20 Best Digital Cameras Podcasts of 2021 - Welp Magazine

20 Best Digital Cameras Podcasts of 2021

4 years ago

Are you wanting to learn more about digital cameras ? Well you’ve come to the right place. This is a curated list of the best digital cameras podcasts of 2021.

We have selected these podcasts for a variety of reasons, but they are all well worth a listen. We tried to select a variety of podcasts across the spectrum from hosts with a wide breadth of experience.

We are always keen to hear your feedback, if we have missed a podcast, tweet us @MagazineWelp and we will check it out!

Best Digital Cameras Podcasts 2021

With thanks to ListenNotes, Crunchbase, SemRush and Ahrefs for providing the data to create and rank these podcasts.

Alpha Universe Podcast

  • Publisher: Alpha Universe Podcast
  • Total Episodes: 53

The show where we talk with some of today’s most insightful and influential photographers, filmmakers and visual artists about how they do what they do. In the Tech Talk part of each show, we get the inside story straight from experts in the Sony Digital Imaging Group on your questions about cameras, lenses and accessories. We also bring you Do This Now tips that will make an immediate impact on how you create photos and video.

Capturing Light – A Director of Photography’s Podcast

  • Publisher: Director of Photography, Cinematography, Lighting, Filmmaking, and Digital Video
  • Total Episodes: 123

Capturing Light Podcast is a Director of Photography’s Podcast that both inspires and educates filmmakers with cinematography tips, tools and techniques by other cinematographers from around the world. Learn about digital video and film cameras, lighting and camera equipment, the film industry, and listen to interviews with film industry professionals about their work on tv shows, commercials, films, music videos, web series, and documentaries.


  • Publisher: Scott Wittenburg
  • Total Episodes: 61

PLEASE GO TO SCOTT WITTENBURG.COM FOR THE LATEST PODCAST NEWS/UPDATES! Hosted by photography instructor Scott Wittenburg, this podcast is for anybody who wants to learn the secrets of taking better photos traditionally or digitally. Tips on cameras, composition, lighting and digital imaging in Photoshop are among the topics to be covered.

Your Technology Tutor

  • Publisher: Chet Davis
  • Total Episodes: 15

Your Technology Tutor – Chet Davis shares technology tips you can use, in plain language you can understand. Learn to become more successful using your personal tech tools like the iPhone, Mac computers, video cameras and digital photography.

Capturing Light – A Director of Photography’s Podcast

  • Publisher: Director of Photography, Cinematography, Lighting, Filmmaking, and Digital Video
  • Total Episodes: 123

Capturing Light Podcast is a Director of Photography’s Podcast that both inspires and educates filmmakers with cinematography tips, tools and techniques by other cinematographers from around the world. Learn about digital video and film cameras, lighting and camera equipment, the film industry, and listen to interviews with film industry professionals about their work on tv shows, commercials, films, music videos, web series, and documentaries.

PhotoNetCast – Photography podcast

  • Publisher: Antonio Marques
  • Total Episodes: 80

PhotoNetCast brings you the photography topics that matter, whether you are a newcomer, photography enthusiast, semi-pro or even a photography professional. We highlight the latest news, discuss photography equipment (dSLR cameras, photography lighting, accessories, etc.), workflow, tips and tutorials, as well as discuss in-depth topics to help you improve your photography from both a business and creative prespectives. Hosted by Antonio Marques, Jim Goldstein, Brian Auer and Martin Gommel, PhotoNetCast has a very conversational format in which both digital photography and film photography are discussed in an open and entertaining way. Our guests, people who matter in the digital photography world, bring additional value to the show and share their perspectives in today\’s photography. Whatever your level is in photography, whether you express your creativity through digital or film photography, we are confident you will enjoy our discussions on PhotoNetCast and we hope you join us for every show.

So many Cameras…

  • Publisher: John Clay
  • Total Episodes: 4

A podcast about photography, cameras (both digital and film), and everything in between, from an avid amateur.

