Are you wanting to learn more about stage direction ? Well you’ve come to the right place. This is a curated list of the best stage direction podcasts of 2021.
We have selected these podcasts for a variety of reasons, but they are all well worth a listen. We tried to select a variety of podcasts across the spectrum from hosts with a wide breadth of experience.
We are always keen to hear your feedback, if we have missed a podcast, tweet us @MagazineWelp and we will check it out!
Best Stage Direction Podcasts 2021
With thanks to ListenNotes, Crunchbase, SemRush and Ahrefs for providing the data to create and rank these podcasts.
The Strong Startup
- Publisher: The Strong Startup
- Total Episodes: 12
Demystifying the startup world for early-stage entrepreneurs through engaging interviews with the most important people from the startup ecosystem. We provide our listeners with a gentle push in the right direction to take action on their innovative ideas and to see entrepreneurship as a real opportunity to learn and hopefully succeed in business. Guests range from design thinking experts such as Prof. Ezri Tarazi (Ideo & Design Tech by Technion) and startup program managers like Thomas Schier (Startplatz & to social entrepreneurs like Dr. Jagadeesh Gandla (EIT Health & DareToStart) and managers from prominent student programs like Niclas-Alexander Mauss (Technical University Munich, Entrepreneurial Masterclass).
DJ Du Jour
- Publisher: DJ Du Jour
- Total Episodes: 14
Now calling Melbourne home, DJ Du Jour, well respected and highly regarded in the industry has taken Australia and the world by storm. Originally launching her career in 2010, off the back of winning the Sydney Mardi Gras DJ Competition, Du Jour has made a remarkable impact with her musical expression and secured a reputation around the world as one the most talented Female DJs. Du Jour has a serious knack for knowing what people want, how to captivate them, tease them, throw their hands in the air, make their bodies heave and entice their ears and leave them wanting more. Crowds love her. Promoters want her. DJ’s respect her … And she delivers… Du Jour’ Sound Du Jour spins has a unique edge, her entrancing sets are notably eclectic in style. From deep, tropical poolside vibes that are the perfect accompaniment to a cocktail through to arena style vocal house and energy fuelled circuit and progressive house all carved into a personal sound that leaves a lasting impression. Du Jour takes on influences from pioneers like FatBoy Slim, Carl Cox and Paul Oakenfold while drawing on her own experience to lay down the direction for every gig. Each performance moulded to suit the venue and the crowd. Unique. Unforgettable. Du Jour’s Domains Originating from Sydney, Australia, Du Jour found her home when securing residencies along infamous Oxford St, namely, Arq, The Colombian and Stonewall Hotels. The demand for her sets kept her diary locked and schedule tight as she expanded out to The Star Casino, Hacienda Bar and launching her women’s only night – Chick. Du Jour performed to record crowds at the 2018 40th anniversary of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in the renown RHI Pavilion. Further to this, Du Jour was a headline act at 2015 Mardi Gras Harbour Part and Laneway Parties. Interstate, Du Jour has taken Perth, Hobart Brisbane and Melbourne by storm, headlining major events and venues like Midsumma T-Dance, Perth Pride, Brisbane Pride, Hobart Pride as well as Tropical Fruits for New Years celebrations eventually making the easy transition to Melbourne. Venues and events such as Sundaylicious, Poof Doof and Sircuit make sure she is on the decks allowing crowds to be swept up in her grooves. On the world stage, she has already spread her wings to the USA, Europe and Bali further cementing her passion and finger on the music industry and continues to wow crowds with her energy on stage and that ever-entrancing smile.
Ho’opono’ono – Healing our Mind.
