20 Best Human Factors Podcasts of 2021 - Welp Magazine

20 Best Human Factors Podcasts of 2021

4 years ago

Are you wanting to learn more about human factors ? Well you’ve come to the right place. This is a curated list of the best human factors podcasts of 2021.

We have selected these podcasts for a variety of reasons, but they are all well worth a listen. We tried to select a variety of podcasts across the spectrum from hosts with a wide breadth of experience.

We are always keen to hear your feedback, if we have missed a podcast, tweet us @MagazineWelp and we will check it out!

Best Human Factors Podcasts 2021

With thanks to ListenNotes, Crunchbase, SemRush and Ahrefs for providing the data to create and rank these podcasts.

1202 – The Human Factors Podcast

  • Publisher: Barry Kirby C.ErgHF FCIEHF
  • Total Episodes: 20

A Podcast all about Human Factors and its application. Barry Kirby is a Fellow of the CIEHF as well as a Chartered Ergonomist and Human Factors Practitioner as well as a Chartered Engineer.

SAMatters Radio

  • Publisher: Dr. Richard B. Gasaway
  • Total Episodes: 378

The mission of the Situational Awareness Matters! Radio Show is to help you see the bad things coming… in time to avoid bad outcomes by improving your understanding of human factors, situational awareness and decision making under stress. Listen and learn from hundreds of incredible interviews with first responders who survived near-miss events.

Human Factors Cast

  • Publisher: Nick Roome and Blake Arnsdorff
  • Total Episodes: 264

Take a deeper look into the human element in our ever changing digital world. Human Factors Cast is a podcast that investigates the sciences of psychology, engineering, biomechanics, industrial design, physiology and anthropometry and how it affects our interaction with technology. Hosted by Nick Roome, and Blake Arnsdorff.

The Smart City Podcast

  • Publisher: The Smart Cities Team at ARC Advisory Group
  • Total Episodes: 63

Compelling and Educational Smart City Planning and Technology Discussions – including Energy, Transportation, The Built Environment, Connectivity and Water as well as the Human Factors that influence this dramatic paradigm shift.

The Next Conscious Leader Podcast

  • Publisher: Natalie Ehmka
  • Total Episodes: 72

A transformational speaker, trainer, and sought-after energy coach to leaders all over the globe, Natalie Ehmka works with conscious leaders, executives, & influencers of this generation and the next, to strengthen their energy and positive impact on the world. She is a Professional Certified Coach through the ICF, a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, President of With Heart Communications, Inc., and has been a nationally-known motivational speaker and leadership trainer for the past 15 years. Natalie specializes in taking the world of energy, human behavior, spirituality, and the factors that influence change, and applying them to everyday life and business in a practical, tangible way. Her goal is to help businesses and individuals create the change they want to see in the world, and accomplish exactly what their soul came here to do. You’re here to do big things, she’s here to help.


  • Publisher: resuscitology
  • Total Episodes: 2

Resuscitology is a course for resuscitationists, based in Australia and brought to you by Brian Burns, Karel Habig, Libby Hanrahan, Geoff Healy, Natalie May and Cliff Reid. Our emphasis is on deep discussion of Resuscitation cases with focus on optimal up to date clinical resuscitation, leadership and human factors, wellness and sustainability. This podcast captures some of the thoughts, themes and ideas we are interested in around trauma, critical illness and other resuscitation topics.

Aviation Intelligence

  • Publisher: Avic Air
  • Total Episodes: 8

For aviators, points of frustration in everyday life can mean life or death. Take aviation tactics to streamline your life, enhance your relationships, and navigate any career field.* Overcome your psychological and physiological limitations* Minimize stress and distractions in your life* Master the art negotiation and compromise* Obtain new tactics for Conflict resolution * Learn how to motivate your team* Transform small talk into great conversations Root cause analysis has determined that the human element is the number one reason for incidents, accidents, and revenue loss. We will be dissecting the complex factors and finding solutions for those two little words at the end of most crash reports, “Pilot error.” Aeronautical jargon is minimized and explained so anyone can apply these principles to any industry and any situation. We are stoked to share with you the things that keep us up at night. Most great success is born out of frustration. Aviation is a glamorous career on digital media, but it requires sacrifice beyond belief and in order to succeed, one must accept more risk than any “normal” Human would consider. This commercial-free podcast is dedicated to igniting those thoughtful sparks into actionable flames that can help shape the industry into a more prosperous place for all!

R Rated Yarns

  • Publisher: Entertainment Hub
  • Total Episodes: 2

A Podcast Focusing On Different Factors That Affect Human Relationships. New Episodes will Be out Weekly

Misunderstanding Man Vs. Microorganism

  • Publisher: Chelsie Flores
  • Total Episodes: 1

Have we misunderstood microorganisms and how they relate to human health and disease. Consider the factors in maintaining a healthy colony of gut microbes and the health benefits it will offer us.

