7 Leading Books On Turning Your Business Around - Welp Magazine

7 Leading Books On Turning Your Business Around

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
5 years ago

Are there inefficient spots in your business that keep you back from progress? Is there an inexplicable plateau in sales?

If you want to take your business to the next level, then these are the books for you.

These authors have been in the same place, in the same struggle. And with their expertise, you can find the way to success. So pick a book that suits your situation best by using our handy descriptions, and get inspired!

#1 Built to Sell by John Warrillow

Built to Sell by John Warrillow
Who suggested this product?
The Built to Sell by John Warrillow was recommended by Davey Owens from Oh Hello. You can find out more about Davey Owens here or read their product recommendation below.

I have shelves of business books, and they’ve all taught me important factors of starting or running a business, but Built To Sell teaches you how to build a company ripe for future acquisition.

Not only does author John Warrillow give you tips on re-structuring your business and hiring/firing with a goal of selling your company, but he also does so in a story format that makes it easy to follow and remember. This book completely reshaped the way I view my business, and I hope it can reshape the way you view yours, as well.

#2 Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke

Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke
Who suggested this product?
The Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke was recommended by Mark Osborne from TenTruthsMarketing. You can find out more about Mark Osborne here or read their product recommendation below.

Leading in business is about making decisions with limited information. In the age of big data, it’s easy to think that if you just wait longer you’ll have all the data you need to make a decision, but this usually isn’t the case.

Besides, any machine can make decisions with all the data. Learning how to make quantitative, data-driven decisions, but with incomplete data is the key to staying ahead of your competition and achieving success in business and life.

#3 Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail

Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail
Who suggested this product?
The Exponential Organizations by Salim Ismail was recommended by Jacob Landis-Eigsti from Jacob LE. You can find out more about Jacob Landis-Eigsti here or read their product recommendation below.

The book provides practical, hands on information on how companies are using crowdsourcing and data to radically transform businesses and industries. The book not only outlined the ways that companies like Uber, Airbnb, and Waze used smartphone users to grow and scale quickly, it also gives practical advice for implementing similar strategies. Using these principles in your business can radically transform it from top to bottom. It’s a must read, particularly for businesses in the technology field.

#4 Good to Great by Jim Collins

Good to Great by Jim Collins
Who suggested this product?
The Good to Great by Jim Collins was recommended by Danielle Dellos from Dellos Marketing. You can find out more about Danielle Dellos here or read their product recommendation below.

I highly recommend the book Good to Great for anyone interested in transforming their business. Jim Collins does a great job breaking down how elite companies made the jump from good to great and comparing those businesses against similar companies that failed to make the jump. The book provides actionable insights than can be applied to improve businesses at all levels.

#5 Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits by James Clear
Who suggested this product?
The Atomic Habits by James Clear was recommended by Melanie Musson from ExpertInsuranceReviews. You can find out more about Melanie Musson here or read their product recommendation below.

From the basics of why forming good habits is essential to how to use those habits to attract and satisfy your clientele, this book will lead you on a journey towards transformation. Transforming your business can seem like such a huge goal that it’s unattainable, but Atomic Habits will motivate you to get started because small changes over time produce big results. You’ll feel empowered and you’ll know where to start after reading this book.

#6 The Digital Transformation Cookbook by Maulik Shah

The Digital Transformation Cookbook by Maulik Shah
Who suggested this product?
The The Digital Transformation Cookbook by Maulik Shah was recommended by Kristin Marquet of FemFounder. You can find out more about Kristin Marquet here or read their product recommendation below.

This book is one of the easiest books to read on digital transformation for any size business. Maulik Shah, who is the CEO of the technology consulting firm Invonto reveals why all organizations should begin implementing digital transformation strategies now. Based on real-world examples, Shah shows that investing in technology results in more agile and efficient businesses, happier customers, engaged employees, and profitable ventures.

#7 Building the Agile Business through Digital Transformation by Neil Perkin

Building the Agile Business through Digital Transformation by Neil Perkin
Who suggested this product?
The Building the Agile Business through Digital Transformation by Neil Perkin was recommended by Tim Brown from Minneapolis Web Design. You can find out more about Tim Brown here or read their product recommendation below.

I would have to say one of the best books on business transformation is ‘Building The Agile Business Through Digital Transformation’ by Neil Perkin and Peter Abraham. This book is chalk full of great insights for transforming your business and leveraging digital technology to do so. Its a must read for any business owner who is looking to grow and transform their business.

Who contributed to this article?

Davey Owens from Oh Hello

Mark Osborne from TenTruthsMarketing

Jacob Landis-Eigsti from Jacob LE

Danielle Dellos from Dellos Marketing

Melanie Musson from ExpertInsuranceReviews

Kristin Marquet from FemFounder

Tim Brown from Minneapolis Web Design

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