Digital Photography Life – Make Every Shot Count : Digital Camera Reviews | Tutorials

  • Publisher: Michael Stein & Scott Sherman
  • Total Episodes: 4

What is the best lens to use if you are shooting a portrait? Is now a good time to buy a new DSLR or should you wait for whatever is coming next? What software makes the most of your photos and is it worth the price? Which products and accessories must you have in your camera bag, and which can you avoid? What are the best resources for digital camera reviews and price comparisons? If you have ever asked questions like those, you will find the answers on Digital Photography Life: Make Every Shot Count, with Scott Sherman and Michael Stein. Scott and Michael are long-time digital photography enthusiasts who have been following the industry for many years. Best friends in real life, Scott and Michael approach their photography with the same passion and enthusiasm you bring to your shooting. On every episode, Scott and Michael discuss what is new in the world of digital photography, including coverage of the latest digital cameras, digital photography accessories and software; There are always new products and techniques out there to enhance your photography; Scott and Michael give you the information you need to decide which ones merit your consideration. Digital Photography Life also features interviews with leading photographers, instructors and innovators in the field of digital photography, and in-depth talks with the digital camera technology companies like Canon, Nikon and Adobe that make the tools you want to know more about. And did we mention the contests? Scott and Michael love nothing more than giving away the latest books, training resources, camera accessories and software to their listeners. The only thing better than getting the latest and greatest goodies is getting them for free.  But beyond the tips, techniques, news, interviews and reviews, what you might like most about Digital Photography Life is the friendship and community you will find with Scott, Michael and your fellow listeners. Scott and Michael approach every episode with the good humor and the excitement of true fanboys. As the founding hosts of the highly-successful, Podcast Award-nominated The Digital Photography Show, Scott and Michael have built a dedicated and lively community of advanced amateurs and professionals. Come join the party at Digital Photography Life and be sure to bring your cameras!

Learning Photoshop Lightroom 4 – for iPod/iPhone

  • Publisher: The Open University
  • Total Episodes: 38

How do photographers correct or enhance their images? What methods can be used to reduce the amount of noise in photographs? The rise in popularity in photo sharing sites like Facebook, Instagram and Flickr has led to a huge increase in the number of consumers buying digital cameras, taking photographs on their phones, and uploading them to the internet but what are the best techniques to enhance your images after they’ve been taken. Covering everything from how to crop an image, to using the Histogram tool or explaining resolution, this collection of tutorials will help develop your ability to create and share digital images you are proud of whether you’re new to digital photography or want to improve your existing skills. The material in this collection relates to the short course T189 Digital photography: creating and sharing better images which is being replaced by the new NAL TG089 that is being offered in collaboration with the RPS (Royal Photographic Society )

Harvard Extension School’s Computer Science E-7: Exposing Digital Photography

  • Publisher: Dan Armendariz
  • Total Episodes: 36

Photography has exploded in recent years as digital cameras have become affordable and easier to use. There are many courses that teach students the artistic aspect of “how to become a better photographer” or “how to improve your eye,” but this is not one of them. Instead, students—from one-time users to professionals—become better photographers through an understanding of the technical aspects and terms of a digital camera. Learn why photos look blurry at night, why color management is important, what the difference between sports mode and portrait mode on the camera’s dial is, and how to manipulate the camera without the need of these modes in the first place. Topics include exposure and metering, flash, dynamic range, CMOS and CCD sensors, color filter arrays, RAW versus JPEG formats, color spaces and profiles, editing photos with Photoshop, and optical and computational artifacts. Through lectures and hands-on assignments, students understand the jargon and compromises of digital photography that ultimately expose the workings of digital cameras. You are not required to own a digital camera, but if you do, one with a manual mode and an option for RAW is recommended.

The Technology Tailor Minute

  • Publisher: Alex L. Goldfayn
  • Total Episodes: 20

As heard on over 325 U.S. radio stations! 60 Seconds Daily on The Latest in Consumer Electronics If you’re a consumer who uses or thinks about electronics like HDTVs, phones, digital cameras and camcorders, video games, computers and the Internet, this minute-long daily podcast is for you!

My life in images.

  • Publisher: karen brammer
  • Total Episodes: 1

Karen is an award winning photographer and she’s hoping to invite and entice you into the wonderful world of Photography. Karen uses a variety of digital and vintage cameras and has a passion for all things Photography.