- Publisher: Open and Clear, Broadcasting
- Total Episodes: 6
Thousands of Hours of Eye-Opening Programs @ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -Thousands of Hours of Eye-Opening Programs @ – – – – – – – – – – – – -Please help support this Program @ – – – – – – – – – – – – -While eons of generations have transformed the continuity of language, lifestyle and superstitions. The commonly referred to practice of Hooponopono has been restored to it’s original state, created over two hundred thousand years ago on the content of Mu. The commonly known practice has lost two additional stages of perceptual shifting and even the “I Trust You” in it’s simple steps. Rev.Devan Byrne has received the revelations of his last shamanic journey as this creator, which offered in great detail the restoration of this simple and miraculous practice. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -Get Spiritual Support with: Conscious Spirit-Coaching— A ONE-on-ONE Service of SHAMANIC direction, guidance, personal support & inspiration to eventually induce undeniable first-hand spiritual & multidimensional experiences on a consciously aware level. Learn More @ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Please help support this Program @
Stage Directions
- Publisher: Klamor Media
- Total Episodes: 16
Hosted by Ashley Griffin, STAGE DIRECTIONS offers a deeper look at the things no one discusses contemporary theater. Exploring everything from the dichotomy between critical and audience reception, whether fairy tales are important to modern day storytelling, and whether "high" and "low" musical theater can ever find common ground, Ashley will examine ideas you "didn't know you didn't know.
The Divorce Devil Podcast
- Publisher: David M Webb
- Total Episodes: 36
A PODCAST ABOUT REAL PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT REAL DIVORCE!! If you need to make an informed decision about divorce…. then you need some type of direction. We do not advocate being professionals but our various life experiences do count for something. Divorce Devil Podcast is a podcast of an exchange of ideas, experiences, and/or opinions from people who have already walked the journey of divorce. David, being divorced for over 10 years, and his Guests will debate the in’s and out’s of pre, during, and post-divorce. Some guests will have been divorced for quite a while and for others the pain is still fresh. In taking a divorce recovery seminar and eventually becoming a facilitator during his journey, David saw all sorts of people in different stages of healing. Listen to some of the discussions and see what may pertain to you, a loved one, or a friend in their struggles. Maybe they can provide a positive spin on a negative experience for you or someone you know. Between David and his guests, they have seen and experienced some very interesting and eye-opening situations and events. Listen up.
Ho’opono’ono – Restorations of Origin
- Publisher: therapyofthesoul
- Total Episodes: 37
Please help support this Program @ & ——— While eons of generations have transformed the continuity of language, lifestyle and superstitions. The commonly referred to practice of Hooponopono has been restored to it’s original state, created over 200 thousand years ago on the content of Mu. The commonly known practice has lost two additional stages of perceptual shifting and even the “I Trust You” in it’s simple steps. Rev.Devan Byrne has received the revelations of his last shamanic journey as this creator, which offered in great detail the restoration of this simple and miraculous practice. —– Brought to you by Conscious Spirit-Coaching A ONE-on-ONE Service of SHAMANIC direction, guidance, personal support & inspiration to eventually induce undeniable first-hand spiritual & multidimensional experiences on a consciously aware level. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – ***** PLEASE RATE THIS PROGRAM ON THE APP YOU LISTEN WITH ***** – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Hamlet by SHAKESPEARE, William
- Publisher: LibriVox
- Total Episodes: 6
