20 Best Analog Design Podcasts of 2021 - Welp Magazine

20 Best Analog Design Podcasts of 2021

4 years ago

Are you wanting to learn more about analog design ? Well you’ve come to the right place. This is a curated list of the best analog design podcasts of 2021.

We have selected these podcasts for a variety of reasons, but they are all well worth a listen. We tried to select a variety of podcasts across the spectrum from hosts with a wide breadth of experience.

We are always keen to hear your feedback, if we have missed a podcast, tweet us @MagazineWelp and we will check it out!

Best Analog Design Podcasts 2021

With thanks to ListenNotes, Crunchbase, SemRush and Ahrefs for providing the data to create and rank these podcasts.

Design Doc

  • Publisher: Hannah Shaffer and Evan Rowland
  • Total Episodes: 39

Welcome to Design Doc, a podcast documenting the process of analog game design. Game designers guide you through their process from concept to product.

The Hifi Podcast with Darren and Duncan

  • Publisher: Duncan Taylor, Darren Myers
  • Total Episodes: 41

PS Audio’s Senior Analog Design Engineer Darren Myers and The Music Room Testing Technician Duncan Taylor discuss all things hifi audio, covering such audiophile topics as speakers, amplifiers, DACs, preamplifiers, vinyl, cables, music, stereo soundstages, tweaks, adjustments and much more.

Let’s Talk Dementia

  • Publisher: Carol Howell – dementia educat
  • Total Episodes: 228

This podcast is designed to give you quick and entertaining information regarding caring for someone with dementia. “Carosene – The Gigolo Song (cdk Remix)” by Analog By Nature. 2015 Licensed under Creative Commons. Attribution Noncommercial (3.0). Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/lets-talk-dementia/support

Game School

  • Publisher: TSR Podcast Network
  • Total Episodes: 49

Is there an analog RPG you’ve always wanted to try, but just haven’t been able to get started? Want to discover new games, or learn more about ones you already know? Join Satine Phoenix and Chad Parish as they learn a new RPG every show, with the game’s designer on hand to teach you.

TI Connect Podcast

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments
  • Total Episodes: 25

TI is a global semiconductor design & manufacturing company. Innovate with 80000+ analog ICs & embedded processors, software & largest sales/support staff.

Through New Eyes – Reconstructionist Radio (Audiobook)

  • Publisher: James B. Jordan
  • Total Episodes: 20

“You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself idols in the form of anything . . . you shall not bow down to them or worship them.” – Exodus 19:3-5 NIV Idolatry. It’s been a problem with man for a long time. And, as witnessed by the first two commandments delivered to Moses on Sinai, God is serious about confronting it. According to Dr. Herbert Schlossberg in his bestselling book, IDOLS FOR DESTRUCTION, all idols fall into two general categories: Idols of nature and Idols of history. Picking up where idolatry stands between God and His people, Christians must have a Biblical view of nature, and a Biblical view of history. THROUGH NEW EYES demonstrates that nature was designed and created as a revelation of God. Only if we allow nature to point us to the Creator can we avoid idolatry. Jordan discusses the design of the world as a whole-as well as rocks, stars, plants, animals, and humanity-demonstrating how it shows forth the nature of the Creator. History also is designed and managed by God. Jordan discusses the Biblical view of history, exhibiting that God superintends history so that events of the past shed light on events of the future. “Only with such an understanding of history,” contends Jordan, “can we draw legitimate analogies from the Bible to our time.” THROUGH NEW EYES sets forth the Biblical understanding of the world, and then traces the developments of that world through the successive “covenants” of the Bible – each new covenant transforming the previous one, bringing forth a “new world.” Each of these “worlds” was given a symbolic model appropriate to the times: the Tabernacle for Moses, the Temple for David, and so forth. By a study of these models, and of the societies they represented, Jordan is able to set forth the Biblical view of the world and historical change and progress, and make relevant and important applications to the present day.

The Oral Design Boys

  • Publisher: John Heimke and Peter Kouvaris
  • Total Episodes: 9

Learn from Oral Design members Dr John Heimke DMD MPH Cosmetic – Implant Dentist CLE and Peter Kouvaris MDT Master Ceramist NYC and invited Oral Design members, and expert dental guests, from around the world. Peter and John will chat in wonderful give take manner about Smile Design, Porcelain Veneers, Full Mouth Smile Rehabilitations, Dental Implants and Digital Analog Dental Workflows, Ceramics, Dental Materials, dental laboratory topics, Consults, Marketing, Case Acceptance, and various Restorative topics.

