A Complete Guide to Marketing Strategy For Watches - Welp Magazine

A Complete Guide to Marketing Strategy For Watches

Time concept, bunch of watches 3d render 3d illustration
4 years ago

There are many things you need to learn when it comes to designing a marketing strategy for a watch, but the idea that makes all the difference is something you’re not supposed to even consider: creativity.

Marketing your watch to the general public is a task that deserves an ironclad strategy. I feel a nice way of describing what the market really wants, is to view it from a bird’s eye view. The general public’s needs are different from those of jewellers on a daily basis. Specialists in the watch making industry speak of similar things, while their customers are different.

That’s why marketing a watch is such an important task. On the internet, you can see how people spend their money, how much time they spend on different things, all of that after all is according to how, and how often, they use the internet.

Our ad must first be unique, because most people will be browsing the web, looking for info on watches of all brands. So don’t show the same ad to others, because when you do, you’ll be showing your competitors’ ads.

Also, it’s important to keep in mind that visitors won’t want to buy your watch when they see the same advertisement you’ve been displaying everywhere on the web. It can give them the impression that you’re just doing it for that reasons, and how are you supposed to get people to buy your watch? That isn’t what you need, right now.

Selling your watch is a task that comes after the marketing aspect. In order to do this, you’ll need to help them choose the best time to buy your watch.

The main group of people buying watches is the same in any country. They are people with good budgets travelling around the different countries in search of a good deal when it comes to watches. These people are buying for themselves, but sometimes they seek out others as well in order to get a good deal.

Also, they are of course men, women, but men more often than not. Buying a watch while on vacation is a good example: a good time to buy is when they’re abroad. They want to see different places, not only the ones they’re already used to.

As you probably know, it’s easier to buy something when you’re away from home. You want a product that you can show people, that’s what makes it easier to sell, and that’s why you should always design your ads to match the purpose of selling a product or a service.

So, why would a person sell a watch? Well, it happens every day: he wants to have a nice and reliable watch on him at all times. If he needs to be out late, he can’t leave without it, and it would be a shame to find it after he’s already left. So even if he doesn’t need it during the day, he may still want to have it with him at night. The most important thing is that he feels secure about buying from you, and that’s where your marketing goes to work.

Now that you’ve read this, how can you be sure you have the best advertising strategy for your company? Also, even if you understand the market as well as we do, what more can you do than let me explain every step.

During the time you spend creating your designs, producing your watches, you’re probably preparing marketing material and spending time and budget on advertisements that don’t need much work.

That’s why you should change your planning process: don’t just focus on advertisement. Ensure that the ad you’re going to use is just enough. The idea is to attract several different people so you increase your chances of selling your watch.

You’ll notice that successful manufacturers of high-quality watches often advertise in places like the newspaper, radio, magazines, television, and so on.

How to  Market Your Watches

  1. Think of potential customers and how to target them. This is not an easy task. After all, what is the market for? Why would these people buy something that’s going to be delivered after they make a purchase? Is it because they want to be the first to buy that watch, or they themselves are very particular (that’s what my brother-in-law always bought)?

  2. The next important thing you’ll have to do is the research. This is the most important part of the process. Research the watch you’re going to offer your customers, and see what they think about it.

  3. The point is to find out what people are searching for online when it comes to purchasing awatch. If you have twenty different keywords, after a little of research, you’ll find out what people are currently searching for.

  4. You also need to check what keywords are relevant for your watch. If you have an expensive watch, you can find out what keywords people use to search for expensive watches. This is good because you have a chance to get your customers in your product niche as well.

  5. Your target customers might buy watches from different places, so try to consider where they live. If the buyer’s location is Toronto, Canada, might they buy watches in New York, and what about Dallas? You need to consider average locations for all buyers, this is where your designs need to be varied.

  6. It’s a good idea to frequent adverts websites that are intended for the same audience as you. When you do this, you’re ensuring that there’s nothing they can use against you.

  7. Information must be believable. It’s also a good idea to try to sell watches in different places, since there are different audiences, and different marketing locations. You can also try to familiarize yourself with the language of the location you’re hoping to sell your watch.

  8. You can do a little research in your target market, you can find out how much they earn, what their ages are, how much time they’re willing to spend on a watch, buy it and give it to them along with your ad.

