German Billionaires' Wealth Rises up to 77% Since Start of Pandemic, Gap Widening Worldwide - Welp Magazine

German Billionaires’ Wealth Rises up to 77% Since Start of Pandemic, Gap Widening Worldwide

4 years ago
  • Wealth held by German billionaires increases by up to 77% during the pandemic
  • The 2,189 richest people in the world are worth $10.2 billion US, up from $8.9 billion in 2017
  • US billionaires’ assets have grown by an average of 29% since the beginning of the pandemic
  • The gap between financial assets held in industrialised countries and developing countries is widening
  • Biggest increases in wealth among health and technology entrepreneurs

The fortunes of German billionaires have increased dramatically since last year – in spite of or even due to the corona crisis. The gains are up to 77%. As a new infographic from shows, a similar picture is emerging worldwide.

The 2,189 wealthiest people in the world hold around $10.2 trillion US in assets, compared to $8.9 trillion in 2017.

As can be seen in the infographic, the total wealth of US billionaires has risen by an average of 29% since the onset of the corona crisis. However, not all industries are benefiting equally. Entrepreneurs in the health and technology sectors in particular have benefited from high asset growth. 

Net per capita financial assets are now 22 times higher in industrialised countries than in the developing world. Just four years ago, it was 19 times as high. There are various factors at play here  – including the recent rally in equities and precious metals. Further rises in property prices, public support programmes and low interest rate policies also seem to be continuing to fuel growth. 

“As the studies show, billionaires’ fortunes are reaching new heights these days,” noted Block-Builders analyst Raphael Lulay. “While this is a matter for critical debate, it should also be kept in mind that a large proportion of the assets often flow into companies, thus also generating added value for society”. 

The full story with the infographic, facts and more statistics:

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