3 Tips To Develop A Kid’s Education App - Welp Magazine

3 Tips To Develop A Kid’s Education App

Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels
2 years ago

Educational apps have the potential to add more dimensions to a child’s learning experience than any one medium can possibly hope to do. This was true even before 2020, of course, but that was the year when the immense potential of specialized educational applications was widely realized and accepted on an unprecedented scale. As a result, there is now a huge market out there for specialized applications that focus on educating children. Developers interested in the sector should keep the following points in mind while planning out the design and goals of their app.

Integrate All the Mediums

An educational app adds more dimensions to the digital learning experience than any one medium because it has the potential to incorporate all of them. If the opportunity to do so is present, always design apps for children that use text, images, audio, videos, games, live sessions, and interactive interfaces in perfect cohesion with each other to create a seamless learning experience.

For example, interactive interfaces are a huge part of what has made digital learning courses so successful today. However, the interactions should be as multifaceted as possible to make each lesson more accessible and useful for every child that completes them. Interaction points should be embedded in video, audio, text, and image interfaces being used to impart the lessons.

Integrate Advanced Speech Recognition

Speech recognition in most educational apps is not as well integrated as it should be in 2022. Most apps have speech interfaces for kids to use and interact with the app, but they lack accuracy. Without an advanced speech technology glossary embedded into the app’s speech recognition software, it will often fail in detecting children’s responses/questions/prompts properly. This naturally leads to the app delivering inaccurate results, making voice interaction quite ineffective for educating children.

Young children in general do not have the most developed pronunciations, but the problem becomes manifold if the child’s first language is not the one they are using to interact with the app. This issue can be solved easily by using AI voice recognition tech with a key glossary of speech technology terms embedded into it. Since we are discussing smart software with deep learning capabilities, the software’s core speech technology glossary will continue to expand and adjust as needed, automatically expanding and improving your app’s speech recognition capabilities further beyond.

Diversification of the Course Content and Interfaces

When kids are young, each developmental year makes a big difference. What might be too simple for children aged 6 – 8 may feel too complicated for children aged 4 or less. Therefore, if your app is offering a course to children aged between 4 and 8, diversify the course by offering two separate avenues of learning for the same course.

Design one for children between the ages of 7 and 8, but also simplify the steps to create another, simpler version for children aged 4 to 6. It adds more accessibility to the app, making it suitable for a diverse age range. This meets both the goal of making the app more successful, as well as making it a properly equipped digital tool for educating children across multiple age groups.

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