5 Great Steps on How to Write Technical Documents That are Easy

Image by David Schwarzenberg from Pixabay
3 years ago

Technical writing is a critical part of many businesses, and many companies see the technical document as their most important asset. This type of document acts as a unique challenge. It is designed to test your understanding of the English language and help you think creatively about the content. If they don’t function correctly, the business will fail.

Is it important?

You have to write technical documentation to communicate with other members of your organization, to give them the resources they need to do their jobs, but many people are unsure how important it is to write them.

If you have a hard time writing technical documents that are easy to understand for a technical audience, then the answer is probably yes. Technical documents consist of a wide range of topics, some of which may be more understandable to a non-technical audience. But, how do you write a technical document?

5 Steps Towards an Effective Technical Document

If you’re like most people, you like to read technical documentation, but you feel like it doesn’t tell you much about the product you actually use—it’s just boring text. And, sometimes it’s even frustrating because you can’t understand it. But there is a way to make technical documentation very interesting.

No matter how many times you have sat in front of a screen to try to write a technical document, you probably have been frustrated by how hard it is to write a good one. Other technical writers complain that a lot of documentation is a waste of time and that you should just get a computer to do it for you. To help you get started writing, here are steps that will help you write a great technical document:

1. your research and create your documentation plan

Why do technical documentation writers have to do so much? They have to understand what their readers are reading about, so they have to do some research. The authors have to know the technology they are writing about, so they have to do some research.

Also, you need to start with a “Documentation plan” to make sure the correct documentation is created for you. Make sure you review all of the documentation that you have created for the project. Write down what is missing.

  • What documentation did you create for this project?
  • What did you put in the documentation?
  • How did you document this?

If you were making changes to the existing documentation, what would you do to support the project? Make sure all the documentation you create is correct.

2. Work on your document’s structure and design

Whether you’re writing a letter to your buddy or working on a technical document, consistency in style is important for clarity. You can achieve consistency through templates or by creating a structure for your document. The structure and design of a technical document are just as important as the content and useful. However, most technical writers tend to ignore this. This is understandable since most technical writers are not trained in design and structure.

However, for technical writers who wish to improve their writing skills and become better technical writers, this is an important topic to understand. Technical documentation requires different skills than the usual writing, so you need to set up an outline before you start documentation. An outline makes it easier for people to understand your document. It also lets you plan the content before you start writing.

This document outlines an easy way to create an outline. It explains the process of how to put together a document outline. It covers topics like the difference between an outline and an outline document, how to create an outline, types of outlines, how to make your document easier to follow, and more.

3. Work on your content

Technical writing is one of the most difficult writing tasks for technical communicators, who must be able to convey complex ideas clearly, while also being able to write in non-technical language. No wonder that the key to success is to write about the subject in a way that is easy to understand. The more you write, the better you become at conveying complex ideas in an easy-to-understand manner. That’s why technical writers must practice, practice, practice.

There are many steps in the technical translation process, but how often do you actually create your own technical document? It’s not something that happens often, but you want to make sure you do it right when it does. Technical documentation is much more than just giving someone else your thoughts in written form. It has to be accurate, understandable, and, most importantly, concise.

4. Test your content

We all know that writing technical documents is not easy. You spend some time on them, make sure they are comprehensive, best practices, and meet the requirement of the project you are working on. Most of the time, they are tested by your peers, but they are never actually delivered. After you are done writing the document, you are skeptical of the outcome. It is not that you are unable to deliver. You simply forget to test the document before you give it to the stakeholders, or you give the wrong version of the document to which you are supposed to deliver.

So, how should you handle these issues? First, stop and perform a navigation audit. This should be an easy step to take since it will require you to turn up your nose at the initial project requirements and see what you can do without. The process of delivering a technical document should be put in a simple procedure. There are four steps: Safety check, Navigation audit, Usability/UX check and finally, a final check.

5. Create a schedule for the update and maintenance of your content

Since writing technical documents is an important part of the development process, it is important to plan to update, maintain, and improve them. Today, maintenance and update schedules are often given at the beginning of technical documents. To make it easier for writers to create these, you can use an Excel spreadsheet. The documentation team can use the spreadsheet to edit the technical document, but they cannot make any changes. To avoid issues with team members editing the document, have them follow a checklist of the things they need to check off.


Writing technical documents takes a lot of time, effort, and patience, which is why most teams will assign one or more people to this task. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Writing technical documents is not rocket science; it’s just a matter of following a few simple steps – just like the ones stated above.

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