The Role Of Blockchain: Empowering Decentralized Exchange And Financial Freedom - Welp Magazine

The Role Of Blockchain: Empowering Decentralized Exchange And Financial Freedom

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
2 years ago

Blockchain technology is relatively new to the global financial market. We recommend reading this article if you are already an active user of cryptocurrency sites, platforms, exchanges, or peer-to-peer services. The better you understand the technology behind cryptocurrency, the better decisions you can make when you invest, buy or sell cryptocurrency.

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What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a distributed database that stores information about transactions of system participants in the form of a chain of blocks. All blockchain users have access to the register and verify the truth of the information in the database. Blockchain can be used for financial transactions, user identification, cybersecurity technology, and crypto investment.

Blockchain remains one of the hottest topics in the crypto world, financial services, and stock markets, and there is every reason to expect its speed of adoption to increase. Several major financial institutions have formed teams to explore the technology’s capabilities, and some market participants have formed consortia to develop standards for its use.

The history of blockchain technology

The first developments began in the 1970s. Information scientist Ralph Merkle patented the hash or Merkle tree concept. These trees represent a structure of data stored in cryptographically linked blocks. In the late 1990s, Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta used Merkle’s trees to create a system in which document timestamps could not be tampered with. This event was a breakthrough in blockchain history.

Blockchain appeared as the technology to put Bitcoin into circulation. In the beginning, it was used exclusively for managing cryptocurrencies.

But since Bitcoin came to the crypto market in 2009, the scope has expanded significantly.

An unknown person or a group of people, “Satoshi Nakamoto,” embodied blockchain technology in its modern form. Satoshi limited the size of blocks of information to 1 MB to make Bitcoin transactions. Even today, many Bitcoin systems’ capabilities remain central to blockchain technology.

Where is it used?

Blockchain is used where speed of information transfer and a high degree of security are needed.

The technology is used to launch and operate cryptocurrencies and digital currencies, smart contracts for goods, non-fungible tokens (NFT) generation, banking and law enforcement, network administration, and the gaming industry.

What is the future of blockchain?

More and more uses of the technology are being discussed. Just think how many possible applications there are: for trade reporting, cashless payments, and payment checks, accounting, monitoring, risk management, auditing, preventing financial crime, and combating fraud. The possibilities of blockchain in these areas are not limited.

Information stored using blockchain can be recorded in a shared registry, accessible in real-time, or very close to it. So, all stakeholders can be directly involved in the process – even those who previously could only rely on a standard report at the end of a transaction.

Benefits of the technology

Blockchain technology has many benefits for transaction management.

Stronger security

Blockchain provides the high security and trust that modern digital transactions require. There is always the risk that someone will manipulate the underlying software to make money dishonestly. But the three principles of blockchain – cryptography, decentralization, and consensus – ensure that the underlying system is as secure as possible and virtually impossible to tamper with. The system has no weaknesses, and no user can change transaction records.

Greater efficiency

Transactions between business entities can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially concerning compliance involving third parties. Blockchain features such as transparency and smart contracts speed up business transactions and make them more efficient.

Faster auditing

Companies must be able to generate, exchange, archive, and retrieve electronic transactions in a reliable, auditable way. Records are kept in the chronological entire order. This transparency of data significantly speeds up audits.

Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

Any cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology. The technology is used both when issuing, that is, issuing new cryptocurrencies and generating new tokens, as well as when settling existing ones. There are now more than 300 cryptocurrency projects around the world. The most popular, apart from Bitcoin, are Ethereum, Ripple, Tether, Litecoin, and Dogecoin.

Payments in cryptocurrencies are made by PayPal and Square and one of the biggest international banks, JP Morgan. Cryptocurrencies tend to be highly volatile. There are specialized cryptocurrency exchanges for investing in cryptocurrencies.

Smart contracts

Blockchain technology makes it possible to enter into smart contracts. Smart contracts are fully digital contacts whose information is protected by encryption. Their fundamental difference is the automatic monitoring and fulfillment of contract clauses.

The contract is completed automatically, without additional actions or legal involvement, when the terms are fulfilled. Smart contracts enable tracking the entire supply chain, reducing or completely eliminating the possibility of product counterfeiting or illegal handling.


Blockchain technology is used in the emerging decentralized finance (DeFi) market. Investors are also beginning to invest in new types of digital assets, such as security tokens. The elements of DeFi are stablecoins, software, and hardware to enable the development of applications.

To sum up

Blockchain technology is developing rapidly. Soon it will influence even more areas, providing investors and traders with new opportunities to generate and increase profits. More advanced security systems will also guarantee economic freedom.

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