skills. This book is not just for women in the workforce but applies to all women. It’s a holistic approach to women’s leadership development. The book is a great conversation starter for women who are looking to make positive changes in their lives. It has a lot to tell about emotional intelligence, building relationships, accomplishing goals, managing stress, and advancing in the workplace. Overall, this book is an excellent resource for women who want to become more effective leaders.

She Thinks Like a Boss by Jemma Roedel

This product was recommended by Mary Jurgensen from Gary and Mary West PACE

As soon as you pick up this book, Jemma Roedel has you thinking like a boss, and we all know how thinking like a leader is the first step to becoming one. Addressing real-time challenges at the workplace without hesitance, and giving you solutions that you can apply in real scenarios, the book inspires and motivates you to take over and develop a professional yet powerful mindset. This one doesn’t just make you a successful leader, it makes you a strong one too.

The Most Powerful Woman in the Room Is You by Lydia Fenet

This product was recommended by Azmaira Maker from Aspiring Families

If you still hold any doubts about your ability to be at the top or to grow even further, this book will remove them all and then give you even more leadership abilities to keep you going. With healthy doses of humor and even more doses of practicality and authenticity, Lydia Fenet points out everything that women at the workplace tend to get wrong and then gives you the exact solutions to them. Introducing you to the non-apologetic and no-nonsense approach that inspires confidence and motivates the leader in you to grasp every opportunity, you will find this book innovative and inspiring.

The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates

This product was recommended by Marina Vaamonde from HouseCashin

A great leadership book for women is The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World by Melinda Gates. I love this book because Melinda talks about her experiences as a businesswoman and philanthropist in an extremely relatable manner. She could have chosen to let Bill do all the work, stay at home, not work, and enjoy their billions of dollars in riches. But she chose to become an equal to Bill and be a leader in their foundation. She chose to travel the world and learn from women less fortunate than her about how to live with less, raise a family in times of tremendous adversity, and be a leader in your village/community. It taught me that no matter how much you’ve achieved in your life, you can always remain humble and keep learning from others. You’re never too successful to learn from those who might not be as successful or rich as you.

Ditching the Dream by Bethany Clemenson

This product was recommended by Bethany Clemenson from BethanyClemenson

Bethany Clemenson’s ‘Ditching the Dream’ is a true wake-up call for women to step into their self-leadership. Once you get clear about who you are and what you want, you can let go of everything in your life that doesn’t fit, so that when you lie in bed each night, you feel hopeful with anticipation of what’s to come. By the end of this book, you’ll know exactly what that life looks like and how to stay on track as you live it out, on your terms.

Think Again by Adam Grant

This product was recommended by Paige Arnof-Fenn from Mavens & Moguls

Think Again by Adam Grant challenges leaders to question what we think we know, so important for life after the pandemic. He shows the importance of having a mindset of curiosity and a search for truth rather than becoming defensive, offensive, or appeasing. It’s not about how smart you are but how curious and actively open-minded instead. It makes you think about your core values vs. your beliefs, very powerful and useful as an entrepreneur. He also addresses the importance of having people in our network who will question us and hold us accountable for rethinking our perspectives.

Eve, Where Are You? by Nicole L. Davis PhD

This product was recommended by Nicole Davis from Eve Where Are You

The goal of this leadership book is to help women discover their identity and purpose; help men understand the importance of acknowledging and supporting the development of women leaders; and help leaders acknowledge, address, and courageously transform gendered bias cultures within their church organizations. This book will empower women to engage in their leadership pursuits with unwavering confidence and laser-focused determination, whether at church or in the marketplace. Available in English and Spanish.

Know Your Value by Mika Brzezinski

This product was recommended by John Li from Fig Loans

Brzezinski’s book has been a hit for years as a feminist’s handbook to get the salary and the recognition they deserve. Now, as laws are moving into place to make pay transparency a non-negotiable, her advice is more relevant than ever. Through the personal stories of massively successful women like Sheryl Sandberg and Elizabeth Warren, this book teaches you how to ask about salary and be your own best advocate in the workplace.

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