Experts Tell Us the Best Books on Venture Capital

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2 years ago

This article showcases our top picks for the Books on Venture Capital. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).

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Dare Disturb The Universe by Charles Newhall III

This product was recommended by Jenna Mallimo from ThePRFreelancer, Inc.

Filled with history and anecdotes that illustrate venture capitalists in action, DARE DISTURB THE UNIVERSE is a compelling narrative that sheds light on an industry that’s behind many of the success stories in business that have created today’s economy. Readers will learn how venture capital is different from leveraged buyouts and hedge funds, and the important role venture capitalists play in the future of global business.

The Business of Venture Capital by Mahendra Ramsinghani

This product was recommended by Axel Hernborg from Tripplo

The business of venture capital by Mahindra Ramsinghani is the ideal book for anyone looking to learn about venture capitalist. The author goes through the distinct aspects of the venture capital fundraising and investments process. It is the first book to address the full investment cycle of the venture capital business that describes in what way venture capital is an art as well as science.

The Power Law by Sebastian Mallaby

This product was recommended by Marina Vaamonde from HouseCashin

I like this book because it charts the evolution of venture capital from when it was an unknown concept to when it was in its infancy and still very unregulated and to where it is today. Of course, there are the usual stories about Apple and Oracle but also lesser-known stories that provide great lessons about how venture capital has changed over time. Mallaby talks about the different stages of venture capital’s role in society and, crucially, how this differs across different countries. He also talks about government’s (mostly failed) role in encouraging venture capital and investment in startups.

Venture Capital for Dummies by Nicole Gravagna

This product was recommended by Shawn Laib from Clearsurance

This book is part of the “Dummies” series, which does a great job explaining the key aspects of a subject in simple terms. For someone who wants to know more about venture capital, how to secure it for their own company or business, or someone who simply wants to be educated on the subject, this is a great place to start. The book will give definitions of venture capital terms and the steps to becoming a successful entrepreneur and venture capitalist yourself. It’s a great way to help others learn simple things about investing during discussions. The price is also great as it’s under $25.

The Smartest Person in the Room by Christian Espinosa

This product was recommended by Charlie Southall from Dragonfly

A book that gave me the foundational knowledge of cybersecurity, which has become an important asset in the modern world. This book gives you an excellent insight into cybersecurity and its whereabouts in a very simple and systematic way. It provides a timely approach how to securing a proper methodology, especially in the workplace. It not only focuses on software but also on the people and their technical utility in protecting data and security.

Venture Deals by Brad Feld

This product was recommended by Anthony Martin from Choice Mutual

Simply put, this is the essential guide to raising venture capital, from start to finish, A to Z. The authors start with who you should be getting in touch with and why you need a lawyer. They then go through everything you’d ever want to know about term sheets, debt, and negotiations—seriously, they do not skimp on the details. Yet the writing is lively and exciting enough to keep your attention even as they get into the finer points of some of the material. When you’re talking money this big and potential paydays that are even larger, it helps to have a level of insight as deep as Feld and Mendelson offer.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

This product was recommended by Ellie from FindPeopleFaster

While the book is a little dry at times (it was written by attorney after all), it covered in detail the ins and outs of venture deals. This information isn’t covered as in-depth as this book anywhere else. It’s an extremely important and complicated subject.

Term Sheets & Valuations by Alex Wilmerding

This product was recommended by Steve Anderson from Junk Yard Near Me

An excellent practical guide for business owners and finance students to comprehend the terminology used in a venture capital term sheet and stepwise valuation is Term Sheets & Valuations. Although it seems to have little scope, it has practical value for readers who need to analyze a term sheet using the proper valuation criteria. The writers also provide a section-by-section analysis of a term sheet using an actual term sheet from a top legal firm and a description of West Coast and East Coast laws.

Mastering the VC Game by Jeffrey Bussgang

This product was recommended by Steve Anderson from Junk Yard Near Me

Mastering the VC Game is a captivating book that explains how entrepreneurs should source funding and choose the correct kind of investor to help them accomplish their goals. According to the author, any investment is an excellent investment only if venture capitalist and entrepreneurial goals are precisely aligned, which can be crucial for any firm to flourish. He provides insightful commentary and entertaining tales on the subject, drawing on his experience working on both sides of the venture capital game.

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