20 Best RF Podcasts of 2021 - Welp Magazine
4 years ago

Are you wanting to learn more about rf ? Well you’ve come to the right place. This is a curated list of the best rf podcasts of 2021.

We have selected these podcasts for a variety of reasons, but they are all well worth a listen. We tried to select a variety of podcasts across the spectrum from hosts with a wide breadth of experience.

We are always keen to hear your feedback, if we have missed a podcast, tweet us @MagazineWelp and we will check it out!

Best RF Podcasts 2021

With thanks to ListenNotes, Crunchbase, SemRush and Ahrefs for providing the data to create and rank these podcasts.

Rare Frequency Podcast

  • Publisher: Rare Frequency + Various Artists
  • Total Episodes: 120

RF is devoted to experimental, electronic, noise, improv, electro acoustic, avant-pop, and out-there music. Strange sounds, lovingly presented.

RF-SMART Podcast: Taking Inventory

  • Publisher: RF-SMART
  • Total Episodes: 18

The RF-SMART podcast Taking Inventory is all about better controlling your supply chain and improving inventory management. We started this podcast to provide a deep-dive into topics such as company and product updates, inventory best practices, and stories from RF-SMART customers. Be sure and subscribe on your favorite platform(s). Thanks for listening!

Microwave Journal Podcasts

  • Publisher: microwavejournal
  • Total Episodes: 138

Microwave Journal podcasts including the RF/microwave update series, Frequency Matters, plus interviews with industry experts and executives.

area 51 raid

  • Publisher: Devon Snider
  • Total Episodes: 1

area 51 rf story

August Brice • Thriving With Technology @ Tech Wellness

  • Publisher: Tech Wellness
  • Total Episodes: 11

Thriving With Technology is the podcast from techwellness.com. Our Mission is to bring awareness, balance and health to our relationship with tech. Our new reality makes that harder than ever, BUT, it’s not impossible. We’ll help you find it without having to abandon the technology that makes life easy, convenient and connected. We cover online privacy, EMF’s and Rf, along with screen addiction and other health issues that are part of our modern world. Join the movement today at techwellness.com

The Secret Files

  • Publisher: Practical Dermatology
  • Total Episodes: 3

The Secret Files delves into the science and clinical application of Secret RF, a fractional radiofrequency micro needling device. Along with hosts Ashish Bhatia, MD and Jeff Hsu, MD, experts uncover how the technology works and when and how to integrate the system into patient care. Learn how Secret RF can fit in your practice.

All Portable Discussion Zone

  • Publisher: Charlie NJ7V – Dan KC7MSU – Brian W7JET
  • Total Episodes: 24

Every other week we talk about amateur radio portable operations. This is the audio version of the YouTube livestream show found on the Red Summit RF channel with special guests and roundtable discussions on SOTA and POTA topics. Help support this podcast – Donate: https://www.patreon.com/redsummitrf Obtain a sticker https://redsummitrf.blogspot.com/

Founded Connect

  • Publisher: Raleigh Founded
  • Total Episodes: 17

Welcome to Founded Connect! A place where our local resource providers at Raleigh Founded and our members can connect! In these episodes, our RF resource providers here in the Triangle will talk about their services, provide valuable insight, and answer frequently asked questions regarding their area of expertise for the entrepreneurial community. Looking for something specific? Check out each episode description to learn more about the providers and their specialty area! See what makes our community at Raleigh Founded so valuable.

Previously On: Previously On

  • Publisher: RF Media
  • Total Episodes: 25

Previously on: Previously On is a short form audio drama podcast that explores a brief fictional moment in time. They usually run about 5 minutes. It is a collaboration of many producers, authors and voice over artists who’ve been heavily involved in creating modern audio drama (what is now called Fiction Podcasts). Our team works with other members and independently to create each episode. Among the writers and producers are Richard Frohlich, Jeff Billard, Jack Ward, Lothar Tuppan, Pete Lutz, Pamela Meister, John Bell and others. Some episodes are dramatic, some are comedic, and many fall somewhere in between. More often than not they don’t relate to each other. They exist in their own “bubble universe” and the author chooses where they pick up, where they happen and where they tease the next episode. Previously On: Previously On is a coproduction of the Mutual Audio Network and The Texas Radio Theatre Company in association with RF Media. We hope you enjoy listening. © 2019 RF Media

