Stay Safe And Secure: Tips For Ensuring Electronic Device Security

Photo by Privecstasy on Unsplash
1 year ago

Our lives today are very different from the way people’s lives were 20-30 years ago. Some of the biggest changes in that time have to do with how we use technology, especially internet technology. Closely linked to those changes are developments in the way we think about electronic device security and online security.

Internet Security

Because of the enormous role played by the internet in our daily lives, we’ve had to change our thinking when security is concerned. These days, the most important kind of security is not the kind you get from having a strong fence or a big dog; the more important kind is the security of information.

Although it’s still important not to leave your spare key in an obvious place nearby to your front door, what’s becoming even more essential is to protect your online accounts against cyber criminals. That’s why you should check out the best electronics deals today, and every day, if you really want to protect yourself and your family against cybercrime.

Practical Steps

One of the simplest and most effective things you can do to make it more difficult for hackers to access your data is to use a reliable antivirus and set it to check frequently for database updates.

If you think about it, computer viruses are pretty amazing. There are real people sitting around for hours and hours designing programs that will ruin other people’s lives. The creators of viruses sometimes do it just for fun, but viruses are also often used to make money (by flooding people’s accounts with advertising they never signed up for) or to access people’s bank account information.

Oxford University’s Information Security team advises everybody who wants to stay secure online to take some basic precautions. Here are the top five:

Don’t Forget About Your Physical Security

Even though many of the security threats we face now relate to our online presence, it’s still essential to follow basic security practices at all times. For example, if you’re working from home, you might leave your laptop on the table in the garden – logged on to any number of sensitive sites – while you go inside to make a sandwich. Avoid this, even if you feel confident that you live in a safe area. Taking unnecessary risks is never a good idea, so always log out of sensitive sites when you leave your devices unattended.

Don’t Use the Same Devices for All Your Accounts

However many precautions you take to ensure that you stay safe online, it’s always still possible that you could get hacked. But, you can still limit this risk by using different machines for different accounts. You could be sitting at home with both your home computer and work computer in front of you, so it could feel like too much effort to get up from one machine and go to the other one to do a different task. But that way, at least if one machine gets hacked or stolen, only some of your accounts or details will be compromised.

Don’t Skimp on Encryption

Encryption is not a familiar part of everybody’s day-to-day lives, but it should be! Encryption software makes it impossible for anyone to access any of the information on your device unless they have the encryption password. You’ll be glad you decided to encrypt your machine if your device ends up getting lost or stolen.

Next-Generation Firewalls are especially popular with business owners, but they can also be used effectively to protect you at home or in the office.

Don’t Skimp on Updates

Updates can be annoying, and the little window that pops up to tell you new updates are available almost always arrives at the worst possible moment! However, keeping everything up to date is essential to your online security. You not only need to update your antivirus database regularly, but also your operating system, web browsers, and other software.

Don’t Disable Automatic Locking

It can be a pain in the neck to have to re-enter your password if you are alone, in a secure environment – but it’s still worth it to keep your device set to lock automatically. Even if, 99 times out of 100, it will just be an annoyance to you to type your password again, it’s better to err on the side of caution. If you don’t enable automatic locking, it could well be that one time out of 100 when your device is not locked that someone could walk past and steal your stuff.

Final Thoughts

From antivirus programs to encryption software, you can find some great offers on as they are a coupon site specializing in discount codes for users who want to save money on online purchases, including everything you need to stay secure online. Enjoy complete peace of mind when you invest in reliable security solutions for all your electronic devices.

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