Are you wanting to learn more about e-learning ? Well you’ve come to the right place. This is a curated list of the best e-learning podcasts of 2021.
We have selected these podcasts for a variety of reasons, but they are all well worth a listen. We tried to select a variety of podcasts across the spectrum from hosts with a wide breadth of experience.
We are always keen to hear your feedback, if we have missed a podcast, tweet us @MagazineWelp and we will check it out!
Best E-learning Podcasts 2021
With thanks to ListenNotes, Crunchbase, SemRush and Ahrefs for providing the data to create and rank these podcasts.
I’m New Here: A Podcast for New Instructional Designers and E-Learning Developers
- Publisher: Nyla
- Total Episodes: 13
Need help navigating the “career” part of being a NEW Instructional Designer or E-Learning Developer? I’m Nyla, a mid-career Instructional designer and I’ve created the podcast to help new instructional designers find their footing. Because doing it on your own can seem daunting at first. Support this podcast:
E-Learning Exposed
- Publisher: Gerry Griffin
- Total Episodes: 5
Welcome to E-learning Exposed! The podcast about the ever-developing world of E-learning. Our host, Gerry Griffin, will be talking all about digital learning and its challenges. Gerry Griffin is the founder of Skill Pill, a digital agency specialising in the production and distribution of digital learning content. He is a former director of the London Business School and author of multiple business books and has lectured in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Africa and is passionate about the impact technology can have on workplace learning and productivity. He will be addressing the big questions facing the E-learning industry, including topics such as digital transformation and the challenges of learning and development. Join him in understanding how technology is revolutionising the world of workplace learning!
- Publisher: East Coast Radio
- Total Episodes: 17
The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education presents e-learning for Grade 12’s – podcast lessons to help with revision for various subjects. Subscribe so you don’t miss out.
E-learning Council’s Leaders in Learning Podcast
- Publisher: E-Learning Council
- Total Episodes: 4
Elearning Council’s Leaders in Learning podcast interviews thought leaders in the learning field. The mission of E-Learning Council is to advance E-Learning through a community that provides leadership, best practices and resources in a collaborative environment.
Windstorm E Learning
- Publisher: shiva raj
- Total Episodes: 5
Education system is designed just to obey or being slave under corporate or institutional to change the behaviour of the student parenting and teaching in digital world
E-Learning Curve Podcast
- Publisher: Michael Hanley
- Total Episodes: 4
The E-Learning Curve Podcast is the podcast service for Michael Hanley’s popular E-Learning Curve Blog. This podcast elaborates on e-learning topics covered on his blog.
E-Learning Podcast
- Publisher: Shannon Gunn
- Total Episodes: 2
This podcast describes various technology tools one can use to make E-Learning fun and interactive.
E-Learning Tag 2010 mp3
- Publisher: NMLT
- Total Episodes: 8
Wer sind „unsere Studierenden“? Welche Kompetenzen bekommen die SchülerInnen von heute bzgl. „neuer Medien“ bereits in der Schule vermittelt? Auf welches Wissen kann an der Hochschule aufgebaut werden? Was müssen zukünftige LehrerInnen an Fachwissen auf dem Gebiet Medien haben, um die SchülerInnen von morgen zu unterrichten? Die Vermittlung von Kompetenzen hinsichtlich des Umgangs mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) in der Lehre, speziell in der LehrerInnenausbildung, bereiten – nicht nur der Universität Innsbruck – manche Probleme. Die Vorträge des E-Learning Tags erschließen neue Perspektiven auf einige dieser Problembereiche und spannen einen Bogen von grundsätzlichen Aspekten der Medienpädagogik, über aktuelle technische Entwicklungen und der Vermittlung von Medienkompetenz in der LehrerInnenausbildung hin zu Erfahrungen aus der Praxis und Empfehlungen für gelingende LehrerInnenfortbildung. Auf Grund der Breite der Thematik wird der E-Learning Tag 2010 von der Universität Innsbruck, vertreten durch die Abteilung Neue Medien und Lerntechnologien (Zentraler Informatikdienst) und dem Bereich Lehramtsstudium (Vizerektorat für Lehre und Studierende), gemeinsam mit dem Tiroler Bildungsservice veranstaltet. Mit dem Bewusstsein, dass der E-Learning Tag 2010 keine Patentlösungen aufzeigen kann, versucht er dennoch, Gedanken, Anregungen und Beispiele zu präsentieren, die Impulsgeber für die weitere Entwicklung, insbesondere in der LehrerInnenausbildung, sein können.
- Publisher: Various
- Total Episodes: 24
From Second Life to virtual libraries, dip into our expertise on e-Learning.
E-Learning – General
- Publisher: Harding University E-Learning
- Total Episodes: 8
E-Learning – General
E-Learning Podcasts
- Publisher: Oxford University
- Total Episodes: 2
Podcasts related to E-learning
- Publisher: E-Learning
- Total Episodes: 3
E-Learning – Instructor
- Publisher: Paula Kirby, Director
- Total Episodes: 13
E-Learning – Instructor
Designs on e-Learning 2009 – Podcasts
- Publisher:
- Total Episodes: 1
Designs on e-Learning 2009 – Podcasts
e-Learning Essentials
- Publisher: Stephanie Nesler
- Total Episodes: 2
Content Experts and Instructional Designers: How to get started.
- Publisher: Greter
- Total Episodes: 1
A talk on Online learning
- Publisher: Kenneth Littlepage
- Total Episodes: 7
“E-Learning Brunch” is a podcast about digitalisation and learning. Every two months, podcast host Kenny interviews a new, exciting person that is an expert, pioneer or trendsetter in the digital training world. The podcast is made for human resource and learning gourmets, leaders, innovation managers and those who want to keep their finger on the pulse of the time.
- Publisher: Stevan Campaz
- Total Episodes: 1
Podcast created with educational purposes
The Amazing E-Learning Roadshow
- Publisher: Craig Weiss
- Total Episodes: 5
Hosted by Craig Weiss, the leading expert worldwide for learning systems, top three in the world for e-learning. He tracks the trends and reports with an independent eye.
- Total Episodes: 2
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