RF Talks: Jack Crabtree

  • Publisher: John A. “Jack” Crabtree
  • Total Episodes: 23

RF Talks: Jack Crabtree

This Week in Radio Tech (Video)

  • Publisher: TWiT
  • Total Episodes: 10

Broadcast Engineers – especially Radio engineers – work behind the scenes to bring you most everything we listen to, including web-delivered audio. With encouragement from Leo himself, broadcast engineer and radio station owner Kirk Harnack brings you “This Week in Radio Tech”. Along with co-hosts Tom Ray, Chris Tobin, and Chris Tarr, TWiRT episodes feature sage audio advice, “There I was…” stories, and instruction from some of the sharpest minds in audio media technology today. TWiRT is smart, informative, and lots of fun for audio, RF, and packet-loving geeks. Although the show is no longer in production at TWiT, you can enjoy these older episodes from the TWiT Archives.

The Grounded Podcast

  • Publisher: Grounded
  • Total Episodes: 2

Exploring places, life stories and my own soul during a long journey on Earth (Music: Earth from Anna RF)


  • Publisher: Eric Banks
  • Total Episodes: 5

Join Eric and Shane from VIAVI as they talk testing with weekly guests on various topics. They cover fiber, ethernet, RF, and more! Catch up on the latest subjects, learn time-saving tips, and get the most out of your VIAVI test gear!


  • Publisher: Testups Ltd
  • Total Episodes: 1

Testups is publishing podcasts related to Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Radio Frequency (RF) tests, certificates. Test instruments and chambers will be also here. Join and follow us.

Barbee Memorial Presbyterian Church

  • Publisher: Landen Reed Summers
  • Total Episodes: 1

Message: The LORD teaches us His sovereign power through Habakkuk’s suffering. Habakkuk 1:1-11 Pastor Peter Lindstrom Website: http://www.barbeepc.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BarbeePC/?rf=137025666373202

Delta Global Connect Podcast

  • Publisher: Delta Electronics Mfg. Corp.
  • Total Episodes: 1

Delta Electronics Mfg. Corp. has been making world class RF, microwave and millimeter-wave connectors for 65 years. This podcast focuses on the interconnect industry, the science and engineering related to connectors and Delta’s unique ability to customize common interfaces to our customers requirements.

ARFTG – RF & Microwave Measurements

  • Publisher: Peter Aaen
  • Total Episodes: 15

Videos from past ARFTG RF and Microwave Measurement Conferences The Automatic Radio Frequency Techniques Group (ARFTG) is a technical organization interested in all aspects of RF and microwave test and measurement. ARFTG was created in 1972 to help end users get the most from the latest generation of test and measurement equipment. In the early years, the primary focus was on instrumentation automation and calibration. In the meantime, measurement techniques have evolved greatly, and now include such diverse topics as: nonlinear measurements, production testing, temporal measurements, high frequency fixturing and probing, multi-port network analysis, mixed-signal measurements, mmWave and THz measurements. The broad range of ARFTG interests is reflected in the nature of the conferences. ARFTG sponsors two conferences each year.

new RF

  • Publisher: new RF
  • Total Episodes: 2

new RF

Shiri Y: Random Fandom

  • Publisher: Shiri Y & Chen Drachman
  • Total Episodes: 28

Random Fandom is a podcast that celebrates all things fandom-related: we chat about pop culture news, debate the in-s and out-s of fan culture and communities, and occasionally we interview fans of random and obscure fandoms, to figure out what tiny fandoms have in common with mega-fandoms. www.facebook.com/witchpod soundcloud: bit.ly/RF-01 Itunes Stitcher __________ Shiri .Y: Twitter: @witchstuff / Tumblr: @slitherouter __________ Chen Drachman: www.chendrachman.com Insta/Tumblr/Twitter: @shokoshik

The RTT Technology Topic Podcast

  • Publisher: RTT Online
  • Total Episodes: 8

Geoff Varrall of RTT presents the monthly RTT Technology Topic podcast. RTT provide RF engineering and radio technology support to the cellular radio industry, broadcasting, two way radio and satellite industry

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