Make the best of flexible working: 4 easy tips from BakkerElkhuizen - Welp Magazine

Make the best of flexible working: 4 easy tips from BakkerElkhuizen

4 years ago

The global pandemic has fundamentally changed the ways we work, in more ways than we can even imagine. There is no more one size fits all solution for businesses or employees – the future of working is flexible, and those who adapt will emerge as the winners. 

As we navigate our way through the “new normal”, we must consider the implications for our minds and bodies. Many studies show an increase in stress and fatigue caused by working from home, and two thirds of UK employees say home working does not improve productivity.* With science showing the brain literally gets exhausted and is no longer as flexible as it used to be. People become more irritable, are less able to concentrate and become forgetful. All this has a very big impact on mental and physical health as well as productivity and results.

So, how can we adapt and meet the demands of this ever-changing world of work? Read on for the best tips for flexible working from BakkerElkhuizen, trusted manufacturer of ergonomic computer accessories.

Don’t forget to move

When focusing on a task, it is very easy to forget to take a break and get up. However, moving regularly during the day is very important. Dr Erik Matser, Clinical Neuropsychologist and TED talker, notes that walking for 30 mins at 60% capacity will significantly improve your attention span. It is also worth considering a sit/stand desk as it will allow you to modify your working positions throughout the day. Don’t forget micro movements which are crucial for blood flow to stop Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). RSI is always a combination of cognitive over exposure and bad posture.

Beware of overstimulation

In an environment with a comfortable number of stimuli, our brains can thrive. However, in shared working spaces and home offices, we often experience overstimulation. Dr Matser points out that this can cause our bodies to release stress hormones, impairing memory and concentration, increasing muscle tension, and even bringing on fatigue and burnout. Turn off unnecessary notifications, if possible, and take advantage of noise-cancelling headphones. If you are also juggling childcare at home, this can cause even more overstimulation and drain your energy. Make sure to set boundaries for your family or flatmates, so they know when not to disturb you.


Separate work and private life

With no regular commute, many of us struggle to draw the line between work time and free time. Try working at a café for a couple of hours or changing into a different outfit before you sit down at your home office. Even small things, like alternating different playlists to clearly mark the start and end of the workday will help you mentally adapt.

Work with the right ergonomic accessories

BakkerElkhuizen manufactures ergonomic computer accessories, ideal for those of us working from home and on the go. All the products are holistically focused around health and wellbeing to relieve both stress and strain. An ergonomic mouse, ergonomic keyboard and a laptop stand are essential.

The UltraBoard 950 keyboard’s compact nature reduces the distance to the mouse and thus reduces strain on your lower arms. An added benefit is that a compact variant is easier to transport in a laptop bag, when you do go out for meetings. 

The Evoluent D vertical mouse is held in a handshake position, reducing and preventing discomfort. The user’s wrist bends less from side to side and the lower arm rotates less. The Evoluent D Wireless is available in three versions to accommodate almost all hand sizes.

The Ergo-Top 320 laptop stand allows you to easily and quickly position your laptop’s display at the right height, wherever you are. The latest model is made of recycled plastic bottles.

Find more useful tips and information about ergonomic accessories at BakkerElkhuizen

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