Factors To Consider When Choosing The Best Web Hosting Service

Photo by Stephen Phillips - Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash
2 years ago

Every business needs a website. And by now you know that if you want to have a website, you need to have a web hosting service. All are not equal, and we have put together a guide to help you select the best hosting service for your company.

Storage Capacity And Scalability

While you don’t want to pay more for excess storage you won’t use, you should ensure that the hosting company allocates sufficient disk space for your needs. These will be higher if you are planning on an e-commerce site with a blog and videos. Insufficient processing power and RAM result in downtime.

A few years down the line, you will likely be receiving a lot more traffic to your website. Can the hosting company upgrade you as your needs change? You don’t want to be placed in the situation of having to sign up with a new provider.


Users experience frustration when the website link doesn’t open immediately when clicked on. If it happens frequently, Google will downgrade your organic search ranking. The required availability in the industry is 99.95%. Bypass any hosting company that cannot meet this standard.

If you are looking for UK web hosting for your company, Link Hosting can assist you with everything you need, including web design, a domain name, web hosting, and SSL Certificates. Whereas web hosts provide hosting across a single server, Link Hosting offers access to a full platform. This ensures great speeds and reliability with a guaranteed uptime of 99.9%.


Compare hosting companies feature by feature before making a price comparison. Cheaper hosts tend to offer lower service packages. This is because a good host has to invest in top-quality hardware.

In addition to the sign-up price, all hosting companies increase the amount you must pay to renew with them every couple of years. If this amount more than doubles, you can consider it unreasonable.


A great web hosting service will have a real person available 24/7 to deal with your calls. They will not outsource support. Finally, they will be able to guide you to get up and running in the shortest possible time. Check reviews on Facebook, Twitter, and Google. You cannot afford downtime. It cost Amazon $66,240 per minute (£55,160) in lost sales for a half-hour of downtime during 2013.


There are always risks that may cause your website to crash. Hackers and viruses are a constant concern. That is why you need a host who can get you back online quickly with minimal loss of data. Find out about their backup policy.

Shared Hosting Plan

A shared hosting plan is cheaper and hosts several websites on a single server. While this may work fine initially, once your traffic grows beyond 30, 000 visitors, you will need to upgrade. Before you sign up for shared hosting, make sure your service provider can upgrade your website to a dedicated server plan or VPS (virtual private server).

Tick off all the boxes before deciding to go with a particular website hosting service.

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