Experts Tell Us the Best Books On Political Strategy - Welp Magazine

Experts Tell Us the Best Books On Political Strategy

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2 years ago
This article showcases our top picks for the Books On Political Strategy. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below). We are keen to hear your feedback on all of our content and our comment section is a moderated space to express your thoughts and feelings related (or not) to this article This list is in no particular order.

Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin

This product was recommended by Will Cannon from Signaturely

Team of Rivals, which served as the premise for the 2012 film Lincoln, chronicles the 16th president’s ascent from a prairie lawyer to a successful president. It looks at how, despite his angry cabinet, he contributed to the Civil War triumph. The book was a No. 1 New York Times best-seller, written by noted historian Doris Kearns Goodwin.

Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow

This product was recommended by Will Cannon from Signaturely

Even if you aren’t a fan of Hamilton, Ron Chernow’s book — which inspired Lin-Manuel Miranda to write the Broadway hit — gives a vivid picture of our country’s early years and the founding fathers’ ambitions. This book is enlightening for people who want to know how our government got to be what it is now.

What is to be done? by Vladimir Lenin

This product was recommended by Robert Welch from Projector1

I am still fascinated about the book called What is to be done? by Vladimir Lenin. It was originally published in 1902 in russian language and further it was translated into several languages. This book revolves around the Russian social democracy and working class of the 19th century. Lenin also insisted the marxist leaders form a political party with great revolutionaries in order to spread political notions to the people. This book is a must read if you want to understand the politics of Russia in the 19th century.

Righteous Indignation by Andrew Breitbart

This product was recommended by Julian Goldie from Goldie Agency

In this book, the author discusses how one needs to deal with the liberal news world head on. He then details his early years, working with Matt Drudge, the Huffington Post, and how Breitbart developed his unique style of launching key websites to help get the word out to conservatives all over. It is a narrative book where most readers can relate to the author’s political beliefs, one way or another. Andrew argues, help spread and normalize the liberal agenda. He also explains how to combat that agenda. This book is an essential primer for understanding the basics of cultural Marxism. It is a recommended book to everyone who feels caught in the crossfire of the culture of our time.

How To Win An Election by Quintus Tullius Cicero

This product was recommended by Michael Rose from Union Law Firm

Because there is nothing new under the sun and the more things change, the more they stay the same, and Cisero’s political treatise embodies that ideology perfectly. Even though it’s nearly two millennia old, the ideas that Cisero documents, espouses, and shares with his readers are as common in the political world today as they were in ancient Rome, which makes it an indispensable read for any, and all, would-be politicians…

The Room Where It Happened by John Bolton

This product was recommended by Span Chen from The Karate Blog

This book by John Bolton covers a memoir that spans across many of the 453 days spent by him as a top-level officer (President Trump’s National Security Advisor) in the room where it happened, the Oval Office. In this book John Bolton walks through the decision making process for critical and very sensitive issues like Syria’s attack on the city of Douma, and he also compares presidencies he has served previously (President Reagan and President Bush) with President Trump’s administration.

Workbook for Political Strategy and Tactics by Laure Paquette

This product was recommended by Sara Graves from USTitleLoans

Workbook for Political Strategy and Tactics offers a detailed account of political strategy from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The book’s author, Professor Laure Paquette, tells readers how to use political strategies to analyze national and international policies across the globe. She has also included different worksheets that can help the readers develop results-oriented political strategies. The concepts described in this book are applicable in both the theoretical and practical realms. This unique quality makes this book stand out from the rest of the books on political strategy.

All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren

This product was recommended by Iryna Kidyba from Simple App

All the King’s Men is a legendary novel by American writer Robert Warren, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1947 and has already been adapted five times. It is a fiction book, which very realistically shows the essence of political games. The main character is the cynical, tough politician Willie Stark, whose prototype was Louisiana Governor Hugh Long. He uses dirty methods during the election campaign but does not take into account the peculiarities of the aristocracy of the American South, which leads to a tragic denouement. This is a book about practical politics and its relationship to the people. The true and hard-hitting story makes a profound impression.

What You Should Know About Politics . . . But Don’t by Jessamyn Conrad

This product was recommended by Mimi Paul from Starkflow

This is an unbiased look at political issues that describes pros and cons of the issues. The book is best at explaining complex situations in basic, understandable terms. A must read to open one’s eyes to the facts and not the polarizing hype swirling in social media and delving in strategies taken to tackle them. Worth the read.

This Is An Uprising by Mark Engler

This product was recommended by Jonathan Zacks from GoReminders

It may appear that events such as The Arab Spring, the BLM movement, and protests surrounding climate change or immigrant rights are unconnected. The authors of this book put forward that this isn’t the case and that non-violent protests of all kinds are shaping the way that our age will be remembered as the century progresses. Far from being a moral code, the authors show how these strategies can inspire mass movement and be deployed to shape political thinking. It isn’t exactly a call to arms, more of a study into the effectiveness, or otherwise, of peaceful protests throughout our age.

