How Can AI Revolutionize the Medical Device Industry?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
4 years ago

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been transforming our world for some time now. And while we’re still far away from the technology shown in “Bladerunner,” the use of AI in various industries has grown significantly over the past few years.

It’s a cause of concern for some people, whereas others believe that incorporating AI in our lives is inevitable for us to grow as a kind. But no matter on which side of the barricade you’re on, you can’t deny that artificial intelligence does make our lives much easier.

Let’s take a closer look at AI in healthcare. Thanks to the implementation of the newest technologies, patient treatment has never been easier and more efficient.

Human errors have decreased, and AI-based patient data records and applications allow hospitals to work more efficiently. All that creates the perfect opportunity for medtech companies.

In fact, the whole industry has been thriving for some time, helping doctors do their work better. Moreover, this positive trend is likely to stay with us for some time.

But how exactly does AI technology improve the medtech and the healthcare industry? More on that below.

Robotic Surgery

Surgery is the procedure that requires the most skill and precision of a doctor. That’s not all, though. The whole operation theatre has to be perfect. Even activities as simple as choosing the right operating table can make a difference.

Fortunately, there are many technological solutions that can help surgeons do their job. One of them is, of course, artificial intelligence. Surgical robots and AI-driven systems can significantly improve surgery procedures.

AI medical devices provide doctors with real-time data, detect sensitive areas, and increase precision, improving the procedure’s effectiveness and patient safety. For instance, AI medical devices have been extremely useful in medical imaging and other procedures that require more precision.

Decision-Making Process

Fast and precise diagnosis is essential, as even a tiny mistake can have a disastrous outcome. Unfortunately, some diseases are much more difficult or time-consuming to diagnose. Fortunately, there’s artificial intelligence.

AI analyzes data much faster than a human, allowing it to diagnose patients more accurately. The newest technologies have revolutionized clinical trials, and with the use of algorithms, they can make the right call faster.

What’s more, with the coronavirus pandemic still wreaking havoc globally, digital AI diagnosis has become the only way for a patient to get diagnosed. And considering that the AI clinical decision system passed its test with flying colors, its future looks bright.

Administrative Tasks

Taking care of medical records and paperwork wastes a lot of time. Unfortunately, medical staff must fill all the necessary documents, as they’re needed for administrative, patient tracking, and insurance purposes.

Fortunately, artificial intelligence is there to help. AI can significantly speed up the whole process, taking care of applications, health records, and other health-related paperwork.

What’s more, AI can help in improving the information flow in hospitals. For instance, digital answering machines have been able to take care of the increased volume of calls during the pandemic.

What’s more, using AI applications, medical staff can communicate with each other more efficiently. And since good information flow is critical in healthcare, incorporating AI communication systems is the future.


Making the right diagnosis is one thing. The other is creating an effective treatment plan. And once again, artificial intelligence has proven to be superior in that task.

AI uses new technologies to research a patient’s data and medical records. It also conducts lab tests, creating a more personalized treatment plan. That’s not all, though.

Thanks to advanced monitoring devices, the system looks at all the necessary data, even during the treatment process. Using them, AI supervises the process, enabling it to add potential changes ad-hoc.

Every Day AI Health Devices

But it isn’t just hospitals and patients that can benefit from AI medical devices. In fact, it’s hard to find a person who doesn’t have some sort of medical device or artificial intelligence health-monitoring app.

We all use designed smartphone apps that monitor our diets, health, or exercise routines. And don’t forget about the abundance of AI health devices on the market. Even our watches have become full-time monitoring devices.

Using smart technology, watches can count how many steps you take during the day or measure your pulse. Special apps can remind you when you should take your medicine or show you how many calories you have eaten.

What’s more, using them during treatment is one of the best ways to ensure it works, as your doctor or AI program gets an insight into how your body responds to diet or prescribed medicine.

Final Note

Many people fear that AI will take over the world in the future, turning it into a real-life version of the “Terminator” or “Matrix” franchise. Well, who are we to judge, right?

The truth is that artificial intelligence has entirely changed the way we live. AI helps increase our quality of life quality, connecting our world, and enhancing technological advancements.

However, if we were to pick the sector that has benefited the most from the AI revolution, our choice would be healthcare. The medtech industry is thriving, even in times of coronavirus, and its future looks bright.

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