Which Items You’ll Need for a Company Cookout - Welp Magazine

Which Items You’ll Need for a Company Cookout

Which Items You’ll Need for a Company Cookout
2 years ago

We’re officially in the autumn season, which many people know as the ideal time to throw a barbeque. If you want to treat your business’ staff to such an event, you’ll need to ensure you have all the proper equipment. If you haven’t thrown a company cookout before and don’t know which items you’ll need for it, this guide is here to help.

A Large Grill

If the main goal of this get-together is to cook some delicious food, you’ll need a large grill to accommodate everyone. If you try to use a small one, you’ll soon have a long line of hungry employees waiting for their chance to eat.

The point of this event is to have fun and bond. If you can’t cook the food quickly enough to keep up with demand, people aren’t going to stick around for very long. If you can’t find a large enough grill, don’t be afraid to bring multiple smaller ones. Just make sure you have enough people to operate each one.

Plenty of Food and Drinks

Obviously, the most vital items you’ll need for your company cookout are the food and drinks. While quantity is key for larger groups, the more crucial thing you should consider is variety. Not everyone likes the same things, so you’ll need to ensure you have enough options for everyone. If you want to check if everyone will like the food you offer, you can send out a survey that asks people what they’d like to eat.

Drinks are less of a worry because having the basics like water, lemonade, and pop will cover almost everyone. However, you will have to think about if you want to include alcoholic drinks at this company event. Even though these types of drinks will help ensure everyone has a good time, you run the risk of someone drinking unsafe levels, so you’ll need to decide if that risk is worth it.

Places To Sit and Eat

Once you’ve handled the food situation, it’s time to figure out seating. You won’t want to force your employees to stand around while they eat. You’ll be all set if you’re lucky enough to have a park nearby that has a pavilion with park benches and tables.

If you don’t have access to something like that, though, you’ll need to rent some tables and chairs on your own. Don’t forget to get some canopy tents. Giving your employees a place to get out of the sun or rain will be crucial. Just make sure you know the benefits of the various canopy materials.

Some Form of Entertainment

Even though there will be lots of chatter between coworkers, it’s never a bad idea to have an additional form of entertainment. Setting up a few games of bags or utilizing a nearby field for some touch football are never bad ideas. At the very least, you should bring some speakers to have background music to fill any empty space that might occur. Just make sure you don’t blast it too loud.

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