The Best Business Books For Beginners (PDF)

Photo by David Iskander on Unsplash
2 years ago
This article showcases our top picks for the Business Books For Beginners PDF. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Small & Supercharged by Rhea Freeman

This product was recommended by Rhea Freeman from Rhea Freeman PR

Small & Supercharged is a new, best selling title written to provide business owners with the blueprint needed to help them promote their brand well with zero to low budget. Written in plain English with a conversational style, award winning PR adviser, award winning podcaster, Meta Lead Trainer and #shemeansbusiness accredited trainer shares her skills, knowledge and tried and tested methods to help all brands promote themselves better, regardless of budget.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This product was recommended by Kevin Mercier from Kevin MRC

This New York Times bestseller has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide since it was first published in 1936. Despite being an old book, it is one of the most well-known business books ever written. Dale Carnegie’s advice continues to stand the test of time. As an entrepreneur, I needed to sell my ideas and business changes to my team members. This book taught me simple yet effective techniques built on good habits for communicating with people and winning others over to my way of thinking without burning bridges.

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

This product was recommended by Tiffany Homan from RentalPropertyCalculator

Starting a business always needs a purpose. So when you decide to start a business you should always ask yourself why should i start this business? This book teaches how to become a leader and lead your business properly. So, If you are looking to start a business or any adventure this is a must read for you.

The Money Garden by Julie Austin

This product was recommended by Julie Austin from Create For Cash

I’m the author of a beginning book for entrepreneurs called The Money Garden: How to Plant the Seeds for a Lifetime of Income. It’s about how to run multiple businesses, but is a book for beginners. I’m suggesting it because I started out only running one business and was caught off guard during the economic downturn in 2008. I’ve since learned not to put all of my eggs in one basket. Running multiple businesses sounds daunting, but it’s actually not when you know how.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

This product was recommended by Jae Pak from Jae Pak Medical

This is one of my favorite business books. A boss may have the capacity to manage employees or the savviness to own their own company, but leaders inspire people to think outside the box, provide mentorship and motivate others to strive for next-level success. Leadership adds jet fuel to the fire of productivity, and this book is one that inspired me as a young business owner.

The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

This product was recommended by Michael Green from Winona

Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries is a must-read for every baby business owner. I credit this literary work for empowering rapid active user growth on my online health platform. The biggest lesson I took from it is that nothing should ever be set in stone when it comes to your business strategy. It’s important to continually test the waters and pivot when something isn’t working or when there is a clear alternative path.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This product was recommended by Joshua Nelson from Allstate Bail Bonds

Taking business advice from fictional characters may not be the norm, but “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho has had a big impact on my entrepreneurial journey. It follows Santiago, a shepherd boy who leaves his city to search for a buried treasure at the Egyptian Pyramids. Along the way, he meets many characters who help him achieve his “personal legend,” which means finding his calling in life. Reading this book made me realize that everyone has “personal legend” to fulfill, and sometimes we must rely on blind faith to get there. I think that’s something most entrepreneurs can relate to.

Scaling Up By Verne Harnish

This product was recommended by Gagandeep Kaur from Yogic Experience

It is an is an excellent practical book. A must-read and implement book for all businesses seeking to take their businesses to the next level. It clears most of the concepts related to Business and up scaling the business.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This product was recommended by Hrvoje Milakovic from Fiction Horizon

As far as business is concerned, Napoleon Hill is a classic in terms of self-help literature. This insightful book was originally published in 1937 and is still one of the most popular books in its category around the world, being re-published quite often. It is not common for a non-classic book to stick around for so long, but Think and Grow Rich is an exception, and that says more than enough about the book itself. Napoleon Hill was supposedly inspired by none other than Andrew Carnegie to write this book and that could be the key to its longevity since we all know that Carnegie is one of the most household names in the history of business. Hill’s book is easy to read and has a great style. It also corresponds to general issues and questions, which is why it is both popular and applicable even a century (well, almost) after its original publication. A lot of people use it as a starting point in business ventures and while Hill’s book doesn’t predict all the challenges of modern business, the general principles outlined in the book can be applied even today, which is why this book is a true classic that you can definitely use at the beginning of your journey.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