The Tragedy of Great Power Politics by John Mearsheimer

This product was recommended by Erica Tan from Best in Singapore

The updated edition of this classic treatise on the behavior of great powers takes a penetrating look at the question likely to dominate international relations in the twenty-first century: Can China rise peacefully? In clear, eloquent prose, John Mearsheimer explains why the answer is no: a rising China will seek to dominate Asia, while the United States, determined to remain the world’s sole regional hegemon, will go to great lengths to prevent that from happening. The tragedy of great power politics is inescapable.

Presidential Command by Peter W. Rodman

This product was recommended by Erica Tan from Best in Singapore

An official in the Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and both Bush administrations, Peter W. Rodman draws on his firsthand knowledge of the Oval Office to explore the foreign-policy leadership of every president from Nixon to George W. Bush. This riveting and informative book about the inner workings of our government is rich with anecdotes and fly-on-the-wall portraits of presidents and their closest advisors. It is essential reading for historians, political junkies, and for anyone in charge of managing a large organization.

Strategy by Lawrence Freedman

This product was recommended by Madilyn Hill from TruePersonFinder Inc.

This book is one of the leading authorities on war and international politics. It captures the vast history of strategic thinking in an engaging and insightful account of how strategy came to pervade every aspect of our lives. Sir Lawerence’s freedman narrative is extraordinary. The book includes advanced strategies practiced in primate groups, opposing strategies of Achilles and Odysseus in the Iliad, and military innovation of Baron Henri de Jomini, and many more. Freedman demonstrates that it is possible to shape and manipulate the environment rather than simply become the victim of the forces.

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

This product was recommended by Ashley Amor from PeopleFindFast

This book comprises powerful political strategies. Neal Stephenson includes a secret history of nations and the private obsession of men, decrypting with dazzling virtuosity that shaped the century. This book is exceptionally profound, prophetic, hypnotic, and hype-driven. It leaps forward and back between world war and the world wide web, experiencing all the dark days. This book is a great work of art, thought, and innovative daring. The political history of a nation helps to build perfect political strategies.

Political Strategy by Stephen Barber

This product was recommended by Cindy Corpis from SearchPeopleFree

This book examines the importance of strategy in current British party politics from an academic perspective. It investigates the notion, nature, and role of political strategy, as well as presents a new method for determining how political parties behave and re-examining events during the last quarter-century. This book fills a significant vacuum in the literature on politics and history.

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

This product was recommended by Lyle Florez from EasyPeopleSearch

First and foremost, I am a major admirer of science fiction and fantasy literature, having grown up reading Douglas Adams and Arthur C Clarke. This is my favorite of Gaiman’s books, and I own them all. It takes place today and concerns people who have colonized a continent and taken their gods with them. So, if you are Swedish and believe in Nordic gods, and you move to the United States, the gods will accompany you, and the more you believe in them, the stronger they will become.

The Election Game and How to Win It by Joseph Napolitan

This product was recommended by Lyle Florez from EasyPeopleSearch

This novel, written in the late 1960s, is fantastic. Napolitan is credited with founding the political consultancy sector. If you want to build a house, you employ an architect and builders to design something that meets your needs – I need five rooms and two baths… You go to the doctor if you are sick. But should you hire your friends if you’re conducting a political campaign? He claims that it isn’t natural. Professionals should be hired. In the late 1960s, Napolitan worked on low-level campaigns for county leaders and Kennedy’s campaign.

The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

This book is richly illustrated with historical examples, covering the genius and folly of great figures like Napoleon, Margaret Thatcher, Lord Nelson, Shaka the Zulu, Hannibal, and others. The 33 battle techniques also provide you with the psychological firepower you’ll need to overcome failure patterns and gain the upper hand for good.

SJWs Always Double Down by Vox Day

This product was recommended by Steven Walker from Spylix

This book by Vox Day is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand, anticipate, and survive SJW attacks, as it is written by a man who has not only survived but thrived, despite multiple attempts by Social Justice Warriors to disgrace, prohibit, and fire him in the same way they have triumphantly attacked technology CEOs, school principals, sports commentators, Nobel Laureates, and others.

The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins

This product was recommended by Kimberly Silva from FindPeopleFirst

The name says it all. With this book, the author takes you on a journey through the world of economic hitmen. He starts with his own personal accounts of how he was recruited and trained to carry out these dirty jobs, before turning to expose what we have always been taught is impossible: how to create an economic crisis in another country. .The author has a unique way of translating terms to make the reader feel like they are in-the-field and witnessing these events. This captivating story will leave you wanting nothing more than an ability to bring down the global economy.

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