Half of Brits Set to Spend £47 Billion on Home Improvements in 2021

4 years ago
  • Grey revealed as top home improvement colour in 2021
  • Safety is biggest issue stopping Brits from buying new home 
  • Attic Self Storage launches Mover or Improvers Expert Advice Booklet 

2021 is set to be a year of transformations for British homes, with more than half of Brits (59%) claiming they will be making home improvements, with the average spend at £6,531 per household. Decorating is revealed as the top home improvement (69%), with grey being named as 2021’s colour of choice, followed by cream and blue, according to new research by Attic Self Storage.  

The new research uncovers that more than two in five (43%) Brits are looking to upgrade their garden and outside areas; 34% are buying new furniture; almost a fifth (18%) are looking to extend or build an outhouse and 14% a work hub.  

On the contrary, only one in five Brits is looking to take advantage of the stamp duty holiday – with 61% believing it’s a bad time to sell their property, with safety (43%) being the number one reason not to buy. 35% said it’s too challenging viewing properties with the current restrictions; 29% think the market is too confusing and 16% believe they would lose too much money on their current home. 

It’s no surprise with lockdown that space was the top obstacle for both movers and improvers, with it being the number one reason (46%) for Brits opting to move over the next year; and for improvers – one in three is planning on creating more space by reworking a room (33%); and more than one in five (22%) are looking to create more storage space.  

Top Home Improvements Top Colour for Home Improvements 
Decorating / painting Grey
Garden / outdoor spruce upCream
New furniture Blue
Rework / create more space White
Extensions / out house Green 

MOVERS: Safety is the biggest issue stopping Brits buying 

Looking at the property market, 61% of Brits believe it’s a bad time to sell a property; 43% say they would rather stay put for safety reasons while 35% said it’s too challenging to view properties with all the restrictions. Moreover, 18% are put off by banks not lending like before; 29% think the market is too confusing; and 16% think they would lose too much money on their current property. 

Frederic de Ryckman de Betz, Founder and CEO of Attic Self Storage, comments: “With lockdown returning and space being a key motivator for both movers and improvers, to help, we have worked with experts from all over the UK including interior stylists, estate agents, space savers and financial advisors, to create a free downloadable booklet with top tips for those making home improvements or buying a new property.”

Free Movers and Improvers Expert Advice Booklet: 

To download your free Movers & Improvers booklet for top tips from experts all over the UK, please visit: https://www.atticstorage.co.uk/blog/home-movers-improvers

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