  9. Think about the emotions people feel when they’re buying your watch. Look at the quality, the features, and what’s offered and why you’re offering it. How is it unique, and how much money can you save them?

  10. Try to figure out who your competitors are ahead of time in relation to these things. If you miss this step, it might turn out that you’re being drowned out, so in some cases, this information can even help you.

  11. The most important thing is that you make your target audience feel like they’re getting a great deal. If you do this, they might buy your watch from you in advance, getting the discount that you’re offering.

  12. You can try to call them up, you can send them a letter, and so on. It’s just a marketing strategy for watches that you need to ensure that you’re not seeing in some way, otherwise it can turn your plans upside down.

  13. You might also do some internet research to get more sales info on the watches you’re going to sell. You can’t afford to ignore this step, and you’ll see how much more you can sell your watches.

  14. Make sure you have high-quality photos and before the product is shipped to your buyer. If you don’t do this, you’re also denying your customers the full potential of everything you offer.

  15. Marketing the watch doesn’t just have to be online, you can send out catalogs, and look them up on the spot, or you can send an online survey to your potential buyers. When you do this, you can also ask if they bought your watches before.

  16. Listing your watches in local, or regional, classified ads is also a very good marketing strategy. So if you’re looking for a good time frame for how to market a watch, you’re not the only one. Prospective buyers are looking, too, and they’re also looking for a watch just like yours. This is a good time to talk to them.

  17. If you can’t sell watches online, there’s nothing to worry about. You can always sell them offline, and get them for a lower cost too.

  18. You don’t have to have just one kind of watch, and you don’t have to have just one kind of customer. When I say that, I mean that you should have different watches for different kinds of customers. Having timepieces like corporate ones, or timepieces meant for people that have time, you can then meet the needs of both of them.

Take Away

  1. Don’t underestimate your customers, why not let them hear about your watches more?
  2. Don’t underestimate where your audience lives, it might make you much more competitive in selling your watches.
  3. Don’t forget to check the keywords people search for when they’re buying a watch.
  4. If you have multiple pages of watches that respond to the keywords, it’ll be more likely for you to get visitors to come to your website that might buy your watches.

Several Effective strategies to market your watch

Marketing Your Brand

Yes, this is another form of marketing your watch. It’s just another way to make your watch stands out, if you’re industrious enough.


There are several things to consider.

First, you need to remember that people look for certain things when they’re buying a watch.

This doesn’t only mean that people want watches that are meant to deliver a certain kind of experience, but a practical one. They also want watches that are functional. You know that about yourself, so it’s important that you take this into account.

You need to take note of who your target customers are, because this is what your products are for.

Second, you need to be real with the question “Why do they want a watch?”, it’s essential that you answer this question appropriately.

Third, you have to consider how much you’re going to sell your product, and how much your buyer wants it.

Fourth, you need to consider what your buyer wants to buy your watch for.

The difference between “showing” and “selling”

I think most people hate the business of selling their things. The focus is selling, and this can make the buyer feel like the business of buying is unimportant. This can make the person who’s buying feel like they’re taking advantage of the situation, like they’re being deceived.

I can’t go out of being honest with you right now, but if you think about the process of marketing, you have to think about how you will stress the difference in these two things. Let’s say that a couple of people are planning to sell their watches to you. They’ve sold them previously, and they’re looking for the next step. Or if you’re buying a watch, you might ask yourself this question “Do I want to buy this watch? Or am I buying it because I’m forced to?”.

I know that this is going to be a conflict for a lot of you, but let’s say that you buy a watch because of what it offers, and that you want that watch because you want it. Or let’s say that you buy a watch because you need it to see it, and you buy another one because you want it because you need it.

What I’m trying to say is that you can’t expect people to want things that they don’t need.

Elements required for selling a watch

Let’s say that you don’t have the time to take care of your watch, or that the watch you have isn’t enough, or that you can’t do anything with it.

The next best thing you need to do is buy another one. And I think as soon as you receive the watch, you should change and clean it.

If you have the time and money to care for your watch, it’s very useful that you want to sell it. But you can also try things like cleaning it nicely, or trying it out.


I hope that you enjoyed reading it, so I hope you had this book as a gift for your family or friends.

However, I wish you great success in selling your watches, and I’m sure that you can achieve this goal. If you have a favorite tip that’s not mentioned in this book, you can use it to sell more.

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