RecSpot Is Redefining How To Organize And Share Your Recommendations

RecSpot Is Redefining How To Organize And Share Your Recommendations
2 years ago

With countless streaming services, hundreds of new shows coming out daily and unlimited restaurants and fun destinations at your fingertips, it can be daunting to try to find shows and places that fit your vibe. Luckily, the days of spending hours trying to choose a movie to watch or pick the perfect brunch spot are over.

RecSpot is a new socially powered recommendation app for exchanging, discovering and recommending your favorite restaurants, hotels, activities and entertainment in a genuine way. Making lists in your notes app or screenshotting recs that catch your eye can work fine, but having organized RecLists in one spot works so much better. The app’s goal is to give you not only a place to organize your recommendations, but also a platform to easily find new places your friends are loving, see what shows are trending within your network or plan your next trip down to the hour — all within the app.

RecSpot provides a home for all your curated recommendation lists as well as recommendations for what to watch and places to go from the trusted people you follow.

  • Connect: The app provides exclusive and honest recommendations from a trusted circle of friends, with no invasion of privacy. RecSpot user accounts are private by default, and connections are formed with people users know and trust.
  • Recommend: Swipe to rate. Comment and tag friends to recommend something directly to them. Know which friends recommend the content and see their ratings.
  • Discover: See who in your network likes specific spots and browse to discover new places to go, right in your activity feed. Each unique RecSpot search not only delivers top results, but also identifies which friends in a personal network recommend that content.
  • Experience: See trends within your network of friends and interact with their likes and recommendations in-feed from anywhere within the app. Swipe through friends’ top content in an easy-to-consume and engaging experience. Save, comment, create lists and share.

Once you download the app, you can start swiping left or right on content to rate or check out the community tab to see what people you follow are rating! If something new grabs your attention, you can always put it on deck for later. You can also start creating your RecLists based on location, vibe, genre and more for your own use, or connect with friends on the app and share your curated lists with them! Since the app is based on your and your friends’ likes, the more people you connect with, the more content and ratings you’ll see in your activity feed. You can search for entertainment content, see ratings and which streaming service it’s offered on, get info on the actors and directors or you can search for new places and filter by location or more-specific categories, like restaurants.

RecSpot was created to be a platform for exchanging, discovering and recommending restaurants, hotels, activities and entertainment from all over the world. The more friends share on RecSpot, the more great recommendations will flow into the personalized user feed. Users will discover movies, TV shows, restaurants, hotels, activities and more that they didn’t even know existed. Then, without leaving the app, users can message friends to let them know all about their own recommendations, sharing and posting their lists to other networks like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Everything is done safely and securely; RecSpot knows how important privacy is and will not share personal data.

“Integrating places in addition to entertainment on RecSpot significantly improves the value for the user. It also moves the needle on the recommendation platform strategy, opening up many more channels to expand the base,” said Ian O’Brien, RecSpot founder. “More categories in places will continue to be added and the web experience will improve over the next few months. After that, we will focus on music, podcasts, gaming, and more.” RecSpot replaces the endless number of channels users must currently navigate for seemingly reliable recommendations for what to eat, where to stay and what to do.

Founded by serial entrepreneurs who have led or built for leading brands like Vogue, Amazon, SoulCycle, Equinox and Hermès, the app inspires community, connection, authentic engagement and personal discovery. RecSpot promises to be a vibrant network that users will naturally gravitate toward for new, authentic and exciting recommendations not found anywhere else. Download RecSpot now to join the growing community!

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