This article showcases our top picks for the Leadership Books For College Students. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).
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Thank You for Coming to My Ted Talk by Chris Anderson
This product was recommended by Steven McConnell from Arielle Executive

Overcoming one’s fear of public speaking is crucial for academic and professional success. From college debates, job interviews, and online meetings to executive presentations, public speaking skills are a definitive advantage for aspiring and current leaders. Thus, even though *Thank You for Coming to My TED Talk* may not be your top-of-mind choice for leadership books, it deserves a spot on your must-read lists. The book is an easy-to-follow guide rich in actionable tips and advice that can help college students and young professionals hone their confidence in articulating their thoughts and train themselves to be persuasive or inspiring speakers. Clear and effective communication is an essential leadership trait that transcends industry and seniority; therefore, the earlier you work on your skills, the better it is for your career and leadership aspirations.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
This product was recommended by Adam from Just Coffee Lovers

This book will give college students a practical and repeatable system for winning friends and gaining business associates. This classic leadership book shares simple yet powerful strategies that allow the reader to easily build relationships in all areas of their lives. This book is a must for any college student who wants to improve their leadership skills while gaining the unrivaled ability to be loved and respected by all those around them. How to Win Friends and Influence People covers these main topics: – Win people over to your opinions and way of thinking – Greatly improve conversation skills – Make friends with ease – Acquire new customers
The 360 Degree Leader by John C. Maxwell
This product was recommended by Deepanshu Bedi from Exhalewell

Written by leadership mentor John C. Maxwell, this book teaches young and aspiring leaders how they can influence people from anywhere in the organization. This book also provides insights to help aspiring leaders gain confidence and competence to step into their role as effective influencers.
Talent is Never Enough by John C. Maxwell
This product was recommended by Deepanshu Bedi from Exhalewell

This book teaches aspiring leaders how the choices they make affect their overall success as industry leaders. In this book, Maxwell breaks down the values and principles all leaders must have.
Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven
This product was recommended by Michael Campbell from Throw Deep Publishing

This book is incredibly moving in opening one’s eyes to the possibilities that can occur from making small but intentional changes in one’s life. Make Your Bed talks about how by starting your day off by having the discipline to make your bed, that simple action sets you up for a day filled with success. By building a regime of positive habits, one can lead by having a positive presence in the world and passing their message along to others. This book helped me become a more well-rounded leader in all phases of my life.
Exploring Leadership by Susan R. Komives
This product was recommended by Lily Will from Ever Wallpaper

This is one of the must-read books for college students. It offers practical methods and simple ideas for good leadership. Students can easily relate to this book because the authors provided lots of leadership examples and stories from college students themselves. This makes an easy read for everyone, as the contents is not complicated. College students can learn a lot from this without getting bored.
The Student Leadership Challenge by James M. Kouzes
This product was recommended by Dan Belcher from Mortgage Relief

This book delves deeply into the kind of leadership that can truly affect a person’s leadership. Reflective exercises are included to aid students in internalizing more about leadership. They win from this book not just for college but also for their future careers..
The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
This product was recommended by Richard Clews from Pants and Socks

Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist is a great leadership book for college students because it’s not about a checklist of things that make you a better leader, but rather a lesson in self-reflection and finding out who you are and what your goals are. Looking inside oneself is important for young aspiring leaders because it makes you aware of your shortcomings, which is the first part of building yourself into someone that people want to follow. Coelho showcases how people can help you become a leader, but ultimately it is about trusting yourself, and that quality is something that people gravitate to.
Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
This product was recommended by Eva Decker from iDigic

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman is the most interesting leadership that aptly guides the youth to take command of their life. This contemporary classic presents two faces of life; one is an emotional and fast approach guided by gut feelings. The second is deliberately slower and guided by logic. Through this book, the author offers insight to make choices when in conflicting positions and when to choose logic over intuition and vice versa. It also teaches techniques to avoid mental glitches as well as the basic difference between personal and professional life.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
This product was recommended by Harman Awal from Your Girl Knows