This product was recommended by Camilla Henderson from FastdayLoans

What does a wealthy father teach his son that differentiates him from a poor son? Robert Kiyosaki explores the difference in child upbringing that results in business people and employees of business people. It shifts from essential learning to the influence of school on a learner. Lucidly, the nuggets focused on how to grow a business mind with the goal of money or a business recreating itself within your influence. The book teaches to create companies that are not subject to your operations; instead, they serve you despite your location, age and time, hence a promising income entity.

The Little Red Book of Selling by Jeffrey Gitomer

This product was recommended by Rafal Mlodzki from Passport Photo Online

Jeffrey Gitomer’s “Little Red Book of Selling” is a title I can wholeheartedly recommend for business beginners. Available on Amazon, the book puts emphasis on the crucial skill of persuasion. Gitomer really knows how to get to the point and how to write like a skilled educator. He grabs your attention and doesn’t let go, which is rare for business books that, in most cases, are hardly page-turners. You will struggle to find a more understandable, thought-provoking, and just plain entertaining book on business.

Unscripted by MJ DeMarco

This product was recommended by Robb McQueen from Vitalized Future

Unscripted is the step-by-step blueprint on escaping the rat race and becoming wealthy. It covers everything you need to know about being a successful businessperson, including: How To Change Your Mindset For Success (Arguably the most important section…) Which Distractions You Need To Avoid To Become Successful (Very important!) Why Most Businesses Fail (The main reason Is eye-opening) How To Invest Your Wealth For Long-Term Passive Income (So you never have to work again!) Unlike other business books, it doesn’t sugar-coat information and promise self-help BS like If you follow your passion, you will become a millionaire!.

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

This product was recommended by Ricky Liu from Yoyipet

This book offers a fascinating look at the world of outliers,–the brightest, most successful, and most famous minds. According to him, what makes high-achievers different? In his opinion, we tend to focus too much on what successful people do rather than their cultural, familial, generational and idiosyncratic backgrounds. I believe that It is an absorbing and entertaining read. Business books are often loaded with commercial jargon and fake sincerity, but this one is engaging without any of that.

Small Time Operator by Bernard B. Kamoroff C.P.A.

This product was recommended by Erika Barnes from Petsmitten

Some might argue that the book is a little dated (though new editions and revisions are still being released), but many of the basics of business that I learned from the book are eternal truths- they were true when people were buying togas in Ancient Rome, and they are still true now. I can’t recommend the book enough. In a clear and concise manner, the book details not complex business concepts but rather basic principles and how to start and run a small business day to day, which is exactly what I was looking for.

Dare To Launch by Anne Cocquyt

This product was recommended by Norbert Juma from Everyday Power

If you are a beginner in the business world, then you ought to read this book. This book gives actional advice that is very useful for starting and budding entrepreneurs. It also gives strategies and templates so you can set up your business to success. This book will give you everything you need to know in starting, launching, and even funding your business.

Starting and Running a Business All-in-One For Dummies by Colin Barrow

This product was recommended by Keith Terell from Backpacks Global

Everything I know about business I taught myself, so when I suggest this book it comes from a place of experience. I knew nothing and some of the books out there would assume I’d at least know the basics. They were wrong and I was confused. Until I came across this book, Starting and Running a Business (For Dummies) which actually made me feel like a lot less of a dummy. Now I’m a CEO and I still swear by the lessons it taught me.