Hamlet is commonly regarded as one of the greatest plays ever written. Drawing on Danish chronicles and the Elizabethan vogue for revenge tragedy, Shakespeare created a play that is at once a philosophic treatise, a family drama, and a supernatural thriller. In the wake of his father’s death, Prince Hamlet finds that his Uncle Claudius has swiftly taken the throne and married his mother, Queen Gertrude. The ghost of the dead king then appears and charges Claudius with ‘murder most foul.’ Hamlet is called to revenge his father’s death: but will he be able to act before it is too late? Cast: Claudius, King of Denmark – Michael Sirois Gertrude, Queen of Denmark, and Mother of Hamlet – Elizabeth Klett Ghost Of Hamlet, the Late King of Denmark – dolohov Hamlet, Son to the former, and Nephew to the present King – John Gonzalez Polonius, Lord Chamberlain – Andy Minter Laertes, Son to Polonius – Denny Sayers Ophelia, Daughter to Polonius – Kristin Hughes Reynaldo, Servant to Polonius – Thomas Wells Horatio, Friend to Hamlet – David Nicol Rosencrantz, Courtier – Kara Shallenberg Guildenstern, Courtier – Karen Savage Francisco, a Soldier – Andrew Lebrun Bernardo, Officer – David O’Connell Marcellus, Officer – Jordan Mueller Voltimand, Courtier – Thomas Wells Osric, Courtier – allex A Gentleman, Courtier – David Jaquay Another Gentleman – mb Clown One, Grave-digger – Brennan Holtzclaw Clown Two, Grave-digger – Christie Nowak A Priest – Kevin O’Coin Fortinbras, Prince of Norway – mb A Captain & his Army – Andrew Lebrun English Ambassador – Andrew Lebrun First Player – Rosalind Wills Player King – Denny Sayers Player Queen – Kirsten Ferreri Player Lucianus – allex Group Of Danes – David O’Connell Lord – LaurenT Servant – Christie Nowak Stage Direction – Rosalind Wills Editors – mb & Jc Guan Dedicated Proof-Listeners – Elizabeth Klett & mb Book Coordinators – J.C., Scott Sherris, Jc Guan, Elizabeth Klett & mb
The Awkward Mom Stage
- Publisher: Lola Nicole
- Total Episodes: 39
The Awkward Mom Stage was created as an open journal of my journey through life and motherhood and then I decided to turn it into an open discussion where my listeners can go on life’s journey with me. Why go through life alone when you can do it with friends right, lol? I’m on a journey to find myself, learning to manifest the life and love I want, be a better wife and mother, and I’m learning how to take time out for self care. Join me every Wednesday where I get into topics of sex, love, motherhood, life and more. I discuss current topics, interview women killing it in their fields, and much more. I’d say my life has had it’s fair share of awkward moments, and I can’t be the only one right, lol? I think every stage of motherhood is awkward, from making friends as an adult, meeting new mom friends that won’t judge your parenting/life, finding love after heartbreak, reigniting the lost spark in a marriage, finding your way back after losing yourself, body positivity woes, and more. Come join this awkward journey with me every week! Every stage of motherhood and life is awkward. So whether you have 1 kid or 6, you’re a dog mom, or you feel like your partner’s mom things can get messy. Am I right?! I am for sure an awkward mom, navigating all the growing pains that come along with mom life with the occasional F-Bomb in tow, lol. Feel stuck in an identity crisis? Feel like your life lacks direction? Goals feel distant? Well me too so you’re not alone, lol. Tune in every Wednesday as I go through this crazy coaster called life with you. *This podcast celebrates motherhood in all forms, for exactly what it is; AWKWARD! Welcome to the Awkward Mom Stage!*Always Remember You’re Beautiful!-Lola
“Take The Stairs” – Life Coach podcast. #takethestairs
- Publisher: John de Beer
- Total Episodes: 1
Coaching people to go deeper, further and higher in their life. Everyone needs a coach. And most people hit a wall or a stumbling block at some stage. I am here to help you find direction and clarity while discovering your gifts, talents and purpose. This podcast will help you become a better version of yourself.
