7 Leading PR Firms For Small Businesses 2021

Winning PR Team
5 years ago

Small businesses often do everything well, but there is one aspect missing that keeps them from growing. A positive connection with their communities can do wonders to the outreach of a small business, which is the backbone of many businesses.

These PR firms mean you don’t have to go through the trouble of hiring PR employees, and they’re a joy to work with. Just have a read of their reviews!

#1 Light Years Ahead

Light Years Ahead
Who suggested this product?
The Light Years Ahead was recommended by Megan Brown Bennett from Light Years Ahead. You can find out more about Megan Brown Bennett here or read their product recommendation below.

Light Years Ahead, is a boutique national PR, media relations and social media agency, specializing in beauty/grooming, wellness and lifestyle brands. We have an office in Los Angeles, New York, Kansas City and Dallas. We have the capabilities to maximize press exposure with the media, create more brand awareness, grow social engagement and, in turn, increase sales.

#2 Axia Public Relations

AXIA Public Relations
Who suggested this product?
Axia Public Relations was recommended by David Miller from Brightway Insurance. You can read their product recommendation below.

Axia Public Relations knows that every business challenge is unique. That’s why they develop custom strategies for every project and program – each solution is expertly tailored to their client’s specific goals. This commitment to a personalized approach is why they’ve worked with some of the fastest-growing and most respected midmarket and enterprise brands. It’s also why they were chosen by Forbes as one of America’s Best PR Agencies for 2021.

#3 INK Inc. Public Relations

INK Inc. Public Relations
Who suggested this product?
The INK Inc. Public Relations was recommended by T.J. Fraser from N/A. You can find out more about T.J. Fraser here or read their product recommendation below.

Public Relations, at its core, is about presenting a story to journalists and producers in the most enticing way possible to serve a client’s media goals. Unfortunately, many PR firms extend that skill to attaining new business and can often by a little less than truthful when it comes to expectations. The goal is to secure the client – not necessarily coverage for that client. INK Inc PR, based in Kansas City with experienced, virtual PR pros positioned throughout the country, does it differently.

INK Inc. was one of, if not the, first PR companies to work from a Pay for Performance model. Instead of seeking a huge retainer and hoping for the best, INK takes a nominal retainer and charges clients only when a piece breaks with the cost in accordance with the audience size. What this means is that INK and its team of publicists have some skin in the game. A client’s success is their success.

#4 Robertson Communications

Robertson Communications
Who suggested this product?
The Robertson Communications was recommended by Scott Robertson from Robertson Communications. You can find out more about Scott Robertson here or read their product recommendation below.

Works with many startups to provide simple, clear brand messaging, public relations/advertising and content marketing to help them win in the marketplace.

#5 Quicksilver EdgeStrategic Communications

Quicksilver EdgeStrategic Communications
Who suggested this product?
The Quicksilver EdgeStrategic Communications was recommended by Debra Bethard from Dialectic Strategic Communications. You can find out more about Debra Bethard here or read their product recommendation below.

Quicksilver Edge provides PR services tailored to your actual needs, and coaches you in what you can do for yourself, up to and including helping you get your in-house PR department functioning. They focus on the unique needs of small businesses because they’re much more interesting than large corporations – and they’re a small business ourselves.

#6 L.A. Tech House

L.A. Tech House
Who suggested this product?
The L.A. Tech House was recommended by Jared Ruiz from L.A. Tech House. You can find out more about Jared Ruiz here or read their product recommendation below.

Founded by an ex-entertainment executive, the LA based firm is run more like an indie record label than stuffy, old school mega-agency (even the hold music is vintage punk and new wave!). This creative boutique approach allows small business of all kinds to work closely with LATH consultants and grow their branding and media presence in a collaborative manner.

#7 Magas PR Team

Magas PR Team
Who suggested this product?
The Magas PR Team was recommended by Julia Magas from N/A. You can find out more about Julia Magas here or read their product recommendation below.

Magas PR Team produces viral organic news for IT and blockchain companies with the help of viral news making. Founded in 2016, the company is one of the leading news production agencies in the market of cutting-edge technologies.

The firm’s philosophy is building the companies’ reputation without resorting to the paid publications and sponsored tag stories. Thanks to the viral strategy developed by Magas PR Team, dozens of projects got on the pages of Forbes, Bloomberg, INC, and dominated the top Google news.

#8 Blue Tree AI

Blue Tree AI
Who suggested this product?
The Blue Tree AI was recommended by Will Ellis from Privacy Australia. You can find out more about Will Ellis here or read their product recommendation below.

I’ve been working with a PR and SEO firm called Blue Tree AI – for about half a year now. They’re a perfect agency for tech PR and they quote me for around 1/20th of the amount that traditional PR agencies have charged me in the past. The way PR usually works is the agencies have to pitch writers that write for a publication I want attention on. Blue Tree has a team of writers that already write for all of the publications I want press on. My organic reach has gone up more than I ever could have thought in the last six months.

Who contributed to this article?

Megan Brown Bennett from Light Years Ahead

T.J. Fraser from N/A

Scott Robertson from Robertson Communications

Debra Bethard from Dialectic Strategic Communications

Jared Ruiz from L.A. Tech House

Julia Magas from N/A

Will Ellis from Privacy Australia

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