Gap Year Diaries

  • Publisher: Emily and Rachel
  • Total Episodes: 4

Two best friends relive their ’Gap Year’ travelling the world in 2010, by rereading and reflecting on the hilariously misguided blog diary they kept along the way. Just prior to smart-phones and social media taking over our travel habits, these two wide-eyed 18 year olds set off with nothing but digital cameras and a trusty blog to document their trip. In this podcast, Rachel and Emily recount and relive the trials, traumas and laughs of their 5 month adventure by re-reading the blog entries they so faithfully typed up in internet cafes along the way. From lost passports to inaccessible bank accounts, jumping out of planes and into gorges, this is a nostalgic exploration of first-time travel and all its hilarious twists and turns.

The Pixelated Podcast

  • Publisher: Kevin and Nikhil
  • Total Episodes: 2

ITP Media Group’s podcast on all things tech in the Middle East with the Digital Group’s editors Kevin Sebastian and Nikhil Pereira. The Pixelated Podcast covers cameras, lenses, smartphones, and everything in between with a distinct Middle East spin to it. Tune in NOW!

CNET Prizefight (HQ)

  • Publisher: CNET
  • Total Episodes: 10

It’s the ultimate face-off between tech’s top dogs in this five-round, winner-takes-all bout. Watch every blow-by-blow, where you’ll find the hottest cell phones, digital audio players, cameras, and more, battling it out for Prizefight supremacy.

CNET Prizefight (video)

  • Publisher: CNET
  • Total Episodes: 10

It’s the ultimate face-off between tech’s top dogs in this five-round, winner-takes-all bout. Watch every blow-by-blow, where you’ll find the hottest cell phones, digital audio players, cameras, and more, battling it out for Prizefight supremacy.

CNET Prizefight (SD)

  • Publisher: CNET
  • Total Episodes: 10

It’s the ultimate face-off between tech’s top dogs in this five-round, winner-takes-all bout. Watch every blow-by-blow, where you’ll find the hottest cell phones, digital audio players, cameras, and more, battling it out for Prizefight supremacy.

Microelectronic solutions for digital photography – for iBooks

  • Publisher: The Open University
  • Total Episodes: 1

The human eye is a fascinating and complicated device, but how do digital cameras capture images? This unit examines one of the human–machine interfaces that link optical information to the electronic world. You will learn how the components within a digital camera capture images for electronic manipulation. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, part of OpenLearn, a collection of open educational resources from The Open University. Published in ePub 2.0.1 format, some feature such as audio, video and linked PDF are not supported by all ePub readers.

Representing and manipulating data in computers – for iBooks

  • Publisher: The Open University
  • Total Episodes: 1

Computers are all around us: in cars, kitchen scales, digital cameras, etc. But how do they store the data they hold? This unit will help you to understand how the data in a computer represents something in the outside world. You will also explore how ASCII code and Unicode are used to control data. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, part of OpenLearn, a collection of open educational resources from The Open University. Published in ePub 2.0.1 format, some feature such as audio, video and linked PDF are not supported by all ePub readers.

Object Lessons: Dead Media, Live Wires, and the Twenty-first Century Police – Audio

  • Publisher: Dr. Jann Matlock, Department of French and Co-Organiser, The Film Studies Space
  • Total Episodes: 1

What else have they got down there in Property? Eight-track tapes? Victrolas?” asks Detective Jimmy McNulty in Season 1 of The Wire, the HBO series that took as a leitmotif the inadequacy of the technology of those working in the Baltimore Police Department. Antiquated typewriters instead of computers, reel-to-reel tape recorders instead of digital surveillance equipment, black-and-white television sets and analogue cameras provide comic relief as well as commentary on the state of funding for narcotics investigations in a post-9-11 America obsessed with “the war on terror.” Meanwhile the dealers use the outdated technologies of the “postwar modern” to elude surveillance: pay phones and pagers leave fewer traces than the digital technologies to which the police aspire. Media technology – whether obsolete, outmoded, or state-of-the-art–serves as a central narrative and thematic concern throughout the five seasons of The Wire. In this lecture, Matlock will take literally the media objects foregrounded by The Wire, discussing the stuff on the screen as a way of interrogating fantasies about what media technology can do.

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