Don’t Drink The Pickle Juice

  • Publisher: Don’t Drink The Pickle Juice
  • Total Episodes: 7

“You’ve got to be a beast, that’s the only way they respect you…had I accepted the pickle juice, I would be drinking pickle juice right now.” – These words by Nicki Minaj capture the spirit of Don’t Drink The Pickle Juice Podcast, inspired by the analogy she drew between getting what you deserve and getting the opposite – the “pickle juice”.  In 2021, the image of success is oversaturated, but the knowledge of what it takes to attain that success is still very niche. Contrary to what social media may present, ‘getting to the bag’ is a series of savvy and future focused business decisions that rest on how well you recognise and leverage your value, even at the very beginning of your career when you feel the most vulnerable.  Through profiling different Hip Hop Moguls who refused the pickle juice and went on to build successful lives and careers for themselves, this podcast will inspire you to ALWAYS say no the pickle juice. Hosted by Blessing Mukosha – Future Barrister, Lyricist and Hip Hop Head  Creative Team: Hosted and Produced by Blessing Mukosha Powered by Transmission Roundhouse Sound Design by Kojo Gozo

Arcade Castle: A Gaming Podcast

  • Publisher: Arcade Castle
  • Total Episodes: 21

Welcome! You’ve reached the home of the Arcade Castle Podcast, a podcast that looks a little at video games, a little at board games, and those things that got a little bit of both. While most podcasts tend to look at the latest and greatest, we have opted for a far darker path through the sprawling realms of digital and analog games. For lying between these two genres is a pile of games few dare to play, games that often defy categorization. Bizarre chimeric creations and licensed games abound here. Found in thrift stores and on-line, studying these games will be a global effort as countries across the planet send these objects to the Arcade Castle for examination. Why do we do this? To determine how well these board games capture the essence of their parent franchise. To see how the strategies, gameplay, game mechanics, player challenges, and player roles are translated from the digital realm of video games to the analog base of the board game. Can we learn anything about design and gameplay by comparing how a single franchise is represented in two different mediums? Can one inform the other? That, and who doesn’t love board games and video games? Website: http://arcadecastle.blogspot.com

Design IRL

  • Publisher: Design IRL
  • Total Episodes: 3

Design IRL is the show that brings product design principles to life through contrived analogies.

Narrative Attack

  • Publisher: Grim
  • Total Episodes: 3

Narrative Attack is a podcast, hosted by Rachel Haywire (futurist, writer, artist and musician), alongside James ‘Grim’ Desborough (author, publisher, videographer, analogue game designer and cynical old gothabilly). Together they’ll be offering interviews and commentary on modern culture, politics, technology and esoterica, with a cynical and jaundiced eye. Join them! Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/narrativeattack/support

The Correll Files podcast

  • Publisher: Jim Correll
  • Total Episodes: 19

Jim Correll just may have figured out the biggest secret to business success, and it didn’t require an advanced business degree to do it. Instead, it’s been a matter of following his instincts, sponging up knowledge from thought leaders, making mistakes and pursuing passions in a wildly diverse 25-year career working in small business, manufacturing, entrepreneurial ventures and post-secondary education. What has he learned? When your mind is open to possibility rather than paralyzed by pessimism, amazing things can happen. Now, many of the lessons learned of the last 25-years are captured in “The Correll Files,” a diverse collection of stories related to business, entrepreneurship, empathetic design, self-efficacy, maker space, Fab Lab and inspiration. Many of the stories are presented in the form of the “Entrepreneurial Minute”, a radio program that aired on a regional station for a period a few years ago. The shorter, “Minute” programs are combined with interviews with many of the interesting entrepreneurs and thought leaders Jim has come to know over the years. In his work as a business coach, entrepreneur mentor and the director of Fab Lab ICC at Independence (KS) Community College, Jim teaches aspiring entrepreneurs to challenge the archaic models of conventional business thinking and education and explore new paths for solving the world’s problems through innovation, creativity, trial and error. A former professional photographer, Jim encourages his proteges to first look at the world through a wide-angle lens, then focus their efforts where they believe they can make a difference and take the shot. “The environment may not be perfectly composed, you may not have just the right angle on your first try, and you certainly may feel over exposed when you put yourself out there and launch an idea,” he analogizes. “But so often, the raw, candid moments we capture are the most representative of real life, the ones that draw us in, take our breath away and haunt our memory.” Such are the lessons of entrepreneurship, says Jim. There’s no script, precise formula or lesson plan. Success requires a willingness to try something unconventional and to redefine failure as learning. It’s all about the mindset, and anyone can achieve it. In “The Correll Files,” Jim shares his goal to build a growing circle of “entrepreneurial thinkers” with a limitless ripple effect. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the author and/or guests and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of Fab Lab ICC or Independence Community College.

Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by David Hume

  • Publisher: Loyal Books
  • Total Episodes: 13

In Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, philosopher David Hume examines whether belief in God can be rational. The work takes the form of a debate between three characters: Cleanthes, who argues that the existence and nature of God can be empirically verified; Demea, who argues that God is completely beyond human knowledge; and Philo, a philosophical skeptic widely thought to represent Hume’s own beliefs. Much of the debate centers around Cleanthes’ presentation of the analogical argument from design. According to this argument, the complexity and beauty of the universe can only be explained by inferring an intelligent designer, in the same way that one would infer a designer if one came across an intricately complicated machine. Philo presents several objections to this argument, with rejoinders by Cleanthes and occasional interjections by Demea.

Section Cut

  • Publisher: Section Cut
  • Total Episodes: 8

SectionCut is a curated collection of DIGITAL and ANALOG design resources and HOW TO’s to assist with complex workflows acting as a cross section of design information. As a cross section of highly valued design information, S|C provides a glimpse into the contemporary designer’s library of resources.

Special Saadha

  • Publisher: Aditya Dhotre
  • Total Episodes: 9

A weekly Tanglish podcast featuring discussions on a wide range of Special or Saadha (Ordinary) topics and insights from the world of design, art, films and everything in between. About host: Aditya is an analog guy in a digital world. He believes sharing is a great superpower we can do to drive change. His passion for helping others comes from the guidance his mentors and design community. Feel free to strike a conversation: https://www.instagram.com/adidhotre/ https://www.instagram.com/specialsaadha/ https://twitter.com/SplSaadha Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/special-saadha/support

Mixing Series – Techno Deep Techno Podcast

  • Publisher: Acuren
  • Total Episodes: 1

During his years in Paris, Acuren discovered there some vinyls shops like Techno Import and then a real interest for vinyl deejaying. Influenced in parallel by Astropolis techno parties and the main underground music places in Paris like Rex Club, his taste for Techno and Deep Techno became bigger and bigger. Always looking for an inspiring music and something well produced, Acuren plays his best vinyls finds & tracks in his mixing series podcasts. For something always ambivalent by mixing mindblowing Deep Techno music with the raw Techno sound. As a self taught musician, Acuren still finds his way and works a lot on sound design with analog & digital gears. Stay tuned !

Ray Sam

  • Publisher: Ray Sam
  • Total Episodes: 181

Ray Sam started his early career playing in clubs as a Progressive House DJ. With the debut of his first release, the year 2011 marked a great breakthrough in his career, which kicked-started a successful journey ever since. Ray’s love for vocals tracks, melodic bass-lines, analog synthesizers, and passion for production led him to focus heavily on sound design. His original music, which some has headlined in the Progressive House charts was released across many different digital platforms, and can be found on various record labels with support from great names in the industry – To mention some, White Line Music, Fishermen Record, Vibe Music, House Sessions, AJME Records, Vision Collective Recordings, SYS Music, VL Records and KPR. Visit below links for more details

Shaolin Records Podcast

  • Publisher: Richard Del Connor
  • Total Episodes: 14

Richard Del Connor is the 1984 founder of Shaolin Records. As a record producer he has produced albums of classic rock, folk music, blues and surf music for release on cassettes, vinyl records, CDs and digital formats. Richard began as a recording engineer in 1974 and was a studio designer for A&M Records, RCA, Capitol Records, and a dozen Los Angeles studios where he worked with Frank Zappa, Fleetwood Mac, and Supertramp in the early eighties. Richard produced all the American Zen albums using his old-school analog recording techniques and the mobile Tacoma Studios.

Jin [靜] | DJ Set | 2021 Collection

  • Publisher: Jin
  • Total Episodes: 3

➤ New Episode Release Weekly on Soundcloud ➤ New Album/EP Release on Bandcamp https://jinsynth.bandcamp.com/releases ➤ Jin [靜] is a Taipei, Taiwan based DJ, synthesizer performer, and sound designer. Her music mixes elements of ambient and techno. Jin uses synths and modules to build up her live set. Her performances focus on creating artistic abstraction through the use of experimental sounds and analog noises, in order to provide her audience with a deeper perception of music.

Nived Sinit | Life Coach

  • Publisher: Nived Sinit
  • Total Episodes: 3

The true meaning of spirituality is self discovery which is a key step required for every individual to unlock your true potential. I believe that the human body and mind is designed to be happy and peaceful by default and when you are guided towards this truth you will discover true happiness from within yourself. This podcast would convey my philosophy and life concepts as a coach into smaller digestible chunks of information along with adequate analogies which you can listen to at your comfort to understand your self and your life better and deeper Visit https://sinit.in for more details

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