How to Turn a Hobby Into a Web Project

How to Turn a Hobby Into a Web Project
3 years ago

People often think about how to make a profit from their hobbies and interests. We all have different hobbies, and when looking around, you understand that many services, apps, markets in skimpy niches are someone’s hobbies too. But with a small difference – they are monetized. Creating a site allows you to take your hobby to a new level and start making money with what you really like, pet clothes, cosplay, handmade things, even online dating platforms, whatever. The advantage of this approach is that you don’t need to leave your main job, put all your achievements at stake and rush headlong into the maelstrom of entrepreneurship. It is enough to put your hobby on a commercial track in your free time.

If you’ve been doing any hobby for a long time, it’s time to move from the amateur to the professional category. Making a hobby with the help of the site a source of income is not difficult. Should you expect instant profits and quick money? Unlikely.

But everything is in your hands. If you work hard on the creation and development of the site, the result will certainly come. Plus, if you’re a cosplayer, showcasing your talents and skills on the Internet is an opportunity to show yourself, get grades, make useful connections and just get better.

If your hobby is related to family or relationships psychology, for example, or you just love helping people with relationships difficulties – you can start building an online dating site. If you love cosplaying and have a certain number of people following you, you can create a cosplay dating site and gather an even larger public. You need a website that will tell you in detail about you, your products and services, attract visitors and interest them. Before you start dreaming of huge incomes, you need to choose and research your competitors, check who is the top cosplay dating site on the market and look at what can be learned there. What features it has, what type of online platform it is, and make your conclusions.

In the struggle for popularity, you have a trump card – this is your knowledge and your experience, that is, the content of your site. Representation on the Internet serves only as a tool for designing your hobby, and your hobbies will become a source of money. Let’s talk about how to work with this tool.

Plan Before You Start

Hobbies are different, and it is impossible to tell about one universal recipe for any hobby. Therefore, before you start working on the site, think about how visitors should bring you profit. If you collect the site “just to be,” it will never bring you a dollar.

Ask yourself a few specific questions:

  • Who will come to my site?
  • Why would a visitor want to stay?
  • What should a visitor do so I receive money: buy a product, follow a link, click on a banner, subscribe to news, call me and place an order, tell about me on a social network?
  • How can I nudge a visitor to the right decision?

If you miss an important answer in this chain, the road will not lead to profit: either you will not have enough information and tools, or there will be interfering pages.

Look for Simple Solutions

There are many tools with which even a non-specialist can make an online dating site or any other product website. Take advantage of these suggestions. There is no need to order a project from the web studio. A website made with your own hands with the help of a constructor will cost several times cheaper, and it will look no worse than a website developed by a whole team.

When choosing, focus on ease of learning, look at examples of ready-made sites made based on the constructor. Read reviews and pay attention to user experience. The site should not take more of your time than work and your hobby.

Choose a Suitable Site Format

The shape of the site depends on your hobby. Handmade goods and jewelry can be sold in an online store. A business card site will tell you about confectionery or the work of a make-up artist. You can describe travels or give master classes in a blog. An online dating site can be full of chat features.

Hint: there are ready-made website templates designed specifically for different professions and hobbies. See what opportunities they offer. Perhaps you will find among them what you need.

Focus on Content

When you create a website about your hobby, you already have a huge advantage – interesting content. Everything new that you create, your knowledge and base are your advantages. Monitor the quality of your site’s content, constantly update it.

The best content is the one that answers users’ questions.

Put yourself in the shoes of your visitors and think about what tasks the site helps to solve. By the way, images are also content, and they must be of high quality and original. If you put the first picture you see on the online dating site, you are either violating someone’s copyright or using an image that everyone has seen. Don’t be lazy to look for interesting photos on stocks, but rather take original pictures yourself or with the help of talented friends.

Learn More About Websites Promotion

Search engine optimization, or SEO, seems daunting, but getting your online shop or dating site for cosplayers up and running will have to learn at least the basics. The principles of promotion, interesting content, and concern for the audience will attract visitors. After that, you can think about inviting advertisers and affiliate programs.

Make a Mobile Version of the Site

More and more people go to the Internet from mobile devices, so let’s say briefly: you shouldn’t start without a mobile version.

So there is no reason to waste time and think about whether it is worth making a website. Just start to make your hobby not only fun but also money-making.

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