Julius Caesar by SHAKESPEARE, William
- Publisher: LibriVox
- Total Episodes: 6
William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, based on true events, concerns the conspiracy against Julius Caesar, his assassination in 44 BC, and its immediate aftermath. Probably written in 1599 and among the first of Shakespeare’s plays to be performed at the Globe Theater, Julius Caesar is one of his best-known dramas and has received innumerable performances throughout the centuries. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden after Wikipedia)Cast:Julius Caesar – Kim StichOctavius Caesar – Glenn SimonsenAntony – Barry EadsLepidus and Cicero – David LawrencePublius, Poet, and Pindarus – Nathan MillerPopilius Lena and First Commoner – AndrewBrutus – Denny SayersCassius – Christopher SannerCasca – mbTrebonius and First Soldier – Mark I. SmithLigarius and Second Soldier – om123Decius Brutus – KalyndaMetellus Cimber and Dardanius – Chris CaronCinna, Young Cato, Second Commoner, Claudius, and Messenger – SonjaFlavius and Clitus – Mark PenfoldMarullus and Messala – Arielle LipshawArtemidorus – AspergineSoothsayer – AvailleCinna the Poet – ElliLucilius – Christian Al-KadiTintinius – Chris SellersVolumnius and Servant – Laurie Anne WaldenVarro and Third Soldier- Lucy PerryStrato – PhilippaLucius – MGVestalCalpurnia – Miriam Esther GoldmanPortia – Abigail BartelsFirst Citizen – Bellona TimesSecond Citizen – Mark PaarThird Citizen – David ColeFourth Citizen – wimberprincessStage directions – Elizabeth Klett Audio edited by David Lawrence
- Publisher: Byron Bowers
- Total Episodes: 62
My name is Byron and My life Philosophy for myself is to Embrace My Uniqueness on this journey to happiness by taking the Road less traveled in my Life! Not having a clear plan on what to do or what direction I needed to take I turned to self-development books to help me out of the rut…and 3 years later although I have made some major strides in my life I still feel like I’m at the very beginning stage of my journey. I’m hoping to use this podcast to not only share the tools and knowledge I’ve learned so far but also to get questions answered, new perspectives, new friends, new understanding Support this podcast:
The Goat Consulting Podcast
- Publisher: Colby Jubenville, John Byers, and Tyler Burnett
- Total Episodes: 34
The Goat Consulting Podcast is a platform that combines the unique perspective, education and experience of the three hosts. We provide emotionally compelling and entertaining content to listeners who strive to be a GOAT in all stages of life. We do that in in three ways. 1.We attract those striving to a be a GOAT! 2.It’s all about the stages of life, failure and success. 3.We serve it up in a way that YOU can get it. We say the greatest soft skill is communication, but isn’t it one of the hardest skills to learn? Each episode is focused on simple, powerful, emotional stories and take-aways that listeners can use in their personal and professional lives. Our audience starts their day with the GCP. We provide focus, clarity and direction about what people really want and then show them how to get it and do it – NOW.
Startups Unpacked
- Publisher: Dan Hightower
- Total Episodes: 10
The weekly podcast with fresh takes from venture-backed startup founders who are building great products. Hey ya’ll- I’m Dan Hightower, the host of Startups Unpacked, a podcast where I interview early-stage startup founders, diving into their path towards initial Product/Market Fit, and how they landed their first rounds of funding. We started Startups Unpacked because getting a company started is HARD, and it’s even harder for us, the misfits, who want help getting to product/market fit and finding investors, but find ourselves on the outside of the Silicon Valley clubhouse looking in. Whether you’re an entrepreneur already trying to raise funds, or you’ve been sitting on an idea without direction on where to go next, this show is designed to introduce you to founders who are just one or two steps ahead of you- the ones who have recently been exactly where you are right now. Our mission is to make starting companies more relatable and accessible, and in turn, way less mysterious and exclusive. On each episode, we’ll sit down with a founder or investor who can share their story of building a product that customers can’t live without, or explain how/here to find & close investors. We will never interview: 1.) A unicorn “startup” 2.) A VC with an office on Sand Hill Road
The Passion of Ethel Rosenberg (a Radio Play)
- Publisher: Dramatic Interpretations
- Total Episodes: 5
Written by award-winning Nashville music journalist Edward Morris, “The Passion of Ethel Rosenberg” is a one-person, three-act radio play and podcast that focuses on the nearly three years Ethel (portrayed by Keri Pagetta) and her husband, Julius, spent in prison on charges of spying for Russia before being executed by electric chair in 1953. From her prison cell, she recalls her impoverished upbringing on New York’s Lower East Side, and reflects on the choices she made and ambitions she’ll never achieve. Based largely on actual letters exchanged in prison between Ethel and Julius and primary sources from that time, the play imagines Ethel’s agony at the prospect of being executed and leaving her two young sons behind. It also traces her transition from an aspiring and talented singer to a fervent political activist and focuses on a love for her husband so passionate that she unflinchingly followed him to the electric chair. The three acts are followed by an interview episode with Morris and Pagetta. The play is introduced by Natasha Senjanovic, a Nashville-based Pulitzer Center grantee, reporter, producer and editor, and scored by Nashville musician and producer Joe Pisapia (Guster, k.d. lang and others). Photos by David Poag. Directed for podcast by Keri and Joe Pagetta based on the original direction for the stage by Carolyn German. It was produced by Keri and Joe Pagetta. To support this podcast, visit and click the “Donate” link.