As a college student myself, when I read this book, it completely shook me – in a good way! According to Joseph Murphy’s book, our Subconscious Mind is responsible for everything that happens in our life – good and bad. The book claims that by harnessing the power of our subconscious, we can achieve anything we want in life. I was curious how does it really work? The book starts by explaining the subconscious mind and how it works. It then shows you how to tap into its power and fully use your resources to create extraordinary things – exactly what every leader needs to know. Drawing on case studies and real-life examples, Murphy shows how the subconscious can be used to overcome obstacles and achieve success. There are simple exercises that you can do to program your subconscious for success. And there are also guidelines on how to avoid negative thinking and sabotage your efforts. I have to say that I was impressed with the book. It is well-written and easy to understand. And it really does seem to work. Since reading it, I have made some big positive changes in my life. So if you’re looking for a way to harness the power of your subconscious, I would definitely recommend this book.
Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
This product was recommended by Jean Will from NiaWigs

Leadership is an ideal and broad term, especially for those that haven’t experienced it themselves or don’t consider any encounter as a kind of it. This makes this book very suitable for people that are just beginning to enter the real world of leadership and fellowship. The author of the book covered not just the plain meaning of being a leader but also how to be an effective one. From the actual initiation of ideas to conversation and collaboration, the ideas given were backed up by research, studies, and empirical knowledge making them more credible and relevant.
Primal Leadership, With a New Preface by the Authors by Daniel Goleman
This product was recommended by Ben Grindlow from ProXpn

Primal Leadership – a book authored by 3 writers; Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee. This book focuses on different domains an individual must learn in pursuing leadership. It explicitly emphasizes our Personal and Social Competence as well as Emotional Intelligence.
Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
This product was recommended by Andrei Kurtuy from Novorésumé

I believe this book shows you the entire struggle of an entrepreneur from the ideation phase to execution. The personal story of the founder of Nike is an inspiring lesson for thousands of people around the world. Moreover, it teaches you to never give up on your ideas and how to turn your idea into a successful business. Coming from the owner of one of the largest shoe brands, this book gives you a complete insight into becoming an entrepreneur and encourages you to take a leap of faith in life. I read this book during my high school days but the struggle of Phil Knight has stayed with me during my entire life. It encouraged me to believe in my idea and turn it into a successful business while being an excellent leader.
Start with Why by Simon Sinek
This product was recommended by Stephen Banks from Best Book Price

If you’re looking for a book that will inspire you to be a better leader, then you need to read Start with Why by Simon Sinek. In this book, Sinek explains why some leaders are more successful than others and how you can inspire others to take action. One of the great things about this book is that it’s not just about leadership. It’s also about how to live a more fulfilling life. Sinek explains that most people live their lives in what he calls the Golden Circle. The Golden Circle is made up of three concentric circles. The outermost circle is What, the middle circle is How, and the innermost circle is Why. Most people live their lives in the What circle. They focus on what they do and what they want. But the most successful people live their lives in the Why circle. They start with why they do what they do. If you want to be a more successful leader, you need to start with why. And this book will show you how.
The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes and Barry Posner
This product was recommended by Brandon Wilkes from The Big Phone Store

There are many different leadership books available for college students, but the best one is The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner. This book is full of useful information on how to be an effective leader, and it also provides students with the opportunity to reflect on their own leadership style and how they can improve. The book is also full of real-life examples of successful leaders, which makes it an inspiring read for college students who are looking to make a difference in their own lives and in the world.
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
This product was recommended by Ian Wright from BusinessFinancing

This book is an absolute classic in the personal development space, and despite first being published way back in 1989, it contains insights and ideas that are still wholly relevant today. The book is written in an engaging and accessible way, and is a perfect primer for college students interested in developing their leadership skills.
How to Own the Room by Viv Groskop
This product was recommended by Jason Dempsey from Home City Living

