Top 3 Enterprise Storage Solutions For 2022 - Welp Magazine
2 years ago

In today’s modern world, you will need efficient and reliable enterprise storage solutions if you run a digital enterprise.

Storage is the backbone of all digital businesses, as, with adequate storage solutions, your operation can organise and work with data. But there are so many enterprise-grade storage solutions nowadays that it can take time to select the right one for your machine or setup.

In this article, we’ll cover some of the best storage solutions for enterprises available for purchase from specialist retailers.

Hard Disk Drives

Hard disk drives (also known as HDDs or hard drives) are the bread and butter of enterprise storage. Their large storage capacity per unit makes them an exceptional choice for operations that need to store large quantities of data efficiently.

While they have very good capacities, their write and read speeds (as well as their RPM) are a lot slower than solid-state drives. Depending on what you are storing or what applications you are running from your machines, a solid-state drive may be a better option.

For mass storage, such as in data centres, hard drives are what you need. You could invest in HDDs such as:

Dell 9x09C 3.5” 8TB Hard Drive

The Dell 9x09C 3.5” is an excellent choice for enterprises of all sizes. Whether you need to expand the on-hand storage of a digital workstation or you are adding more space to a server, this 8TB drive will be able to match your needs. It features:

· 7200 RPM

· 6 Gbps transfer rate

· SATA interface

· 512e sector size

· Usually comes supplied with a Dell R/T series drive tray

A hard drive such as this is likely to cost in the range of £200 – £250.

Dell HNX0W EqualLogic 3.5” 4TB Hard Drive

The Dell 9x09C 3.5” is an excellent choice for enterprises of all sizes. Whether you need to expand the on-hand storage of a digital workstation or add more space to a server, this 8TB drive will match your needs. It features:

· 7200 RPM

· 6 Gbps transfer rate

· SATA interface

· 512e sector size

· Usually comes supplied with a Dell R/T series drive tray

A hard drive such as this will likely cost £200 – £250.

Solid State Drives

Solid-state drives serve their purpose in enterprise operations. While they are storage devices, they are often used where speed and efficiency are essential – rather than where bulk data storage is essential.

Solid-state drives are much quicker with data transfer, making them ideal for situations where speedy data transfer is a requirement (or where high read speeds are required).

For instance, if you want to speed up an employee’s workstation, buying their machine a solid-state drive to run its operating system is a great step. With the impressive read speed of most solid-state drives, the operations and functions a machine needs to accomplish to run its operating system can be accessed and completed much quicker with an SSD.

SSDs are also useful for storing data that needs to be accessed frequently and proficiently. If you are interested in buying an SSD, why not consider the following drives:

Dell Intel 008MW 2.5” 1TB SSD

Designed and manufactured by Dell Intel, this solid-state drive is ideal for a whole host of applications, be it storage or improving machine speed with its impressive read speed. This SSD has been purposefully designed to be read-intensive with specifications such as:

· PCIe interface

· NVM Express (NVMe)

· Enterprise Classification

An SSD of this calibre should cost you around £160 – £200.

HP 780432-001 2.5” 400GB SSD

Created by HP, this solid-state drive is ideal for workstations looking to improve storage capacity and overall machine speed. Its relatively decent size for an SSD means it can host and run all the important applications your workstation will need. It features:

· Write intensive design

· SAS interface

· 12 Gbps data transfer rate

When shopping for this SSD, you can expect to pay between £320 – £390.

Storage Arrays

Storage arrays are hugely important for larger-scale enterprise operations because they can store massive data for dozens (sometimes hundreds) of workstations or servers.

A storage array is popular for large enterprises because of its versatility for expansion (or for down-scaling) to meet the demands of the business. New HDDs and SSDs can easily be installed and integrated into a storage array to expand the available capacity for whatever you need.

If you are thinking of a larger scale, then investing in a storage array may be ideal for your operation.


There are dozens of hard disk drives, solid-state drives, storage arrays, and other enterprise storage solutions. We hope this article has helped you in your journey to decide upon a new storage solution.

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