The Best Leadership Books For Middle School Students - Welp Magazine

The Best Leadership Books For Middle School Students

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
2 years ago

This article showcases our top picks for the Leadership Books For Middle School Students. We reached out to industry leaders and experts who have contributed the suggestions within this article (they have been credited for their contributions below).

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Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

This product was recommended by Deepa Tailor from Tailor Law

The #1 New York Times bestseller. More than 2 million copies sold!Look for Brené Brown’s new podcast, Dare to Lead, as well as her ongoing podcast Unlocking Us!From thought leader Brené Brown, a transformative new vision for the way we lead, love, work, parent, and educate that teaches us the power of vulnerability. This book teaches a useful life lesson: vulnerability is an essential part of experiencing life. I recommend this to middle schoolers as they surround themself with negative elements. It’s okay to be vulnerable when your peers seem competitive or too confident. But, the author highlights a crucial point, for a meaningful human connection, you need to be vulnerable. Looking at this perspective of vulnerability, young people can realize what matters. They can avoid a lot of ugly feelings that surface during this age.

Almost Happy by Brian Kaplan MD

This product was recommended by Hephzibah Kaplan from London Art Therapy Centre

Most young people are searching for and developing their identity, their place in society, their sexual orientation and preferences. The struggle can be embedded in their behaviour and it can also be overtly examined and considered. The bright young ones who are looking at leadership would do well to reflect on the different types and archetypes of people they will encounter. Young people also are developing their sense of humour around life and society as they get to know it. They may have a well-developed sense of irony, to counterbalance the optimism and hope they feel. The book, Almost Happy: Pushing Your Buttons with Reverse Psychology by Dr. Brian Kaplan and Hephzibah Kaplan is a very useful and funny guide to learning about oneself, friends and family. It has wide applications for those in leadership as it is an introduction to psychology from a different perspective.

Leadership for Students by Frances A. Karnes

This product was recommended by John Willis from Convertfree

It is always important for a middle school student to build relationships, define identities, be competent, work as a team, and achieve success. This book helps young adults discover their leadership abilities, and develop and implement leadership skills. This book is aimed at developing the leadership skills of young adults. This book stimulates positive ideas and encourages critical thinking about leadership. An inspiring book for young adults, this is a must-read.

Managing Up by Rossane Badowski

This product was recommended by CJ Xia from Boster Biological Technology

There should be a copy of this on the shelf of every aspiring young leader. Relationship building, trust, and recognizing the worth of others are discussed along with techniques for exerting influence and leadership when you are not in a position of authority.

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

This product was recommended by CJ Xia from Boster Biological Technology

Self-compassion and -love are at the heart of The Gifts of Imperfection. The message is that we should accept our flaws as openly as we accept those of others, and that our talents and abilities should be seen less as something we should hoard and more as a gift we should share with the world. Finding one’s own identity and coming to appreciate that identity allows one to connect with others on a deeper level.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

This product was recommended by CJ Xia from Boster Biological Technology

Covey’s character ethic, which is founded on ideals like justice, integrity, honesty, and human dignity, is explored in depth in this classic book. Many of us have achieved great external success, yet we’re still struggling within our own behaviors. Step in best-selling author Steven Covey and his seven habits for increased productivity, better interpersonal relationships, and laser-like focus on one’s most important goals.

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teenagers by Sean Covey

This product was recommended by Steve Sacona from Top10lawyers

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers by Sean Covey is one of the best books I would recommend to someone looking for a leadership book. This book basically deals with the principle on which the idea of leadership is sustained. This book also helps you to overcome all your bad habits and enhances your character. All these habits that are mentioned in this book will totally change you as a person and will eventually help in increasing your productivity.

Middle School―Safety Goggles Advised by Jessica Speer

This product was recommended by Jessica Speer from JessicaSpeer

Yes, there are cool things about middle school, like more independence, new friends, and new activities. But there’s baffling stuff too, like harsh judgment, the whole “popularity” thing, and, of course, drama. With fun illustrations and choose-your-own-adventure-style scenarios, this book will help you deal with the drama, define who you are and take the lead in positive change.

Tribes by Seth Godin

This product was recommended by Kris Lippi from ISoldMyHouse

Godin discussed the natural human instinct of seeking a tribe. As human beings, we all tend to look for something we can connect with, whether it’s being part of a family, circle of friends, neighborhood, or organization. This piece can teach middle school students about the importance of networking in leadership. Godin highlighted that there are only two things you need to form a tribe: shared interests and communication means. People don’t need to form a large tribe in order to be successful. With this book, middle schoolers can realize that having a tiny, yet motivated group of people is much better than having a big bunch of people with a weak connection.

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