One of the most difficult things for me to learn as an employee was how to talk and make people listen to me, despite a lifetime of shrinking myself and trying to take up as little space as possible. However, after reading books like How to Own the Room, I could feel something in my mind shift and I genuinely felt changed inside. These are really powerful books for anyone who knows that they can lead, but worry about public speaking or drawing attention to themselves.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
This product was recommended by Ishtiaq Ahmed from Coursetakers

Though The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a book that is on the older side, I think that its lessons still hold true two decades on from publication, and it is a true, unerring classic when it comes to HR and Management. By mixing palpable style stories with factual theory, suggestions and analysis, author Patrick Lencioni teaches the reader how to overcome many of the human behaviors that tend to stunt or totally halt progress as a team. Managing to achieve both brevity, and in depth discussion, without making it too complex or technical, this is a great book for managers just beginning their career, or well seasoned leaders who want a refresher, or to change up their leadership style.
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership by James M. Kouzes
This product was recommended by Matt Wilson from Lift Your Game

If you’re looking for a great leadership book, check out The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. This book is an excellent resource for college students who want to develop their leadership skills. The book covers the five practices of exemplary leadership: model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. These are all essential qualities for anyone in a leadership position.
Decisions Over Decimals by Paul F. Magnone
This product was recommended by Mallory Campoli from Fortier Public Relations

Written by three Columbia Business School professors and based on their popular college course, DECISIONS OVER DECIMALS: Striking the Balance Between Intuition and Information is a roadmap for optimal decision making that calls for human intuition to join forces with data instead of replacing it. Based on the authors’ backgrounds as both professors and leaders at some of the most data-rich organizations-including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, Deloitte, and American Express-DECISIONS OVER DECIMALS introduces Quantitative Intuition(tm) (QI), a fresh approach for making better decisions amid today’s rising uncertainty. Leveraging new techniques such as precision questioning and the IWIK(tm) (I Wish I Knew) Knowledge Matrix, the authors square critical thinking with open-mindedness by blending information, intuition, and experience for a clearer picture of context, and better outcomes.
Leadership 101 by John C. Maxwell
This product was recommended by Adam Enfroy from AdamEnfroy

Maxwell is widely regarded as being one of modern America’s foremost experts on leadership, and in ‘Leadership 101’ he strips the principles and ideals of his field of expertise back to basics and talks about the qualities and skills that every leader needs to master. It’s a compressed college course in literary form, and the ideal platform for students to begin to learn how to become the leaders of the future.
Taking the Work Out of Networking by Karen Wickre
This product was recommended by Stacey Kaye from CampusToCareer

With more than 80% of internships or jobs found through networking, connecting and building rapport with relevant professionals is critical to launching a young adult’s career. Wickre’s book explains the importance of networking NOW to build a successful career LATER and provides easy-to-understand tips to making professional connections and keeping in touch with people during one’s job search and career. She even has an entire chapter dedicated to the art of small talk which will help introverted students carry a conversation and extraverted students tailor their conversation.
Managing Up, by Rossane Badowski
This product was recommended by Eric Jones from Couture Candy

It is one of the most influential books that every young leader must read as they start their career under the leadership of knowledgeable people. In the book, Badowski talks about how to influence and lead even when you are not the boss. The book is all about trust, value, and relationships.
The One Thing You Need to Know, by Marcus Buckingham
This product was recommended by Eric Jones from Couture Candy

The book – The One Thing You Need To Know has all the important information regarding leadership, focusing on the important elements of leadership and successful life. It is a book recommended for all emerging leaders as it simplifies the journey.
Eleven Rings by Phil Jackson
This product was recommended by Kevin Harris from NANBF

This book is the perfect introduction to leadership skills for college students – as so much of it is just so relatable. Intruding leadership and success stills though the format of a sports memoir makes this book nearly addictably readable, and having read this during my college years, it certainly shaped the kind of leader I am today, in my own business, NANBF.