YouTube Marketing Beginner’s Guide: How To Get Your First 100 YT Views - Welp Magazine

YouTube Marketing Beginner’s Guide: How To Get Your First 100 YT Views

YouTube Marketing Beginner’s Guide: How To Get Your First 100 YT Views
3 years ago

Individuals and companies who use the YouTube platform for promotion have different ways to tell whether they’re reaching their target niche and getting the response they want. For instance, you might look at:

  • Comments
  • Followers
  • Likes 
  • Shares
  • Views

If you notice you’re getting more of all of these things, that’s a strong indication your channel is catching on. You’re starting to get more exposure, and you should be able to monetize more easily. If you’ve got products or services you sell, you should be able to do so more readily when you notice all of these metrics begin to increase.

In this article, we’ll talk about one of the specific metrics on which you should focus. The number of YT views you get is critical, because you want as many people as possible to watch your content. How might you get those first crucial 100 views, though? We’ll go into detail on that right now.

Purchase a View Package

One thing you ought to know as a content creator is that you don’t necessarily need to get those first 100 views through organic means. It’s a useful marketing strategy to buy them instead, and there are companies that will allow you to do that.

It can help when you buy 100 views on YouTube rather than waiting for those viewers to come to you naturally. The real trick is to find a credible social media marketing company through which you can buy those views. You want one that has a glowing industry reputation and who will give you a fair price.

It’s not illegal to use this tactic, and it’s not unethical either. Many businesses and individuals do it, including:

  • Companies that have just created a YouTube profile
  • Influencers trying to get more social media users to notice them
  • Celebrities such as actors, musicians, etc. 

Boosting the number of views you get by buying one of these packages means you’ll likely attract more organic viewers as well. Individuals on social media often flock to what they perceive to be a popular channel. This marketing method is how you get that process started.

Come Up with Catchy, Must-See Video Titles

Metrics such as likes or dislikes, the comments you’re generating, and how many shares you get indicate subscriber attitudes. Before you take steps to improve all of those numbers, though, you need to first break through by attracting more viewers. Your video titles are the first way you do that.

Let’s say you come up with an idea for a YouTube channel. Maybe you’re reviewing movies or TV shows. Perhaps you’re conducting short DIY videos for projects your viewers can attempt around the house. Whatever the content, you should feel certain that no one will want to watch those videos if they don’t have captivating titles. You ought to spend just as much time coming up with catchy titles as you do creating the videos themselves.

You can take a lesson from established YT entities like WhatCulture or Buzzfeed. These content creators often use the same formulas for their video titles because they have proven to be effective. Their titles often:

  • Are structured in the form of questions
  • Use hyperbole
  • Use the listicle format

Studies indicate people like these title formats. Try to employ them when you want to land those first 100 views. 

Use SEO to Your Advantage

Sarah Andres is a content writer and strategist. Sarah often speaks about how much SEO can do for your YouTube marketing efforts. “Modern SEO is aimed at working only with high-quality content,” Sarah says. “If you use good content, you will notice the growth of your site in the rankings.” That advice includes getting more views, which, in turn, should help all of the other positive metrics we’ve mentioned.

SEO includes using keyword research to determine which keywords or phrases you should include in your YT content. You can usually attract more viewers through SEO by doing things like including closed captions for your videos. You should also use keywords in your tags, the video’s description, and its title. 

Doing these things should give you a boost in positive metrics, since SEO is a part of basic social media marketing. Neglecting SEO will allow other videos and content makers in your niche to get ahead of you and steal your potential viewers and followers.

Figure Out What Your Audience Wants to See

For your marketing efforts, it’s also helpful to figure out the kind of content to which your viewers or would-be viewers will have the best response. You can start by looking at competing entities on YouTube. What kinds of content are they producing? The videos they make which get the most engagement are the kinds of things that you should create as well.

You can also conduct focus groups during which you ask your potential viewers and subscribers what kinds of content they’ll most want to watch. You might give away gift cards or other incentives to attract individuals to participate in your focus group.

Once you’ve determined what kinds of videos to make, you can get started on them. Producing content you feel sure will attract the kinds of viewers you want is a simple marketing method that’s likely to bring in more interested parties who will engage with the content you create.

Reach Out to the YouTube Community

Another thing you can do to get those first 100 views is to engage with the YT community at large. Keep in mind that this platform is a form of social media. You can’t very well expect people to watch your videos if you don’t watch what they’re producing and comment on it.

If you subscribe to other channels, watch their videos, and comment on them, the creators of those videos are likely to reciprocate. This type of quid pro quo relationship is a way you can market your content without spending any money or consuming too much of your time. If you feel like doing this is too time consuming, you can get someone you trust to do it for you on behalf of your channel.

Reaching out to the YT community, using SEO, and producing content you think your audience will like are all excellent ways to land those first 100 viewers. Coming up with great video titles and buying promotional viewership packages should help as well. By employing all these techniques, you should soon see the engagement numbers you want for your channel.

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