Military Psychology Podcast Network

  • Publisher: Division 19
  • Total Episodes: 8

Stay up to date with the most important issues in military psychology with the Society for Military Psychology, Division 19 of the American Psychological Association. We are producing several short series on applying psychological principles in military settings and military populations. This Military Psychology Podcast Network will feature topics including diversity in the military, the psychology of consulting with military organizations, behavioral health in military and veteran populations, human factors research, and specialty areas including operational and aviation psychology, fitness for duty and selection decisions, and military ethics. We’ll be addressing the broad question “What is military psychology?” and answering it in a number of ways. We are releasing all series in one feed to make it easy to stay up-to-date on the latest research, policy, and practice considerations. Subscribe to the Military Psychology Podcast Network feed for free access, and follow the Society for Military Psychology at www.militarypsych.org and on social media at @APADIV19.

the mind machine

  • Publisher: Stephen Fairclough
  • Total Episodes: 11

The mind machine is a podcast devoted to the latest research in applied neurosciences, physiological computing, neuroadaptive interfaces and human factors psychology. Each episode features a conversation with a different researcher about their work. Our discussions will focus on emerging technologies, such as: brain-computer interfaces, system automation, affective computing, wearable sensors and assistive technology. The conversations will cover technical aspects of the work as well as potential societal impacts. The podcast will present academic research in a way that is both informal and accessible for both professional and non-professional listeners.

mindFly Katha

  • Publisher: Capt. Amit Singh
  • Total Episodes: 18

mindFully Human. All about human factors and thinking. mindFly by Amit presents an Indian Non Governmental Organisation for safety www.safetymatters.co.in

The Deepwater Subsea Podcast: The #1 Podcast for Oil & Gas Professionals

  • Publisher: Michael Fry and Dallas Bozeman:
  • Total Episodes: 23

The Deepwater Subsea Podcast is the show for oil and gas professionals who are looking to advance in their careers. Every Monday Dallas Bozeman and Michael Fry will be covering topics ranging from leadership, personal and professional development, career advancement, human factors, communication, news, and employment opportunities available in the industry today.

Embracing Differences

  • Publisher: Nippin Anand
  • Total Episodes: 24

This podcast series is about understanding and embracing different perspectives in safety sciences and human factors. Views and perspectives that differ from ours make us anxious and uncomfortable. In my world, unpacking and understanding these differences can powerfully set us on a path towards learning and growth.

Work and Organizational Psychology – with Gerhard Ohrband

  • Publisher: Gerhard Ohrband
  • Total Episodes: 47

Learn about both basic and niche topics in Work and Organizational Psychology in less than five minutes a week. If you are an HR professional, you will get inspired to explore new areas beyond recruiting and payroll. If you are a CEO or entrepreneur, you will get an overview on the applied science of human factors at work. Gerhard Ohrband is a lecturer in work and organizational psychology and book author from Hamburg/Germany, currently located in South Eastern Europe.

User Centered by Design

  • Publisher: Sunrise Labs UCD Team
  • Total Episodes: 5

How can you leverage a User-Centered Design mindset in your product development efforts? In this series by Sunrise Labs, our UCD Team talks about challenges you might face when creating a smooth user experience in MedTech. Hear our experts discuss topics related to systems-level thinking, UX/UI Design, Human Factors Engineering, Industrial Design, and more.

The Mind of Man

  • Publisher: Nick Morris
  • Total Episodes: 5

The Mind of Man is a documentary of the intellectual evolution of man. Starting with the beginnings of life, it will chronicle the advancements in human technology and psychology; the chief factors in human intellectual evolution. Tune in to explore the journey of your ancestors. Give feedback here: https://nick88morris22.typeform.com/to/MzK1oWv6 Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/the-mind-of-man/support

Human Endeavor Principles

  • Publisher: Mark West
  • Total Episodes: 16

The human experience is fascinating as it functions and interacts with the world we live in. There are certain human factors that plays to our lives and perspective as it guides our beliefs, behaviors, interests, and future. This podcast explores the human experience at all levels and helps individuals gain more insight into their lives. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/mark-west7/support


  • Publisher: Chelsea Stein Engberg, M.A.S.
  • Total Episodes: 4

If you’re looking for a mishmash of interesting information and engaging real-life stories, look no further. No topic is off limits and expect a sprinkling of psychology to stretch the mind. Business and human factors consultant, coach, and pilot, Chelsea Stein Engberg, uses her own insatiable curiosity to entertain, inspire and educate.

Human Plants Podcast

  • Publisher: Ian Javier & Janet Ramirez
  • Total Episodes: 6

Hopefully, the process of bettering yourself is one that you are continuously embarked on. If so, join hosts Ian Javier & Janet Ramirez as they converse about an array of topics that one could argue are germane to us all regardless of allegiance, background, or appearance – topics that range from adulting in NYC, personal nutrition, the different types of motivating factors, current events, not so current events, news in the sports world, news in the political world and much, much more! In all topics, always attempting to answer “how do we cultivate being good human plants?”

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