Faust I by GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von
- Publisher: LibriVox
- Total Episodes: 8
Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend; a highly successful scholar, but also dissatisfied with his life, and so makes a deal with the devil, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Faust is a tragic play in two parts. It is Goethe’s most famous work and considered by many to be one of the greatest works of German literature.This first part of Faust is not divided into acts, but is structured as a sequence of scenes in a variety of settings. After a dedicatory poem and a prelude in the theatre, the actual plot begins with a prologue in Heaven and Scene 1 in Faust’s study. (Summary modified from Wikipedia) Cast List: Narrator, Stage Directions, Dedication: Alex Foster Mephistopheles: om123 Faust: Stewart Wills Margaret (Gretchen): Lucy Perry Manager (scene 22), Chorus of Disciples, Beggar, Crane: George Deprez, PhD Dramatic Poet, Chorus of Disciples, Citizen 2, Wizards, Minister, Worldling: bish Merry-Andrew, Chorus of Disciples, Apprentice 1, Citizen 3, Siebel, Valentine, Wizards, Purist, Leader of the Band, Sceptic, The Heavy Fellows, Parvenu, Oberon, The Adroit, Dancing-Master: ToddHW Raphael, Chorus of Angels, Student 1, Author, Musagetes: tipaew Gabriel, Chorus of Angels, Student 2, Proktophantasmist, Xenies, Dogmatist: David Lawrence Manager (Prelude), Michael, Chorus of Angels, Citizen 1, Servibilis, Hennings, Idealist: Peter Yearsley The Lord, Old Peasant, Spirits, Ci-Devant Genius of the Age, Supernaturalist: Marty Kris Wagner, General, Weathercock, Realist: John Burnett People, Witches, Titania: Ana Simão Chorus of Women, Servant-Girl 2, Peasants, Chorus (scene 20), Voice 2, Half-Witch, Witches, Orchestra: Kalynda Martha, Chorus of Women, Servant-Girl 1, Peasants, Citizen’s Daughter, The She-Ape, The Witch, Lisbeth, Huckster-Witch, Young Witch, Witches, Solo, Little Couple, Dancer: Natalie Chorus of Women, Old Woman, Spirits, Evil Spirit, Old Witch, Matron: Rosalind Wills Apprentice 2, Soldiers, Northern Artist, The Heavy Fellows: Lars Rolander Spirit, Apprentice 3, Soldiers, Peasants, People, Chorus (scene 20), Ariel, Spirit Just Growing into Form, Will-O’-The-Wisps: TriciaG Apprentice 4, Soldiers, Peasants, Chorus (scene 20), Voice 1, Orchestra, Little Couple, The Awkward: Liberty Stump Apprentice 5, Soldiers, The He-Ape, The Orthodox, Shooting-Star: Bob Gonzalez Frosch, Will-O’-The-Wisp, Inquisitive Traveller: Ransom Brander, Herald, Good Fellow: Algy Pug Altmayer, Puck: John FrickerEditors: Stewart Wills om123 Natalie David Olson Hennell Annise TriciaG Roseanne Schmidt Corinna Schultz Linette Geisel David Lawrence
A New You
- Publisher: Liz Tupling
- Total Episodes: 15
A New You is a resource to help you navigate any form of change. Whether it be positive or negative change, losses or gains, A New You provides direction and concrete guidance for moving through even the most complex changes. Through a sharing of tips, responses to your questions, step-by-step processes and personal anecdotes, the show creates a road map for personal transformation. Holding space for you to explore all angles of changing and sometimes confusing dynamics, A New You gives permission to honor every stage of the change of experience, even the most trying and difficult. You’ll experience the much needed validation, perspective and permission to end the exhausting cycle of “seeking” and claim the space of possibility and “being.”
