Proven Ways To Improve Workplace Communication

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash
2 years ago

Is your workplace communication sub-par? You know that you want your employees to be able to talk to each other (and you) to create a healthy workplace environment and to encourage collaboration, but something is still wrong. You’ve provided dozens of chat clients and video meeting platforms, but they’re not helping.

Now what? You can’t just let the problem continue or your workplace will never run smoothly. How can you fix the problem?

We’ve compiled three of the best things that employers can do to encourage better workplace communication. You can even start right away. Read on to learn more.

Make Digital Communication Easy

If you want to improve workplace communication, you need to make it as simple and streamlined as possible. Employees will struggle to keep up with all of the various apps and programs you want them to use if you make it too complicated. They already have so much on their plates with the hard work they’re doing!

If your business utilizes multiple different methods of communication, consolidate them. You don’t have to refine it down to one if you make use of all of them. You can use Clerk Chat’s messaging solutions and similar programs to gather everything in one tidy little package. This way, your employees aren’t trying to navigate notifications from countless apps.

If it’s easy, they’ll be more likely to use it. We promise.

Create an Open and Supportive Environment

Sometimes a lack of communication isn’t indicative of employees being unable to communicate. The ability might be there. They may, instead, be uncomfortable because the environment isn’t conducive to comfortable communication.

If employees feel as though they may be ridiculed for asking questions or asking for feedback, they won’t do it. You need to make it clear that employees are welcome to freely express ideas and questions in a respectful manner.

Lead by example. Ask questions. Ask for feedback. This will show your employees what to do and make communication better for everyone overall.

Give Employees Options

Many employers, especially if they’re working with remote teams, require video chats for meetings and other forms of interpersonal communication in the workplace. While it may make sense to make meetings as “realistic” as possible by using video, this may actually make employees uncomfortable.

They may have small children in the room, or they may not want coworkers to get an idea of where they live. They may have roommates that are sometimes in the background who don’t consent to being on camera.

Give employees options. Let them choose audio-only meetings and provide text options as well. This also makes communication more accessible to people who may have different needs, so it has multiple benefits!

Ask for Feedback

Have you ever asked your employees what they would like regarding communication? If not, now might be the time to do that. Your employees likely have their own feelings about how they communicate with each other, and they may be able to provide helpful input that benefits everyone.

You can even ask for anonymous feedback. Create an anonymous survey about some of the communication problems you’ve been noticing in the workplace. Ask employees what they would prefer or if they’ve noticed any problems.

Many communication problems are incredibly simple to fix. You just have to ask the right questions. You may learn that employees aren’t feeling empowered to communicate with each other, or that they don’t have the right equipment. Once you identify specific employee issues, you can solve them.

Identifying and addressing value conflicts in the workplace is crucial for fostering a positive and productive work environment. A value conflict occurs when individuals’ beliefs, principles, or priorities clash, leading to disagreements and potential communication problems. By understanding what is a value conflict and proactively addressing it, employers can create a culture of open communication, provide the necessary resources and support for employees to express their views, and work towards finding mutually agreeable solutions.

Lead By Example

If you aren’t leading by example, how can you expect your employees to do better? One of your most important jobs as an employer is to set a good example. This is even true when it comes to workplace communication.

Model good communication skills and habits for your employees. It can be helpful to have a brief information session to show your employees what you expect from them and make room for any potential questions. Don’t assume that employees automatically know what they’re supposed to be doing!

If employees aren’t communicating digitally, step in and start a conversation. You can facilitate the discussion. Employees will start to communicate more effectively when you show them what to do.

Improve Your Workplace Communication With These Tips

Good workplace communication is essential for any successful business. These tips will help you and your employees get back on the right track. You’ll all be communicating with ease in no time.

Remember: make communication easy, provide an open and comfortable environment, and give employees options. Good luck!

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