The Rules of Work by Richard Templar

This product was recommended by Anthony Quint from Get on Stream

I started my own business at a young age and consider myself constantly learning. Being successful in business is about being successful as a person. That’s what I learned from ‘The rules of work: A definitive code for personal success’. This is an incredibly useful business book, especially when you’re a beginner and just trying to grasp the strings to success. I owe almost everything I’ve been able to achieve to this book.

Personal Finance for Teens by Carol H Cox

This product was recommended by Marijke van Breda from Oliver Wicks

If you a high school student, soon to be a graduate and heading off to college or to work full time? Or wish that they had been given guidance on money matters before they’d finished school. This book answers that need. In Personal Finance for Teens Carol H. Cox offers practical advice on how to build a rock-solid financial foundation for life after high school. Now is the time for young adults to get a handle on their finances, before life gets more complicated. Carol covers how to choose, open, and manage a student checking account; network, write resumes, and impress interviewers; control spending and achieve savings goals; build a high-ranking credit score and manage credit cards wisely; assess the cost of car ownership and select an affordable car; evaluate college from a financial perspective; and take advantage of time and start building a retirement account now. This book is a great reference tool for any library and a great graduation present for recent or soon-to-be grads. Personal Finance for Teens is the book that every teen needs to read before leaving home.

What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 by Tina Seelig

This product was recommended by Isaac Robertson from Total Shape

I recommend this book as it encourages you to give a voice to your idea. It focuses on *experiential learning* being the guide to your success. The best part is it can be read by anyone facing a chaotic career situation from college students to leaders. It helped me a lot to overcome my failures with my businesses and try out some of the craziest ideas I had.

False Economy by Alan Beattie

This product was recommended by Velin Dragoev from Keen Fighter

Written by an Editor for the Financial Times, False Economy tries to answer the age-old question – Why are some nations rich, while others are poor? The author examines a wide range of economic topics – from business and economics, all the way to history and politics while keeping things light and understandable. In addition to learning why Africa doesn’t grow cocaine, why our keyboard spells QWERTY, and why corruption is more complicated than we think, this book will help you create a mental frame of reference for evaluating other books on business so that you can quickly get the most out of them.

Launch by Jeff Walker

This product was recommended by Tim Absalikov from Lasting Trend

The book will be of great use for those who want to start their own business. The author shares with the readers the ready formula that helped him to become a millionaire. The same formula can help you as well. If you follow the strategies presented in the book, you are sure to succeed.

Money master the game by Anthony Robbins

This product was recommended by Stella Scott from EasyPaydayLoan

Anthony Robbins’ Money: Master The Game is one of the most popular business books of the last decade, providing a beginner’s guide to the fundamentals of investments, economics, and asset management. Like all great adventurers, this book will teach you more about the psychology of wealth, what holds most businesses back, and some simple business cures. You’ll discover why you’re investing in the first place, the power of the best financial breakthrough strategies, and the most important financial decision of the business.

How Business Works by Georgina Palffy

This product was recommended by Stella Scott from EasyPaydayLoan

The fundamentals of How Business Works by Georgina Palffy will teach you as a beginner the best way to dive into the world of business and become acquainted with the basic principles of entrepreneurship. The first step in launching a business is deciding on an ownership structure. This book will assist any beginner in learning the important considerations. That is the size of the venture, the complexity of financial recording and management, and the amount of liability you are willing to accept.

The New One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard

This product was recommended by Tomek Mlodzki from PhotoAiD

It is a masterclass of business literature and a bestseller in management. You can read it in an hour, and the three most essential tips that are given in it will be helpful to you for a lifetime. The book presents the story of a Young Man who met various managers on his way. At the same time, only one of them was truly exceptional. People respect him, they want to work with him, and with joint efforts, they generate great results, and his tips help others achieve incredible things, including in their personal lives. What are these tips? Three aspects are mentioned. Three simple rules when cooperating with people, thanks to which they achieve much higher results. I specifically don’t want to describe these three tips here because I think it’s better if you know the whole story. This book is only 99 pages long, so you will definitely find time to read it.

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