Top Web Design Elements For Good User Experience - Welp Magazine
4 years ago

Great website design isn’t all about visuals; it’s about engagement. When your visitor lands on your website, your goal is to keep them there for as long as possible. This strategy gives the visitor enough time to consume and engage with your content and take action on your CTAs.

However, to keep your visit bouncing from your site back to search results, you have to have something on offer that keeps them on your web pages. The user experience (UX) offered by your website plays a critical role in the success of your online venture.

Here are the top web design elements for user experience.

User-Friendly Navigation

When visitors arrive on your landing pages or website home page, they demand a user-friendly experience. With the advent of mobile devices making access easy, users expect a seamless, interactive, engaging experience that keeps their attention.

Your visitors want everything at their fingertips. Ensuring the user-friendly navigation of your site allows the visitor to find what they are looking for without hassle or frustration at the task. Experts from believe building user-friendly navigation and experience of your site will help to increase traffic and conversion rates.

Mobile Responsive Web Design

With the world going mobile, your website needs to offer responsive design for all devices. More than 51% of all web traffic is mobile, and this figure continues to grow every year. Google and other search engines provide sites offering mobile compatibility better ranking in search results.

By improving your mobile compatibility with a responsive web design, you get on the good side of the search engines and users.

If a visitor has to pinch-and-zoom their way around your webpages, they’re going to bounce back to search results almost immediately. Keep it compatible and adjust your web design for a mobile interface. Here is where a ux design agency can help.

Purposeful, Engaging Images and Video Media

Did you know that visitors to your site are 10-times more likely to engage with video content over text? Video media helps you improve engagement with your visitors, provided that you have high-quality content in the video that resolves the visitor’s query.

Don’t go overboard with the visuals. While some sites do everything they can to pack in as many high-quality images as possible, it may lead to a confusing design for your visitors. If you’re adding high-quality photos and video media to your site, make sure you properly compress the files to ensure your load speed is not drastically impacted.

Adding large files to the site media content slows down page loading speed if it’s not properly compressed. Use your images and video media purposefully.

High-Quality Content and Copy

Your visitor expects high-quality copy and content on your site. If they start reading your content, and it’s full of spelling and grammar errors and has no structure, they are not likely to return.

Hire a professional copywriter or even a freelance blogger for your content strategy. You can leverage their skills to produce engaging, high-quality copy, blogs, and web content for your site. There are plenty of writing services and freelancing platforms out there, so take advantage of them.

Good content keeps your visitor interacting with your CTAs, pushing them towards converting on your offers.

Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

A Call-to-Action defines a button positioned on your web pages. When visitors click on the button, they must complete a functional task like signing up for your newsletter or entering your sales funnel—strategic positioning of your CTAs matter.

Download the best heat mapping software to your computer and use it to examine where prospects click on your site. . This software shows you where the mouse cursor is during the visitor’s session. Positioning your CTA in these high-volume areas on your site makes it easier for your prospect to take action.

We recommend making your CTAs stand out. For instance, the use of a bright yellow button with a black copy attracts attention.

Page Loading Speed

When a prospect clicks your link, they expect your webpage to load in less than three seconds. You have this brief glimpse in time to capture your visitor’s attention, Or they will bounce back to search and forget about your site.

Ensure that you have fast loading webpages. Hire a professional to look at your on-page SEO strategy. This expert will clean up your site, removing duplicate content and broken links while speeding up site performance.

Work with Professionals to Improve Your User Experience

Trying to optimize your website for user experience requires technical expertise. Since most entrepreneurs and marketers are not technically skilled, they need to rely on the expertise of others to guide them through optimization processes.

You need a partner that has a proven track record for their clients. Working with a dedicated web design company can dramatically improve your traffic and conversion rate. Sure, we understand that you might be bootstrapping your business, and you don’t have the budget.

However, going through some temporary pain to experience huge success is part of any business model. Find an SEO expert that’s willing to work with you to achieve your ideal business outcome.

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