What is PAS 2030? PAS 2030 Accreditation - Welp Magazine

What is PAS 2030? PAS 2030 Accreditation

5 years ago

Key Points:

  • PAS 2030 is a standard all Green Deal Installers and ECO Installers must conform with.
  • PAS 2030 sets out requirements that all installers will follow to ensure the installation of the energy efficient measures under the Green Deal or ECO is completed properly.
  • PAS 2030 was developed by BSI & the Department of Energy & Climate Change.
  • All Green Deal Installers have to be certified to PAS 2030 by a Green Deal Certification Body.

What is PAS 2030?

PAS 2030 is a code of practice for work on the installation of the energy efficient measures under the Green Deal and ECO (Efficient, comfortable, affordable). It is aimed to reduce variations on installations, and improve the quality of installations. This article aims to explain PAS 2030 and what it means for the green deal installers.

PAS stands for performance assessment scheme. PAS 20+ is the latest in the series of PAS documents. PAS 20 gives instructions on how to prepare for the installation of energy efficient measures. PAS 2100 gives information on the installation of domestic gas and electrical appliances. PAS 2070 gives instructions on the delivery and installation of boilers. PAS 2010 gives information on the installation of heat pumps and air source heat pumps.

Properly installing any of these measures can be very difficult; they need to be installed properly, accurately, and ensure the customer is safe. PAS 2030 is the instruction manual on the installation of all the measures which form the Green Deal and ECO. By making sure all Green Deal Installers adhere to PAS 2030, the installers can ensure a consistently well installed scheme.

The process of putting PAS 2030 together was begun by BSI. BSI are one of the largest standards developers in the world. BSI produced PAS 2030 after consulting with experts, customers, installers, and product suppliers. PAS 2030 was compiled with advice from DECC, National Grid, Eaga (energy advisors for the disabled), and ARPHA (advanced renewable heating promotion association). These bodies collaborated to identify what needed to be in the code of practice, and to ensure standards were sufficiently high.

PAS 2030 is a standard document which sets out the requirements all Green Deal installers will have to follow to ensure the installation of the energy efficient measures under the Green Deal or ECO is completed properly. All Green Deal Installers will be required to comply with PAS 2030. PAS 2030 is made up of six main sections:

  • The first is for the design of the work. The installers must make sure that they complete sufficient design calculations to ensure the correct installation they will be undertaking.
  • The second section covers installation works. This includes instructions on the preparation works to be carried out, the installation activities, and some work which will be overseen by the employer.
  • The third section covers the manufacture of some of the measures. This includes installing the energy efficient measures and the associated pipework.
  • The fourth section covers post installation checks. This includes making sure some of the checks are carried out on commissioning and at the end of a warranty period to ensure the installation works were carried out correctly.
  • The fifth section is about the performance of the works. This includes making sure that there are records of the work, checks carried out, and to make sure the warranty conditions are met.
  • The sixth section covers the management of the work. This focuses on the overall project. The sections include site holdings, project records, site instructions, and the preparation of the operative.

Green Deal Installers will need to be to PAS 2030 by a Green Deal Certification Body.

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