Becoming a great leader and a good manager won’t happen overnight or with a sudden stroke of luck and magic. You must invest in developing your managerial abilities. It takes time, experience, and insight to develop good talents.

To increase employee engagement at companies, having qualified managers is essential. For that reason, if you’re in a managerial position yourself, increasing your management and leadership skills by taking part in various leadership training courses and mastering your craft is essential if you want to be a respected manager in your workplace.
However, if you want to become better at your job but don’t know where to start, here are seven practical, tried-and-true methods to improve as a manager for both your employees and yourself.
Learn About Your Team First
Start by getting to know your staff better and this goes beyond just learning their names. Despite how many or few coworkers you have, you must make an effort to fully comprehend them.
This covers both their prior experience and their current positions. Having a one-on-one talk with your team member is the finest method to establish a solid understanding between you two. Keep in mind that not everyone enjoys speaking in front of a group. Whether they work as regular assistants or even just interns, when you speak with them one-on-one, they can wind up opening up to you more about their duties, difficulties, and how they ask for your assistance.
Make sure you inquire about their experience working for the company, particularly their job, and whether they would change anything. Know your team member’s strengths and prospective contributions.
Use Tools And Hire Professionals If Needed
The reason why tools such as Slack, PowerPoint, or Excel are so important for managers is that it allows them to get information out of spreadsheets quickly and easily. This makes using them a great resource for making sure everyone has the same view of data and what needs attention right away, making the job a thousand times easier for you as a manager.
And while Excel is a fantastic tool for analyzing data and managing processes, you might not be the most proficient Excel user to come up with the charts which will make your company’s processes workflows and operations go smoother. Well, if you need any help regarding making the most out of your Excel sheets, you can always hire professional Excel programmers who can help you create customized apps that will enable you to replace your old, manual, time-consuming procedures with automated systems.
As a manager should also make sure that employees have access to all of the necessary tools and resources so that they can complete their work within a reasonable amount of time.
Act As A Mentor, Not A Boss
The error that most leaders do is to take their title extremely seriously. Although the majority of companies have a manager’s job profile, this does not mean that you must exactly fit this description. Consider serving as a mentor instead of a boss.

Keep in mind that part of your job is to contribute fresh ideas while also assisting in maximizing the potential and productivity of your team. You must ensure that any issues your team members encounter are resolved in addition to paying attention to who is doing what and when. You open the door to further growth in your team when you foster a supportive environment where everyone supports one another’s development.
Your staff members will feel free to discuss any difficult issues with you and offer recommendations on how to make a job or task simpler. By doing so, you not only complete the task at hand but also win the team’s respect.
Discover Ways To Inspire Your Employees
Every successful leader is motivated. No matter what, you must always support your staff while you’re attempting to improve as a manager. It is unacceptable to presume that just because employees are receiving compensation for their work, they will complete it on schedule.
You never know how the members of your team might be feeling at any given time. For that reason, you should always work on your ability to inspire them on an everyday basis and help them enjoy being at work and being productive.
Recognize The Efforts Of Your Teams
When attempting to become a better manager, appreciation is the key to total success. As a leader, your responsibility extends beyond only ensuring that your team completes the work. Additionally, they receive recognition for their efforts.
Employees’ contributions are sometimes overlooked, particularly when they are working in a large group. Not every employee may be in charge of creating presentations or perfecting the final product when the majority of the work is acknowledged.
Some people may even be adding the initial element that is necessary for a work to succeed in the end. You must acknowledge each person’s contribution once you are aware of what they are doing. They feel appreciated and a positive message is conveyed as a result.
Offer Sincere Criticism
A good partnership relies on open communication and honest criticism. Quality feedback must also serve as the cornerstone of the one you share with your employees.
Although it is simple to recognize a team member in a group setting, there may be instances when you need to disclose something important regarding their employment. The ideal strategy is to get down with each team member and discuss how they may have performed the task more effectively. To inspire your team, offer constructive criticism and tell them in which areas they can do better, and how, instead of being furious with them when something goes wrong.
Regularly Request Feedback
Receiving honest feedback is equally as vital as providing it. Learn from your staff about your performance if you want to improve as a manager. Establish a culture of direct and truthful communication. You may learn more about your position and how to enhance it by using surveys and anonymous forms of sincere feedback.
Final Thoughts
Being a good manager requires having real-world, practical experience in the workplace. This is because on-the-job training and time spent in managing roles will allow you to gradually accumulate the experience you will need.