Weight measurement is crucial in various industries including gas and oil industries, industrial manufacturing, commercial space exploration companies, and even crane manufacturing companies. You can utilize a crane scale to weigh the manufactured products or other loads by lifting them by a crane. There are different types of load measuring systems, such as crane scales, load cells, dynamometers, and overload detectors. These systems not only help you to measure the loads but also have significant applications in pressure and force measurement and overload detection. However, crane scales mainly assist us in general weighing. The general weight measurement gives us information about the lifted load as well as assists us to prevent both underload and overload.
Crane Scales
A crane scale can have a single crane or multiple cranes attached to the system. The attached cranes help to lift the load during measurement. There are also a bottom hook and a 90-degree offset in this measuring system. Crane scales have substantial applications in various industries for the measurement of load and pressure.
Crane manufacturers produce different types of crane scales with different load ratings. The most commonly used crane scales in various industries are the 500 kg crane scales. This crane scale offers you multiple customization options and different features including a data logger, extended battery life, and specialized outputs.
Application Areas of Crane Scales
There is a long list of industries that use crane scales for the measurement of weight and pressure. The major industries where you can find the use of crane scale are-
- Crane Manufacturing Industry
- Aerospace industry
- Oil and gas industry
- Wind turbines
- Industrial manufacturing
- Entertainment industry
- Safety inspection industry.
Therefore, it is very clear that there are several industries that use this measuring system. Now, the question is for what purposes do they use the crane scales? One crucial application of crane scales is for conducting proof tests on hoists, cranes, or other load-bearing structures. In this way, we can use these measuring systems for routinely safety inspection and maintain a safe environment by ensuring that the equipment is still capable of holding the maximum load.
Can Crane Scales Fail?
The failure of crane scales is not desirable and you must have a crane weighing system that is safe. A failure can result in injury and death of the personnel as well as damage to the products and equipment. Therefore, you need to ensure that your equipment is safe because the load-bearing structures are vulnerable to fatigue due to repeated cycles of loading and unloading. You must focus on preventing any damage.
Choosing the Right Crane Scales
When it comes to choosing the right crane scales for your project, you might get confused. However, it is important to consider your requirements, the purpose of use, and the environment where you want to use the crane scales. Different industries have different applications and therefore, the requirements are also different. Evaluating your needs will help you choose the perfect crane scale for you.