The Right To Play
- Publisher: Right to Play Podcast
- Total Episodes: 19
The Right to Play Podcast is a conversational podcast in which Gina and Ashley discuss the craft, business, and greater impact of the art of playwriting and theatre. Perfect for anyone who’s ever thought about writing their first play, seasoned professional writers, and theatre-makers alike. Topics include “Dealing with rejection,” “The importance of stage directions,” discussing taboo questions such as “Is it OK to not like Shakespeare,” and more. Support this podcast:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
- Publisher: Amado Hidalgo Trenado
- Total Episodes: 17
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (original English title, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, titled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in the United States and India) 3 is a fantasy and adventure film based on the homonymous book by JK Rowling, Directed by filmmaker Chris Columbus and released in 2001. It became the first release in the Harry Potter film series. The story follows Harry Potter, a boy who when he turns eleven years old discovers that he is a wizard, for which he is sent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to begin his training as such.The script was written by the American Steve Kloves, who concluded that his work had been arduous; Kloves claims to have felt nervous the first time he met Rowling because he did not want her to think about a possible “maladaptation.” The cast consisted of Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Richard Harris, Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman and Ian Hart. The special effects were carried out mainly by Sony Pictures Imageworks and Industrial Light & Magic, and more than 600 shots with computer-generated effects were included for which several specialized companies were hired.The conception of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone began in 1997, when British producer David Heyman was searching Hollywood for a children’s book that could serve as the inspiration for a hit movie. Soon after, his company (Heyday Films) suggested The Philosopher’s Stone, a project that Heyman would present to Warner Bros. Thus, in 1999 Rowling sold the film rights to the first four books in the series for just under $ 2,000,000. As an additional detail, the author demanded that the main cast would have to be of British nationality, allowing only some exceptions such as that of the Irish actor Richard Harris (interpreter of Albus Dumbledore); this was so in order to maintain a cultural link between the book and the adaptation. In the early stages of production, director Steven Spielberg was proposed to direct the film, but he would eventually decline the offer. Finally, production began in 2000, under the direction of Chris Columbus, with the majority of the scenes being shot at Leavesden Studios.
Take a Bite! Podcast
- Publisher: Jeannine
- Total Episodes: 22
Take a Bite! Podcast stories are quick 5-15 minute long tales told with imaginations, appetites, and attention spans in mind. Children follow the prompt to “take a bite” of their meal or snack as they listen. Watch that food disappear! Many children struggle with mealtime. A Take a Bite! story can add adventure, suspense, cuteness, and fun to the table. Don’t forget, little ones, to follow our directions…and eat your veggies! Visit for discussion questions and to support the show. Look for a new story each week and don’t forget to subscribe on your choice of podcast app. Thanks for listening!*DISCLAIMER*: Take a Bite! Podcast stories are written for children 3 years of age and up. Adult supervision is always required while children are eating and listening. Always remind your child to finish chewing before taking another bite to prevent choking. It is important to consider your child’s age and stage of development before listening. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian/caretaker to decide if a Take a Bite! Podcast story is suitable for their child. Take a Bite! Podcast assumes no liability for injury or medical issues related to listening. By listening, you agree to all terms set forth within and use at your own risk. See our website,, for full Terms & Conditions.
Stage Directions
- Publisher: Dan Rebellato
- Total Episodes: 4
On Stage Directions each month I discuss current issues in theatre and performance with colleagues and critics, friends and fellow theatre workers. There are interviews with theatre makers, critics and academics and discussions of the latest shows and the latest theatre research. Stage Directions is brought to you with the support of the Department of Drama, Theatre & Dance at Royal Holloway, University of London.