August 2020 - Page 17

Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay

BS 12999:2015 Explained

The standard covers both the immediate response to the incident and the program for reinstatement, including raising awareness; engaging the relevant agencies; managing the progress, progress monitoring and communicating with those affected.
4 years ago
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

BS 7799-3:2017 Explained

What is this standard about? The BS 7799-3:2017 is about risk management in relation to information security. It covers all the necessary processes to manage information security risks. Who is this standard
4 years ago

What is PCI Compliance?

Key Points: PCI DSS is a set of regulations created to protect credit card from fraud. It is mandatory for companies that handle credit card information to be PCI DSS compliant. Fines
4 years ago