Salesforce CTI Integration: How It Works And Why You Need It

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels
2 years ago

If you’re running a contact center business, the ability to make an impact in the market can be challenging. CTI for Salesforce is one way that you can help increase customer satisfaction and maximize agent efficiency. By utilizing this powerful tool, you can gain visibility into customer interactions for a deeper understanding of their needs and pain points and give team members access to data needed to respond quickly and effectively.

What is Salesforce CTI Integration?

Salesforce CTI Integration allows organizations to bridge the gap between their telephone systems and customer relationship management (CRM) software by directly connecting their call centre activities with user records stored in Salesforce. With a single-click, customers’ information, like customer data, tickets and so on, can be pulled up immediately on a user’s desktop, making it easy to access customers’ contact data and quickly build an accurate profile before any calls are made. 

Also, it enables valuable insights from the incoming caller’s data to be automatically logged in Salesforce, providing agents with real-time access to customer history during a call. 

How does Salesforce Integration for CTI work?

Salesforce Open CTI integration provides connectivity between modern telephone systems and computer systems. It helps sales and service teams make and receive calls while keeping them in sync with data being updated on the CRM. 

For customer support teams, b+s Salesforce CTI integration gives agents a real-time 360-degree view of the customer. This always enables a personalized customer experience, resulting in better satisfaction and quicker resolve rates.

Why you should use Salesforce Telephony Integration

Better Customer Experience 

The use of Salesforce Telephony Integration in the customer service process is a great way to provide better customer experience. Customer service reps have immediate and up-to-date information about each caller to assist with better product recommendations, troubleshooting queries, and overall service. Agents can resolve issues quickly by accessing account history or raising support tickets for any custom task.

Improved real-time coordination

b+s Salesforce Telephony Integration helps businesses to achieve improved real-time coordination with customers. It provides an easier way to keep up with customer inquiries, leads, and allows organizations to respond faster and more accurately. It benefits all aspects of business, from customer satisfaction to employee morale.

Increased Productivity

CTI integration with Salesforce is helpful for increasing productivity in any contact center. This system uses an automated call routing feature, allowing calls to be diverted to whichever agent they are intended for, reducing wasted time and manpower in the workplace. This CTI integration can also access information easily from customer records, such as account history and preferences, allowing your team to have fast and efficient customer service conversations.


Utilizing CTI for Salesforce is a time-saving strategy for contact center agents. With little time wasted requesting essential customer information, agents can anticipate and prepare more efficiently for the conversation. It fetches the relevant data from the database and displays it instantly, enabling agents to resolve queries and move on to new prospects quickly.

Intelligently route calls

By intelligently routing calls, CTI for Salesforce can boost customer service efficiency and processing times. Calls can be automatically routed to the most appropriate agent for the specifics of the enquiry, allowing for an optimal resolution experience for the customer. It can also provide self-service alternatives like interactive voice response (IVR) menus that help customers access information without waiting on hold or speaking with a representative directly.

Features that come along with CTI for Salesforce

Multiline Power Dialing

Multiline power dialing is a feature of Salesforce CTI integration. It is designed to help companies increase overall sales productivity by reducing the time it takes for agents to reach out and contact leads. With Multiline power dialing, call centers can set up a call queue of desired sales targets, and an agent will be assigned as soon as they become available. It helps sales departments to excel in terms of meeting their targets by enabling agents to connect with these prospective clients successfully.

Screen-Pop & Click-To-Dial 

Screen-pop & click-to-dial feature of Salesforce CTI integration eliminates the hassle of manually entering customer information. With Screen-pop, relevant details about the caller appear on the call center agent’s screen before the call is even answered, making it easy for agents to quickly assess the caller’s needs and provide immediate help and support. Click to dial allows conversions of all phone number fields into clickable links, eliminating any manual effort or potential errors associated with dialing wrong numbers.

Live Call Monitoring & Reporting

Live call monitoring and reporting offers an effective and efficient way to monitor conversations between customers and employees. It is beneficial for supervisors and managers who can step in if necessary and for recording phone call data and audio recordings for training and reporting purposes. Live call monitoring also makes it easier to analyze customer behaviors with data-driven insights, helping contact centers develop strategies that will lead to long term success.

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